The Squatjump Homepage
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Weezer needs your help! Call your local radio station NOW, and ask them to play PINK TRIANGLE

Hello, brothers and sisters. Welcome to the Squatjump Homepage. Just gotta love those squatjumps!! My name is Jeff, I'm 16 and I am a sophmore at Seaman High School, in Topeka, KS. This baiscally is my second page. I had one awhile back , but unfortunately, because of Angelfire's disk crash, all of my coolness was erased. Oh well. Actually I think I'm glad it happened cause this page is a lot better then my old one. So just sit back and chill, as you go through my cool pages. Please don't forget to sign my guestbook. Thanks
This page is:

The Best Page On The Net!!! Incredible!! Very Nice! Good O.K. Needs Work Sucks Is The Most Pathetic Page There Is

  • My Weezer Page
  • My Alcohol Page
  • My Music Page
  • My Scarry Page
  • Please take my cool poll
  • click here to see my guitar

    well i gotta give props to the cool people I know
    TJ Browder's Page Matt West's Page Brett Carriger's Page Jamie Lamerson's Page
    Jeremy Bartlow's Page Mike West's Page

    Sign the Cool Guestbook(PLEASE?)

    View the Cool Guestbook(PLEASE?)

    Guestbook by Lpage

    My favorite radio station from Lawrence, KS

    My favorite local band from Lawrence, KS, Kill Creek has a cool page

    Support your american rights!!!

    email me at