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I didn't do anything, I just wanted to be a star

TOP 10 CDs for this week

Take a look around my page

Kat's quote of the week
all about ....lil ol' me
Save the planet

Here I am at International House at the University of Newcastle, Australia. I am trying not to be so slack with my home page, perhaps I picked a bad time to start working on it...(it's late and I've an exam in the morning)
Oh Well...Such is life I guess.
I'm still confused about what I want to do with my life but that isn't important right now...I've tranferred out of Biology and now I will officially major in Geography with some Philosopy on the side...
I guess that's enough of my senseless babble if you want to read any more of my senseless babble click here

One day my day I will own a home page worth looking at but until then... Peace be with you my fellow planetary citizens..
PS save the planet...

pretty crappy page huh?

one of my few idols
....if you don't know who he is then there must be something wrong (this picture is the result of my first attempt at using the scanner...can you tell?)

September 6 1998
Ok I'm over my obsession with michael stipe (pictured above) because last night I SAW BOB DYLAN!!! and I was just a few feet away from him...He smiled at me!!!!!!

my new idol
So now that's twice in one week! Bob wasn't only Fantastic...I love Patti Smith more than ever now...I've liked her longer than Bob but I never realised she was this good!

This many people love me
