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Bryce's Home Page

My Radio Pics
My farm pics
Senior Pictures 2003
Prom 2003 and Graduation
My family and I
Pictures from trips that I have been on
Pictures of me

A Pic of My Sister and I
Pictures of me when I was a little kid til now
A picture of my friend Eric and I running cross country
Me playing my instrument
Picture taken after the homecoming dance

Pictures of my friends and I

My friend Amber and I selling fireworks
Missy and I at a dance
My student council friends
My Senior class
My stu-co friends and I again
I got my picture taken next to a mullet, what's cooler than that!
Us important cast members
Prom pictures

Myself and my Banquet Date
Myself and two friends before Prom
My date and I at her house
I got tired of dancing
My date and I waiting to go inside

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. It's always being updated, so come back!! Feel free to e-mail me!

Talk to me on AIM and Yahoo at webberman1