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angelkat's page

Hello, everyone!!! This is the angelkat, also known as angelkatMN and GlitterKat and FireDancerKat, lyrickat and angelkat on EFnet (on IRC). This is my new webpage, designed for the simple pleasure of YOU!!! And to give me something to do.

I will be updating it frequently. If you want to see something cool or new, etc., let me know at

All my friends have this notice, if you want to have your page mentioned, drop me a line. Anyone else, well, if you think it is really important, go ahead and let me know.

This is now getting to be a better page due to many friends helping me.... Thanks to all!
I will be adding some other stuff. I don't know what else yet.

If you have been to this site before, you noticed many graphics that haven't worked. Now they do! I just figured it out! Thanks to JasOne!

Now a note to all, you've probably seen me on IRC DALnet, I'm an op in rooms #18+singles and #pinkfloyd...I also haunt the room #dmb...If you haven't seen me drop by sometime! Let me know where you saw the notice. :)

The lyrics are linked to my music links page for your fun and easy viewing!!! I now am a member of the Angelfire music ring.

SEE YOU ALL.....-angelkat

Also sign my wonderful free guestbook! I like to know what you think so I can work on the pages to make them better!

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Things I like

My links to stuff.......................

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages :)
This is my page for links to my lyrics as well as band links.
If you don't like Angelfire's pages, go here...
The chat cluster of choice
JasOne's page: a virtual genius of Angelfire pages
One of the best chat sites anywhere and you don't have to download a THING!
This is the ULTIMATE software to get for chatting! mIRC!
The coolest VSO in the US's national website
This is the paper that is closest to my hometown in Kansas. I'm even IN it sometimes!
This is a local band that I am in, and this is Dave's web site
