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My Third Attempt at a Web Page.

So you have found my page. Interesting isn't it? I had a nice one but Angelfire in their infinate wisdom saw fit to get rid of it so I tried again. Again Angelfire saw fit to thwart my efforts. So once again I am attempting to create something interesting. But with classes resuming I have found it a tad hard to find time to do anything. Sorry. Hi Becky what do you think? Kinda Lame huh. well Ive been working on it. its slowly getting better....yeah in my mind's eye. oh well. So you have dragged Kara here huh? Either you are trying to make a point or you just want to laugh at me and my attempt at coolness cuz this is really not that neat. It used to be awesome but noooo angelfire canned it. oh well. So how is Texas?


Not sure but looked good
Disney Princess

My Associations
