-Characters:   1x2, 2x2, 3x4/4x3, 13x5, ?x2
  -Rating:         Strong R
  -Warnings:    BoyxBoy sex, Rape, Violence, Lemon, Language
  -Status:         Complete

  -Summary      Duo exacts a promise from Heero under the influence
                        of alcohol. It's a dark downward spiral for everyone
                        when he breaks it.

  -Chapters:      [Promises] [Asahi] [Higure] [The Gathering Storm]
                        [The Storm Breaks] [Evidence] [Walk this Earth Alone]                         [Tooi Yoake] [Itsumo] [Possession] [Burn] [Tabidatsu]
                        [Midnight Sun] [Enlightenment] [Hansei] [Kagayaku]
                        [Silence] [Retribution] [Always and Forever] [Epilogue]

  -Characters:   1x2, ?x2
  -Rating:         NC-17
  -Warnings:    BoyxBoy sex, Violence, Lemon, Language
  -Status:         Complete

  -Summary     Duo and Heero travel to L2. There they find that a
                       certain aspect of Duo's past has yet to be
                       laid to rest.

  -Chapters:      [One] [Two] [Three] [Four] [Five] [Six] [Seven]
                        [Eight] [Nine] [Ten] [Eleven] [Twelve]
                        [Thirteen] [Fourteen] [Epilogue] [FAQ]

  -Characters:   1x2, 3x4, 13x5, 6x13
  -Rating:         NC-17
  -Warnings:    Graphic BoyxBoy sex, Violence, Death, Lemon, Lang.
  -Status:         Ongoing

  -Summary     This is a study of extremes. It's a 'Relena finds
                       out' fic. It's also a deathfic for 4 characters. BUT
                       there's also a STRONG supernatural element,
                       so don't despair.

  -Chapters:      [One] [Two] [Three] [Four] [Five] [Six] [Seven(part.)]

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