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Welocome to My fanart page. This is were you can send in drawings of Brandon Lee or The crow or any characters from that movie. If you need the address. It's Please send in soon!

The first few will be done by me just to get the page started.

This is from one of the scenes in the movie where he finds the ring he gave shelly. It's done by me!

these next two are just ones I felt like drawing.

so what do you think? Don't forget to e-mail me! ( And read my progressing story )

this is like the book covering for my story. I have another one that looks basically the same and I'm gonna post it on the page where I'm writting the story.

This is one of the backs to my story I'm writting. ( Sort of the read the thing on the back of the book sort of deal. this is #1 anyway.)

This I drew from the cover of the movie. In dedication to Brandon Lee.