Title: Thinking of you: Cold Feet Writer: Xphila Rating: G Keywords: MSR/Vignette Spoilers: Ummmm.No.... Feedback: Pretty Please? Writer's notes: I don't hitnk this is as good as the other three but I've been meaning to write it for a while. It's dedicated to Jack Frost if he'll take a holiday for a while and to Joey and Mary. Previous parts as well as the rest of my fanfic are at http://angelfire.com/ks/xphila/ ::Subliminate Messages:: Send Feedback Now. Thinking of You: Cold Feet By Xphila ------------- I'm huddled under the blanket on my couch. Has it always been this uncomfortable? It was never this bumpy before. I jump up suddenly. What if this isn't my couch? Sighing I slump back down on it and tell myself not to be so stupid. I also have to keep repeating to myself not to think about there reason I am here and not in Scully's nice, warm, comfortable bed. Which is where I should be. And because I'm an idiot, I'm not there tonight. I ought to call her, I could be round there in an instant if I just called her and we sorted this whole thing out. It had to happen some time, didn't it? Maybe I'm no different to the losers on the TV. Maybe it's in my genetic make-up. I will be an idiot. Often. We were talking about the future. Nothing serious. Not marriage or anything. We haven't yet got to the discussion with her mother about the church wedding I'm sure I will be told, Dana has wanted since she was five. No, nothing that horrifying just yet. No. We were discussing living arrangements. I think she's sick of having my dirty clothing around her house. In fact, she's quite probably sick of having me around her house. This was the thing. I spend most night there these days, which agrees with both of us. But she asked me why I didn't just move in. Testosterone overload. Argument. Me left to the confines of my dark and dingy apartment. I practically live with her anyway. Why can I not just give up my apartment and go to hers full time. Well, I might insist we get a new place together, her's has started to give me the creeps. Too many old demons. It would be nice to live together. Not to have to worry about who picks up the phone early in the morning. I'm smiling, I have a moronic grin on my face. Living with Dana Scully. All to myself. We could even kid ourselves that we are a normal couple. Apart from the children thing but I think we'll have to wait a while before we even consider going there. But giving up this place? My couch, she'd never let me keep that. And what if she insisted on getting it decorated to her specifications? Now, her apartment isn't bad but it definitely would cramp my style. Live with Scully and let her cramp my style or live in her apartment most of the time until I run out of clean underwear in which case I return to my apartment for an hour. Oh this is a hard one. I have the best of both worlds how it is now. But Scully doesn't. One day it's going to be talk about marriage. I think the longer I put that off the better. I do intend to marry her one day. But things tend to go wrong after you get married...well, that's my perception of it anyway. Maybe I should just wait until she comes and apologises for bringing the whole thing up. She knows it makes my uncomfortable (and act like a bastard) and Scully is nothing if not considerate. This one is my fault. It's not cold feet. How could I have cold feet when it's with Scully. No that's a stupid idea. I just...why change a good thing? But then, our relationship was a good thing and I'd definitely say that changed for the better... I reach for the phone. My hands rest on the receiver. To call or not to call. Giving me one hell of a fright, the phone sounds into life. I lay back on the couch for three rings trying to make my heart slow down. Since when was I so jumpy? I suppress a groan when the woman's voice is not Scully's. She asks me politely if I would please spare a few minutes for a phone questionnaire. I tell her I'm busy. She asks me when she should call again. I pause for a minute, considering. Should I be mean or not. Oh what the hell. "How about never?" I say and put the phone down. That was kind of you, Mulder, hurting some poor person who was only doing their job, you making a habit of this? Shut up. OK, I'm having a conversation with my self now. Alright, that happens a little more than I would usually admit. With renewed boldness I pick up the phone and dial her number. She answers on the first ring. Ooo, does that mean she was waiting for me to call? "Scully, honey, it's me." She doesn't say anything for a while until I hear the question in her voice, "Honey?" she asks. I smile to herself. "I'm cold and miserable without you." She doesn't say anything. "And I have something to tell you." "Yeah?" She doesn't sound convinced. "I'm coming over, OK?" She mutters something gently that sounds like OK and hangs up. She doesn't sound all that happy. So I get out there, straight into my car and right over to Scully's. I've missed her. Five hours and I've missed her. I still haven't quite decided what it is I'm going to tell her yet but I'm sure I'll know when I see her. I take the stairs, unable to force my feet to stay still and wait for the elevator. I bang on the door hard. She takes her sweet time getting to the door, however. I can tell she's doing it on purpose. She opens the door a crack. "Hello, Stranger," she says. I smile. She looks a little amused but I'm sure she's trying not to let on. She lets me in. "Scully, I'm sorry about turning into a commitment shy idiot back there. It's just, I haven't considered sharing my life with anyone for such a long time that now I share almost everything with you I don't want you to be put off by the rest which I've managed to keep hidden so far. "I think I've seen everything that could possibly put me off, Mulder." I smile. "I love you. really. And I intend to spend the rest of my life with you. Which will mean us moving in together. But this apartment gives me the creeps. So much has happened here." "Mulder if you don't want to, I'm not going to push. I have to here most of the time anyway, I'm not going to complain." She's being reasonable. Damn, I want her to demand that I live with her. She looked up at me and steps towards me, her head rests on my chest. Making up with Scully is so easy now. Neither of us can stay mad at each other for long. "We could get a place together," I tell her, my arms wrapping round her. She nods and hugs me back. "I'm going to get you into my clutches one way or another," she grinned. "Sometimes I just wonder where we're heading, that's all." "We're definitely going in the right direction." I tell her. "Come on," she says, taking my hand and pulling me away from the doorway. "I have a surprise for you..." ------------- Fighting with Scully is horrible. But it might be worth is just for the making up. We decided that we'll discuss living arrangements in six weeks. After I told her my master plan to clone my wardrobe. That way I shouldn't run out of clean underwear so quickly... FINI xphila@xphila.freeserve.co.uk