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Home of Wicket

Hello! I'm Wicket. I'm going to try to make this a place worth visiting. Please be patient as I will be experimenting often with the look of this page. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please e-mail me. I will consider everything that is sent. Thank you...
This site is always under construction. Come back and visit it often!

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My Joke Page
My Virtual Pets
My Limited Edition Pixies
Awards My Page Has Won

The Holiday Page (a work in progress)
My Xanth Page

Other Sites On The World Wide Web
Hallmark's Home
Blue Mountain Electronic Greetings
Dream Central

My Friends' Home Pages
Ice Cream Man's Home
CWiski's Home
White Tiger's Home
Lucifer's Home
Okami's Home
Kbatman's Home

"I will by no means leave you
nor by any means forsake you."
~~Heb. 13:5

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©1998 Sheila LaMaster