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  • 10-17-01 The site was once again lost when the World Trade Center was attacked. I had saved most of the new additions I made, however the list of updates were not.
  • 6-11-01 As you probably know this site has been down for quite some time. The reason is that the place I was storing it crashed and all my files were lost. And like a fool I was caught with a year old backup so I have lost alot of things. I even had to remake the site so it was in the sidebar format, but now its up and waiting for strategies. By request I have tried to make the starcraft strategies section more readable and I hope to make it better in the future. I have reset the counter and have changed the poll.
  • 6-26-00 Well I am having trouble thinking of a new poll topic so any suggestions are welcome. I added a Starcraft strategy.
  • 6-13-00 Added the features for the new AOK Expansion and a Starcraft Link.
  • 6-7-00 Added 2 Total Annihilation strategies and downloads.
  • 5-29-00 It's finnaly open!!!! the new site, I hope you enjoy having all the pages on the same layout, and send me lots of downloads and other material. Also this site will probably have many mistakes on it so email me about them so I can get this place up to tip top condition. As for the new stuff, the chat room works and I added at least 10 new starcraft strategies. I also added a AOE and AOK taunt downloads. Added many other little updates that I can't remember so go check it out already!!!
  • 4-29-00 I'm about to revamp the site and add many new things. Look for a huge update in about a month or so and send me lots of stuff for the new opening!!!
  • 3-6-00 Finnaly found time to update, school has reall been piling up, but I added a starcraft strategy and a new multiplayer game link to the Fairhaven page.
  • 4-2-00 Added a new multiplayer game to the Fairhaven page.

If you find a mistake on this page or have a suggestion please Email me, ICQ me at 5834733, leave it on the message board, or use the EZ Form.