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With grace she moves, like nectar.
Into my heart she flows.
Like a spring shower,
Gently falling.
Her hair smells sweet,
It leaves a trail in my mind.
My heart beats faster,
As we embrace.
And as I walk away,
I look up at the falling flux,
And realize.
That I love her,
And as I danced with the rain,
It just became more apparent.
With each passing drop.
I love her more than the one before.



To you, 
My love I give.
Rivers flowing of red.
Tears of wine.
Your tongue sharp as a knife,
From wrist to elbow.
I feel no pain, 
As my love spills on the floor.
And as I fill my cup
I think of what you said.
My lips touch the fluid,
And it passes over my tongue.
The taste is ever so bittersweet.
I fall to the floor, 
And the glass cracks.
As you kiss him,
My love, 
I kiss death.

The Game
Tonight I starve so that others may feast. I torture myself so that I may know what others go through, without a decent meal. Tonight I will go cold, so others may be warm. Tonight is a game of life, roll your die and seal your fate. This is how it happens right? You don't choose what will happen, it is your destiny, what God wants, and it is, remarkably, what He thinks you can handle. Tonight is not for the weak, or lesser of heart. Tonight many children will die.
-Famine Lock-in '98

Soaked by the tears of those who care, And those who understand, The death and destruction that plagues me, It only makes me stronger. I cannot be freed from this pain. Only slightly relieved from it. The view makes me forget. The warmth makes me happy. The rush of sweet nectar, Is all I use to indulge.

The Enigma
I try to piece together the puzzle.
it just doesn't make sense
i rearrange the pieces all i can
it just doesn't make sense
who is a friend to me
who is not what they pretend to be.
who is killing the tree
whose seed of friendship.
were planted with me.
who is not who they pretend to be.equal to gain
equal to lose.
one chance to lose.
with so many lies,
so much to despise
nothing makes sense
only the sighs
and the long good-byes
can mast the disguise
of the culprit and their lies.

Emptiness is all is see,
she's not coming back to me.
i feel so empty.
all alone.
i need no pity.
i'll get through,
there is nothing new,
no one wants to be with me.
and still, no pity.

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