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          Bookchatters/Gorpies Pet Peeves

          Here are some of the bookchatters/gorpies pet peeves regarding a variety of things. If you would like to have your pet peeves added to this list, send me an email and I'll add it ASAP. :) Also, don't forget to get me the addy for your homepage so I can add the link. Thanks.

          Select a pet peeve topic…

          1. Members of the opposite sex
          2. Members of the same sex
          3. The Internet and computers
          4. Pets (and pet owners)
          5. Law enforcement (or thelack thereof)
          6. Relationships
          7. Kids
          8. Traveling, Cars, Shopping Carts, etc.

          Members of the opposite sex.

          Obnoxious and/or noxious noises. You can fill in the blanks from there.


          When they say they will fix something for you and you have to wait till it is blazing hot or freezing cold outside or wait till their Indy 500 race is over on the TV.......!!!!!!!!!


          Okay, my pet peeve for the opposite sex could be the toilet seat thing, but I figure I should look before I sit. My biggest pet peeve is men who don't think to call if they are going to be late or if they have a change of plans and won't be where they said they would be at a specific time. I have gone through this with my ex-husband, two other relationships and my brother-in-law, also.


          My pet peeves about the opposite sex is that they seem to age more gracefully than I do!!!! My significant other can indulge in gastronomic delights and gain no weight at all: I take a deep sniff, and whammo, 5lbs! Some seem to think the art of conversation includes many and varied body noises. Biggest complaint.....when I reassure him repeatedly that he really doesn't have to make a fuss about birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's day, etc...........the idiot listens to me!!!!!!!! I guess I really don't mind about the toilet seat thing: cold water in the middle of the night can be a thrill..........(ooops, did I really say that?!)


          My pet peeve of the opposite sex is when they blame every bad mood a woman has on PMS...very very poor choice on their part.


          Ah, this is simple. I hate game playing. Nothing else irks me more. I fell into this kind of scenario once, to the point that I started playing them myself after I realized what was happening. I hated it. I do think we all subconsciously play head games on a daily basis (guess its the human nature sort of thing), but not to the degree that I participated in.


          Nagging...about lil things....and thinking that all men are alike..that we don't see them as equals or that we don't appreciate what they are doing...there are some men.... who are really understanding..and all that...


          I guess my biggest one would have to be when they shave and wash up after working on the car. They always leave the little pieces of whiskers in the sink, and when they clean up they sling dirt all over the top of the sink and never wipe it off.


          I could tell you a BUNCH about particular members of the opposite sex, but I haven't found one universal annoying thing about men that bothered me. My ex husband used to say "do you know what you are doing?" when I cooked, or the ever annoying "my mom did it THIS way..." ugh. Poetic justice, one year during the pre Thanksgiving excitement he would go on and on and on about how excited he was to have his mom's pumpkin pie, how it was the best in the world, etc. etc. etc. well, I also took a pumpkin pie that year... and it kicked her pumpkin pie!!! hehehehe.. my husband just said "my mom must be getting old, because her pies used to be soooo wonderful"


          A. When you are griping at them and they say "must be that time of the month.", I am always this much of a bitch.
          B. The way they always can cook better than me.
          C. The way they grab your hair and pull, so you feel like you are choki...umm...never mind.


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          Members of your own sex.

          Let me just see if I can give you an example scenario. Two women see each other after a short absence:

          Woman 1: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (jumps up and down!)
          Woman 2: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! (jumps up and down!)
          Hugging and screeching proceed at dangerous decibel levels for an indeterminate period of time.

          Catch my drift?


          Generally most women I have met are ok cause I shy away from the ones that have to gush all over you or squeeze sympathy from you.


          My pet peeve about members of the same sex is when a girlfriend finds a guy and drops her friends like a hot potato because she has to spend all her time with him...ACK @ that!!


          A. The way they are griping and say "I must be PMSing.", you are just a bitch.
          B. The way they can always cook better than me.
          C. Anything too fluffy or froofy.


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          The Internet and Computers

          When trying to log on:
          "The computer you have dialed is not responding. . . " OR
          "The number you have dialed is busy, please try again later"


          The message that says the server is down try again later.


          This program has performed an illegal operation. If the problem persists, please contact the product vendor. ARRRRGHHHHH!!!


          Um.... windows. I learned on DOS and think it's the greatest. This damn "point and click" is horrible!!!! Ok, I'll stop before I get going. I can ramble on and on all day about how much I hate windows and love DOS. See? There I go.


          This program has performed an illegal operation. If the problem persists, please contact the product vendor. Even my screen saver has done that on the stupid computer I have at work, now on its third hard drive, purchased new in 1997.


          My pet peeve about the Internet would have to be lag, lag, lag. ACK!
          For computers, I hate the fact that when you buy one, as soon as you leave the store with it there is something faster. But alas, that is the nature of technology.


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          Pets and Pet Owners

          Trying to relax and do anything (sleep, read, eat) without having your cat up in your business.


          I can't stand pets to be over lazy (they are fat) or overly excitable (they pee all over the place.


          I really resent dog-owners who don't keep their four-legged friends leashed......My "baby" is a handful, but if I am around people he is on the choke chain........I am so worried that one day some yappy little canine will come running up and become Bear's tidbit of a snack, all because someone didn't leash their pet........ I also panic about dogs running free on the road.


          When owners let their animals out the door...and do not pay attention to where they go. Then later you will hear them bemoaning the fact that "some idiot" hit their dog with a vehicle. If they would put their dog on a leash...or provide a fenced in area for their pet...things like that would not happen. Not to mention the fact that your neighbors will love you cause all the doo doo will not be on their lawn. My philosophy is if you are going to have a a responsible pet owner...BUY A LEASH...use it.


          Would have to be when that damn dog attaches itself to your leg. You know the type..LOL


          hmm and pet peeve about pet owners has to be the leash/fence thing too... there's a dog down the road who I swear thinks his mission in life is to get run over; he runs at your car from the side as you drive by and then after narrowly escaping getting crushed chases you 1/4 mile, usually running alongside therefore in danger of both front and rear wheels. and the owners just sit there and watch you slow to 2.1 MPH to avoid running over the stupid dog and never even call the dog back into the yard. those of us who live in the neighborhood know enough to slow down near that house but people headed for the bar (or home from) just zoom on by at 35 or 40 (its a country road after all) and someday that dog is going to become a speed bump.




          well I love my dogs so much.. that nothing they do gets me angry.. I mean yeah.. I have gotten really angry at them before... And they sure cause havoc.. but I can never stay angry at them for more than a minute.. and owners... if they maltreat there pet I want to murder them.... (does this make me a psycho path? lol) And ARGH have people with no pets who have complained about my dogs for NO REASON.. or a very unreasonable reason... ARGH I hate that.. anyway I won't get into it .

          (White Oyster)

          I have to defer to Cinddee's response for this one. I don't have a pet, but wish I did. I just don't have time to take care of one right now, since I live alone. That's one reason I don't have a pet now. The other reason being, I can't have one due to my apartment lease. When I still lived with my parents, I did clean up the poopie (ha ha Cinddee my word is funnier!) out of the yard. Its bad enough cleaning up for one pet, let alone the neighbor's pets.


          People who don't have their pets spayed of neutered and just let them have one unwanted litter after another.


          My pet peeve about pet owners is when the take their dogs walking in my yard and let their dogs take care of their business IN my yard.

          (Tiger Princess)

          I hate it when dog owners pay no attention to their dog. Our neighbors have a dog on a ten foot chain in their yard. I never see them out playing with it, walking it, or bringing it inside for anything. The poor creature's entire life is this 20 ft circle, usually less cause the chain is all tangled. At lunch time I usually go over and untangle it, pet him a bit, and give him new water. They are at work, so I figure they will never know. I suppose they will bust me one day and shoot me for being on their property. I mean, why have a dog - just get a yard ornament instead.


          My "pet" Pet Peeve would have to be against people. So many animals are wanted when they are young (kittens, puppies, chicks, pigs...etc) and cute. However there are a great many people who don't want them anymore when they are older. People need to take time to decide if they want to make the commitment to own and BE RESPONSIBLE about having a pet. It is something they should be prepared to take care of for the next 10 years or so. Along with the responsible part is the obligation to have your pet spayed or neutered.


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          Law enforcement (or the lack thereof)

          Getting a ticket for doing something normal like casually rolling through a stop sign when nothing else is around for 100 yds and then 10 minutes later seeing some moron endanger the lives of countless others by driving like a fool without a cop in sight.


          I hate it when something you do ISN'T against the law but the nice police officer STONGLY SUGGESTS YOU NOT DO IT.


          How come a cop is NEVER there to see someone else run a stop sign? But let me drive four miles an hour over the speed limit and they give me a ticket...


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          Telling your partner that you can forgive and understand just about ANYTHING as long as they are honest and open with you about it and then finding out that the bastard has been lying to you for weeks.


          When it is OBVIOUS that you are the only one working on the so called relationship, how to break it off when you still like or love them. (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack I hate that!!!)


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          Bratty know the type...they ruin movies...make shopping an unpleasant experience...and their parents don't seem to know what to do about them.

          Um...usually other people's kids don't annoy me. BUT...when my kids goes RIGHT through would have to be my "kid" pet peeve.


          ok, my number one pet peeve about my own children is that they can not take no for an answer... typical exchange:

          "Mom, can we run around naked out in the rain?" (Yes, they have actually asked me this...should I be worried???)
          "No! Why on earth would you do that?"
          "Please? We won't have any clothes on to get wet..."
          "No. Good grief, you cannot run around naked..."
          "Why not? It's warm outside..."
          "No, you can't run around the neighborhood naked!"
          "Puuulllleeeeeezzzzzzzeeeeeeeee? Pleasepleasepleaseplease??"
          "I said no"
          "but why not?"
          "because you can't run around naked... It's kind of against the rules."
          (ok, at this point, I'm pulling the little bit of hair that has not turned grey out of my head...)
          "It just is."
          "what about tomorrow?"
          My other pet peeve(s) about children is actually about adults. I work in a bookstore, and we are open until 10:00 at night. My number one pet peeve is about parents who turn their little darlings loose in the children's section, and they proceed to take every book off the bottom shelf and pile them up on the floor. Then, instead of putting the books AWAY when they leave, they just leave them there. Last night I spent a solid hour putting away children's books. Some of which I had to take to the back room to return them to the publisher because they were damaged by little feet stomping on them and doing god knows what else...

          Running a close second to that is the parent who comes in and leaves their kid in the children's section while they browse through the rest of the store. (and that is if I'm lucky...we have actually had a few parents leave their kids in our store and go to ANOTHER STORE. and no, we are not in a mall!) I'm not talking 7 year olds, here. I'm talking 2 and 3 year olds. Aren't they afraid that someone might walk off with them? (Although I'm sure one parent wasn't... she spent an entire hour yelling back and forth to her child from another section of the store. I could have killed her... God, I love retail! :-))


          I hate it when a child is doing something REALLY annoying and the parent finds it cute or charming.

          Oh look! He bit the other kid. He is so silly that way, I think he is getting teeth!

          Awww.....he learned how to say suck me bitch. Kids are so precocious.

          You naughty little boy. (kissy kissy kissy) Momma has told you, no throwing chairs at the teacher. (to the teacher) He is just so bright, I think he gets bored easily.


          ok my pet peeve about other peoples' kids is they teach my kids their bad habits, bad words, etc.

          my pet peeve about my 2 yr old is something he's finally starting to grow out of, thank goodness. when he wants something, anything, he says "i want some, i want some" but he never tells you exactly what it is he wants. sometimes he points in the object's general direction, and now he will usually specify color, but "i want blue some" can be anything from a drink in a blue cup to peanutbutter (the jar lid is blue). when he does this routine i always ask him to tell me the name of the "some" he wants, but he never will i just have to figure it out. I was totally celebrating last week when he said "I want some drink" ...LOL @ the small victories in life...

          my pet peeve about my 5 yr old is he will ask for food and then not eat it. especially if it is something I spent extra money on and wouldn't have bought if he hadn't asked for it, or that I cooked particularly for him. (it's genetic, he takes after my sister; I can still hear my mother telling my sister "I fixed it, you're going to eat it")

          *rereads the last sentence and goes into horrified shock* somebody help me I'm turning into my mother!!!!!! (LOL)


          my main pet peeve about my daughter (5) is BEDTIME - ugh. I don't know why I have to have this fight every single night. I have never in her entire life allowed her to stay up all night, and yet she whines and crys and carries on every night - as if I'm introducing some new torture!! I have told her "I can't wait until you are a mom and you call me on the phone and say "Mom, my kid won't go to sleep" and I will just laugh and laugh and laugh", my daughter gets extremely annoyed when I talk about this... hehehehe. I guess the silver lining in this is that she sleeps late - great for Saturday and Sunday mornings! I have thought about creating a game - bedtime bingo - for parents only, where you have a bingo card and you mark "drink of water", "need to go potty", "turn the closet light on", etc. etc.

          my pet peeve about other children is when the talk REALLY REALLY LOUD. My best friend's daughter has no vocal variations - she is just plain loud. She does not sleep late - so when they sleep over we are all up early on Saturday morning and that makes me and my daughter extremely grumpy.

          I must admit that I let my daughter go sit at the table in the children's section at Barnes and Noble while I shop. But, I have told her that she has to put the book back before she can get another one, which she does.


          Pet peeves about kids: Kids who SCREAM for no apparent reason. Makes me want to have my tubes tied.

          (Cynthia/Side Show Lily)

          I think the thing that aggravates me most is whining. You know, that higher than normal pitched voice full of complaining. Just grinds on my nerves. Some adults are bad for this too, but more than likely because they were allowed to get away with it when they were a kid.

          The other thing is tattling. I think all kids do this at one time or another. At least I'm sure I did when I was young. But, like whining, it should be nipped in the bud early. Just nip it, nip it, nip it.


          When the teens come and say...."mom....what chore can I do for money??"....then complain about the chore..


          Ok I guess the fighting My kids are teens and they still go at it LOL. My son has this habit of just being childish and annoying for hours, till dad walks in and presto chango he's half mature again LOL. All in all I can't complain though, they aren't on drugs and they go to school!


          My pet peeve about children........Probably the incredible amount of "look at me" and "watch me' activities they seem to need......I used to wish I had three sets of eyes.........I kinda miss that feverish activity now.....(sigh).....but then I go to work and I have a class full of the little sweeties................Now I need twenty-four sets of eyes!!!!!


          My pet peeves about kids are too many to mention but let me say that whining and tattling are WAY up there.


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          Traveling, Cars, Shopping Carts, etc….

          Who travels a lot? Moi? Nah, hardly at all. But when I do, I hate a lot of things. I hate people who either do the limit or who ride your ass, even though you're doubling the limit. I hate people who don't use signals. You all know who you are! Admit it! Ahem, sorry. I hate getting stuck behind someone with serious fumes coming from the vehicle. Especially since I'm one of those people who shun air conditioning and love to have my window down and have my hair flying in the wind. I suppose that's enough for now. :)


          The people who insist on carrying everything on, and then making the rest of late while the flight attendants finally take some of it away to the luggage compartment. My brother was once on a flight with someone whose two pieces of carryon were a lamp shape and a fishing rod.


          I've witnessed this type of thing on flights I've taken. Its AMAZING to me what some people try to pass off as "carry on" luggage. In my recent trips to Florida, I've crammed my duffel bag full. I consider the bag to big to carry on so I always check it. But, after getting on the plane what do I see? Many people carrying on luggage BIGGER than mine. Oh, one other thing I hate. Ohio is notorious for bringing out the State Patrol in large numbers during major holidays. They claim they are trying to prevent drunk drivers. But, many times, when its not even a holiday, you won't even see a State Patrol your entire drive. Do drunks really limit their driving to just holiday weekends? I don't think so. I firmly believe they are only interested in the increased revenue provided by increased road traffic and speeding motorists.


          Being stuck in the car all those hours.


          ....people who drive TOO damn_slow on the highway...and you CANNOT pass them. Drive the speed limit I say or get off the freeway!! Getting stuck behind a person who refuses to do the speed limit when there is NO where to pass!! Again...ARRRRGHHHH!!!


          … something else I hate is not returning the shopping cart to the cart corral in the parking lot of the supermarket or shopping center after putting the contents of the cart in the car. Instead people notoriously leave the cart in front of theirs or someone else's car. Then, someone parked beside the person gets a nice scratch on their car after the wind or some other force of nature (or maybe because the parking lot is slopped slightly) causes the cart to roll into the car.


          I used to be extremely annoyed by people on the freeway... any driver, slow, too aggressive. See, I am an offensive driver, I consider driving a game. I try to get from point a to point b in the quickest, most efficient, courteous way. It was hard to understand that some people just drove to get places! One day I was in a HUGE hurry to get somewhere and I could not be courteous - I felt bad about that. From that day on I decided that at one time or another, people can't be courteous drivers... now when I see a rude driver I tell myself that that person was just fired, or has a child/spouse/parent in the hospital, in an accident... whatever. It has made me a forgiving driver : ) It can also be quite entertaining when you are with a group or in traffic. Hehehe


          I hate waking up to a dirty kitchen.


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