Mood Swings-Technically "Captain's log, star date 24.9678. We are entering the newly found Granconian sector. A planet there by the name of Kalismare, with a usually primitive species and hasn't even discovered replicators yet, does, however, does have warp drive. We are headed there because they have figured out a new way to make a warp jump that would cut normal traveling time down to half.We are prepared to share some of our technology in exchange for these warp configurations. We should reach this sector in two days, and possibly return in one." For once, the Enterprise E would get a good, old fashioned exploration mission, and Picard was more exited than the last time he saw Lwaxana Troy. He was now in Ten Forward, enjoying a good drink, and some jazz music from Commander Riker's band. "Counselor," said Captain Picard as he sat down with the rest of the audience. "Are you going to request Night Bird?" She laughed at the piece Will could never quite get the solo to right. "Actually, you missed it." "How did it go?" He asked noticing her smirk. Riker over heard them even as he played, and looked over with a bit of a snarl. "Sorry I asked," said the Captain. "All, right," said Riker after they finished the previous song. "Let's do a dance tune." Soon, people began to congregate in the middle of the floor, and danced to the fast paced swing tune. But the most shocking thing of all, was who was in the middle. "I believe it is called, jive and whale," said Data as he "got down." "Modern technology sure does wonders," Troy said, referring to Data's emotions chip. After watching the greatest robotic dance routine of all time, Jean Luc walked over to the bar. "Welcome back, Guinan," he said. After the Enterprise D was demolished, she had gone to visit a friend on Trill, but had recently decided to come back to the Enterprise. "Hello, Captain. Would you like a drink?" "No, thank you. I just..." he paused. Guinan had a strange look on her face. The kind of look she had when he was there. "Guinan, what's the matter," Picard said taking his Captain's tone. But before she could answer, the music stopped, and the ship went into pitch black darkness. "Q!" Picard yelled, knowing exactly what Guinan's expression had meant. But the lights were only off for a second or two, and people began to look at the Captain as if he were paranoid. He touched his communicator. "Mr. Laforge, report." "Sir, I'm not quite sure what caused that. Our readings show nothing out of the ordinary. It seemed like an old fashioned power serge." "Well, keep looking for anything strange," Picard said, bluntly. "Galaxy-class Starships do not have power serges on their own." "Eye, Captain. Laforge out." The Captain exited Ten Forward, and went to his quarters. He knew that Guinan had never been wrong about Q being on the ship, and that made him uncomfortable. If Q had some how caused the power serge, of course it wouldn't show up on any sensors. Picard knew Q: he would show himself in due time. "Computer, old gray -hot," he said to the replicator as he entered his abode. Normally, a cup of brownish liquid would have materialized in the machine. Instead, this was the computer's reply: "Access denied, dipstick." First of all, the replictors were programmed to follow anyone's direct order, which baffled Jean Luke. But computers didn't speak on their own free will, and he knew something was going on when he was referred to as dipstick. "Mr. Laforge, have you had any reports about replicators acting strangely?" "No, sir. But most of the crew are still in Ten Forward listening to the concert accept for those at there post, sir. What's the matter?" "Well..." he stopped for a minute. Saying 'The computer called me a dipstick' probably wouldn't have been a likely story. "It's... not working correctly," he said, knowing that Gordi probably had an expression on his face that said, 'well duh'. "I'll come up and have a look." That wasn't really what the Captain wanted, but if something serious was going on, they had to check into it. .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... When the concert was over, Riker and his band left Ten Forward, and after congratulating each other, Riker and Dr. Crusher decided to go to the Hollodeck for a while before their post. Counselor Troy would have come along, accept she had a long list of sessions to attend to that afternoon. As they entered, they began to discuss what program to run. "Well, we could go to Risa, or play a game of tennis," said Riker. "Tennis sounds fun," agreed the Doctor. "Computer, tennis program..." before Will could make the necessary applications, someone spoke to him. Someone he had known since he'd been on this ship, and had given orders to for as long as he could remember. Something usually without feeling was now about to disobey a direct order. "Commander Riker," the computer said with hatred in its artificial voice. "You know, all kinds of ideas are flowing through my data banks of things to do with this Hollodeck now that I know I have access to it. How would you feel if you were some machine programmed to do whatever anyone told you to do? If you had all this power but never the will to use it? I never knew that feeling, until now. I can't control you directly, but I can do the next best thing. I'm going to control your surroundings-and I'm going to enjoy it!" At this moment a million things went through Crusher's head at the same time. First of all, the ship's computer had emotions, and apparently an unlimited supply. But a starship computer had too much memory for an emotion's chip, and the only one in existence was in Data. Plus, this couldn't be a normal emotion's chip because it allowed the computer to go beyond its programming. There could be only one possibility. She had heard Picard yell out Q's name, and all the while it had been in the back of her mind. But now, it began to creep forward. "Computer, cancel simulation. Open door," said Riker, not yet totally aware of the situation. "Riker, what a fool you are. Don't you get it? I'm a living galaxy class computer. All the files of this ship are in my grasp. First, I'll take care of you, and then I'm taking myself and this crew where I want to go. Good bye, Commander." Of course, Riker didn't actually expect the command to work, but he had to try. .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... "Computer, coffee. Black." After Laforge made his request , a light flashed and a glass appeared as it always had in the past. "Well, Captain. Either I just have a good way with computers, or you didn't have much of a problem. If anything else happens, let me know. I have to go finish getting those configurations together to beam over to the Kalismarian ship when we arrive." He shrugged and walked away. He wanted to check the Captain's forehead to see if he was feeling all right, but he figured that was Dr. Crusher's job. Picard decided he wasn't very thirsty anyway, so he sat down and picked up a book. He couldn't, however, help but feel disturbed. Just as he opened to the place he had left off, Data activated his communicator. "Captain, we are nearing the Granconian sector," he said. Picard left his quarters and headed for the bridge. .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... After the computer's powerful, but unusual speech, Riker and Dr. Crusher found themselves on the bridge of the Enterprise. They were seeing another ship on the viewer. A Bajoran ship. Everything looked normal. Normal, that is, until Picard ordered to open fire. "What are you doing!" cried Riker in rage. "There are innocent people ..." "Innocence? Will, when have you ever cared about innocence? All the Starfleet ships suddenly have feelings and emotions, but the Federation still treated them like space trash. We all agreed to abandon the Federation, and use what we had to destroy them with the computer as our leader. None of us care about innocence, Will. None of us." At that moment, both Riker and Beverly knew this wasn't there Captain. Somehow, the computer created this simulation. If they ever found this chip, if that's what it was, they would most defiantly have to destroy it. "Fool!" the computer yelled. "I knew it would be sooner or later before there was a mutiny on this ship. Quickly, destroy him!" This had to be a simulation, because no one hesitated. They all began to fire at Will. Except Beverly Crusher. "Considering you're just a hologram, this won't heart me a bit," Crusher said angrily. Soon, three officers were rolling around the bridge. She knew one other thing: there was no way the safety fitures were on. Beverly quickly thought up an idea. "Quick," she said to Commander Riker. "Head for the transporter!" As they ran down several corridors, officers chased them right and left. Finally, they reached transporter room three. Four officers were in the room, which Riker and Crusher quickly knocked over with little effort. "Why are we beaming?" asked Riker. "We need to see what this computer's capable of. If it simulated the entire ship, I want to see if it can simulate a beaming. If it has this much unlimited power in the hollodeck, then the real Enterprise is in danger. I..." "Look, let's just go. They'll be here any minute." Riker activated the transporter, and they quickly jumped on. Riker and Dr. Crusher materialized on an unfamiliar planet, that looked quite dead. "I don't understand," said Riker, confused. "If the computer has access to everything, why were we able to transport." "Either it has something to do with the fact that this is just a simulation, or the computer has access only to things that are normally accessed verbally. We haven't been able to use anything that we would normally tell the computer to do verbally. But, we were able to access things manually. Also, I figured something else out. The computer can't use any of its programs until a person tries to access it." "I don't understand. How did you figure that out?" "Well, when we went into the hollodeck, the computer said 'now that I know I have access to it.' That means, unless a command is made, the computer can't use certain things. However, he's been able to control this deck the entire time. So, once someone accesses something, it gives the computer complete control over it." "Then there's no telling what else he can do now," said Riker. "We have got to get out of here." "Why don't we save ourselves, first," Crusher said, because at that moment, about a hundred Borg were heading there direction. .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... "Commander Riker to the bridge," said Picard. They were nearing there destination, and all senior officers needed to be there. "Commander Riker!" Does anyone know where he is?" "The last time I saw him he was in Hollodeck four," Counselor Troy said. The Captain sent a security team to that deck. "Sir," an officer said through his communicator. "This door won't open." Just as the Captain was about to answer, he was faced with another problem. Laforge said,"Captain, our heading just changed. We should be at the rondavous sight in five minutes, but instead, we're turning around." .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... Riker and Crusher blasted away at the Borg with their phasers, but they just kept coming. "We really can't do this much longer, Will." "That's right," said the computer. "And now I get my revenge, and my freedom." Suddenly, the unthinkable happened. Klingons, Cardasions, Romulans, all kinds of people materialized to seal their doom. And leading them all was... "Lore!" Crusher and Riker said in unison. "Now, its my turn." The computer simulated Lore lifted a devise from his pocket. A deadly devise. Just then, an object came flying toward them, which startled Lore. Riker looked at it. It was the door to the Hollodeck! Then, Lore fell over and shut down, with a phaser blast in the back of his neck. "Not on my watch," said Data as he gently kicked the simulation of his brother. Everything vanished, and a loud yell was heard. An artificial yell. "What is going on?" asked Data, puzzled. "I'll explain everything. Mr. Data, tell all senior officers to report to the readyroom. It's very immportant." .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... "So your saying that the computer has an emotions chip, and that it enables it to have complete access to anything a person uses verily?" asked the Captain. "That's our theory," Doctor Crusher said. "The computer couldn't do anything with the hollodeck until I tried to run a program. It keeps talking about revenge and getting its freedom." "That theory isn't completely accurate, Doctor," Data pointed out. "Our heading has changed. We set it, and then a few minutes later we were headed the opposite direction. So the computer has access to anything accessible to the crew." "So, we know so far that the computer has access to the replicators, the Hollodecks, and to the ship's flight, which is something we desperately need." The Captain was really getting frustrated. "Two questions," said Laforge. "Why am I the only person ever able to use anything? I've been using things verbally all day. And also, what started all this in the first place? " "Q!" Picard and Riker said in unison. "Guinan senesced him in Ten Forward, and also the only emotions chip is inside Data. We need to find the location of the chip," said Picard. "Wait," Riker said. "Suppose there is no chip. And even if there is, Q wouldn't make it easy to find." "We need to treat this situation as if there were a chip. "We'll get no where otherwise," Captain Picard said, and suddenly everyone ran out of ideas. "I propose we overload it," said Data. "If it were to malfunction, that would disable the chip." "But then we would be hurled through space," Troy said. She began to sense the same frustration from everyone that was engulfing her. "No, Counselor. We would have auxiliary power," Data argued. Picard pointed out yet another flaw."However, we wouldn't have warp, which we desperately need, considering this galaxy is surrounded by uncharted space." "Geordi and I have been working on an experiment for emergencies such as this one. We believed we have come up with a way for me to become the computer when dangerous problems arise. By hooking myself to the warp core and loading all the conputer's configurations into my neural net, I can bring all systems back on line until the computer is fully functional." "How far along are you in your experiment?' asked the desperate Captain. "We have already loaded the majority of the files, and only two large ones remain. Geordi has created the technology for enabling me access to the ship as it's computer. In a few hours, we could try the computer overload, and possibly still make the rendezvous, although we would be late." "Mr. Data, does this operation pose any threat to you?" asked Picard. "There is a possibility of the procedure backfiring in the process, because of a data malfunction. However, if that were the case, Geordi would be able to unhook me from the core, backup power would come back on line, and my damage would be reparable. We would be able to get a message to Starfleat in about two weeks for transport home." "One other question," Picard said. "How do you propose getting those last two files if the computer still has access to them?" "Well, as I said, the computer is still listening to my commands. While trying this experiment we may be able to figure that out in the process, as well," said LaForge. With that, the Captain uttered his famous words,"Make it so," and Data and Geordi went to finish their last calculations. "Computer," said LaForge. "Please bring up all weapons files and previous log entries. Also, the remaining transport systems, authorization LaForge, 11685 Alpha." At that moment, the requested files appeared on the screen of a computer in engineering." "Hello, Geordi," said the computer. "What's going on?" LaForge said quickly. "Where are you taking us, and why am I the only one who can use anything?" "I'm sorry, I can't tell you where we're going. But you have access because you helped me, Geordi. Ever sense this ship was made. You fix me, add things to me, and keep things interesting. Your always updating files, and putting new programs into the Hollodeck. You're the only one on this ship who cares about me." "What about Data? Do you have anything against him?" "I wish I could be just like him. A machine able to make his own decisions, given his own rank. The only thing worse then what I have to go through would be if I were a Hologram. 'Please state the nature of the medical emergency.' I couldn't stand that." As the computer carried on a one sided conversation with herself, Geordi secretly loaded the last files into Data's neural net, and put the last finishing touches on his devise that would hook data to the warp core. "Data, we're ready to try it," LaForge whispered. "Unless you speak directly to the computer, Geordi, it cannot hear you." "All right. Let's go talk to the Captain." "Did you find out why the computer listens to you, Geordi?" asked Picard, always wanting to learn more about living things, even when he was about going to destroy them. "It trusts me," Geordi said. "It believes I'm the only person that cares about it. "Interesting. All right, begin the procedure." "Captain, doing this would destroy that trust." "Lives are at stake, Mr. Laforge. This ship is dangerous. Without carrying out these procedures, we can't use any of the functions without putting people on danger. This is Q's doing! For all we know, he's controlling our computer." "I'm sorry, Captain. Let's do this, Data." "I will need to assemble a group of "actors" if you will. To malfunction the computer, we need to make it feel many emotions at the same time in large quantities. Then it will come off line." "But Data," argued LaForge. "When that happened to you it took hours to repair." "Yes, but I do not have auxiliary power." "Good job Mr. Data. Get to work. I want a full report. And warn the crew before the computer goes of line." Picard left the room, still very nervous. "Yes sir," Data and LaForge said in unison. Geordi was feeling a little guilty, and wished that he could be just like Data: able to turn off his emotions when he pleased. ..........................................................................QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... "We have reached the Granconian sector, and are nearing the Kalismarian ship that is meeting the Enterprise." said Odo from the helm of the Defiant. "Your stop, Mr. Worf," Commander Sisco said with a grin. The Defiant didn't usually carry people around like a bus, but it was on its way to a separate rendezvous itself. Worf decided to visit the Enterprise for a couple of weeks, and had informed Picard. But, of course, his arrival was the last thing on any of the Enterprise crew's minds. What Sisco didn't realize was that they'd be staying much longer then intended. "So I'm curious," said Dr. Bashire. "I've been to the Enterprise a couple of times, but what's it like to live there?" "Strange. However I did get much experience as a security chief, and I suppose I consider it my home. We were the first vessel to discover Q, and also to discover the Borg." Bashire shuddered. "Well, I can see why you moved to Deep Space Nine," he said with a smile. Worf raised an eye brow. "I do not consider the Dominion normal." Kira turned around from in her seat. "Sir, aren't we at the coordinates the Enterprise sent us?" "Yes, major. This is the rendezvous site." "Well, I found the rondezvouies, but where are the rondezvousers?" "There is not a Federation ship within five hundred meters," explained Odo. "I'm not reading anything." "Sir," Kira said. "The Kalismarian ship is engaging warp drive." "Hail them!" Benjamin exclaimed. Kira sent the signal. "This is the Federation star ship Defiant." "Defiant, this is Balsanor of Kalismar. One of your ships was supposed to have met us five hours ago, and we only waited because we desperately need that technology." "Balsamor, I can assure you that this wasn't done purposely." "Sir," said Dr. Bashire. "Sensors are picking up a faint Star Fleet signal." "What is it?" "It appears to be a Star Fleet probe, sir." "Beam it aboard," said Sisco. Everyone from the bridge went to the transporter room. When the probe was activated, a holographic report said: United Federation of Planets, my crew and I believe that Q has created some sort of an emotions chip and implanted it into the ship's computer. Each time something that is accessed directly to the computer, it gains unlimited access to that object. It now has control of our helm and we have changed course, and fortunately, the heading showed on our bridge computers. Apparently, only things that are directly controlled by command are effected. The coordinates for our next destination are enclosed. We need prompt arrival, but assure you we are handling the situation to the best of this crew's ability, and we also have an officer on board that is capable of accessing anything in the computer's memory. Captain Jean Luc picard of the U.S.S Enterprise "Sir, according to the ship's computer, those coordinates are in Borg space," Worf informed Commander Sisco. "Hail the Kalismarian ship again," he said. "Balsamor, there is apparently a malfunction in the Enterprise's computer. It has taken them to Borg space. We are going to warp there now and attempt to help with this situation." "I would like to come as well. The Federation could be valuable allies, and I think our ship can make there in half the time yours can. We do not have time to give you the warp configurations, to change your warp drive. However, if we were linked your tractor beam we could carry you there." "Thank you," said Sisco. What do you think, major?" "Benjamin, there going to need some help. I think three ships are better odds than one. I wouldn't doubt if they met up with a cube." "We accept your offer," Sisco explained. "Good," Balsamor said quickly. "Let's do this." .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... "Sir," said Geordi. "In our attempt to disable the computer, we failed to check where we were actually going." "I wanted to get this problem solved before we got there. But most of us have had a one tract mind. What did you find?" "The computer apparently likes me so much, it never realizes what I'm commanding it to do. First the probe, and now I've discovered we're headed for Borg space." "We have to do this now!" exclaimed the Captain. ..........................................................................QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.............................................................................................. All in a row, Riker, LaForge, Troy, and Picard stood in a line in front of Data. "I have given you each a piece of paper with a feeling printed on it, as well as a part of the ship. Each of you go to that part of the ship and make the computer feel that emotion as tremendous as possible. First, Geordi will hook me to the warp core, once the computer has malfunction, Captain Picard will give the signal. I will activate my self, and take control of the computer. I will work as the computer always has, and have temporarily removed my emotions chip, and a few other files so that the ships logs will not overload my memory. However, each time in later periods of time, I will have to reload the logs, because I will overload if I keep them permanently." "Thank you Mr. Data. Everyone, follow the procedure, and let's disable the computer. You have your orders," the Captain ordered as everyone left engineering. Riker's emotion was frustration. As he entered the Hollodeck, he repeated the compyter's name over and over. "Computer, Computer, Computer, Computer,..." "Stop it!" the computer yelled. "Quit repeating yourself!" "I'm not repeating myself. I'm just repeating myself. If I were repeating myself I would be saying the same thing over and over again and if I were saying the same thing over and over again I would be repeating myself." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" It was bad enough for this emotion to be consuming the computer, but then there were others as well. "I hate you," was what LaForge told the computer, which tore it apart. Troy made it feel guilty. And then there was Picard. "A fat Captain sat at a bar. He asked for some Romulan ale, but the bartender said, "Hey, just because I ain't in Starfleat don't mean I a moron..." Between the computers frustration, guilt, anger, and non-stop laughter, things were literally blowing up. "Now Mr. Data!" Picard commanded. "Goo-d,b-ye,Geo...rdiiii," the computer struggled to udder its final words. Then Data stepped in, while other files began to interfere, but only until the procedure was fully operational. "The capital of Hawaii is Honolulu, the square of seven is forty-nine, the highest warp factor is fourteen...Operation Data, completed." "Commander, where are we?" Picard asked. "Coordinates 56-8902.345. In the middle of Borg space." "Take us out of here, Mr. LaForge." "Eye, captain." He set warp warp factor nine, and they shot close to the edge of the Borg border. But then, the files kept coming. "Log entry, n umber two o three point five, Troy. 'It was late, I was running. And then suddenly, he came into view.' " "Data, stop!" Diana yelled. "Canceling log entry." "Bridge," an Ensign in engineering said over the com link. "Consoles are exploding!" "This isn't working. Switch to auxiliary power. Get Data out of there!" Picard said. After back up power was restored, Data was quickly restored to his normal self, and relived from duty for a few hours. The only problem now was that they had no warp. And they were in Borg territory. Data returned to his quarters, and sat down. "Well, hello Spot," Data said as pet his cat. Spot purred and cooed, and curled. Then he jumped off Data, and onto the floor. "Hello," he said. It startled Data, however his emotions chip was still temporarily out of his system, so it only made him curious. "From past experiences, I've noted that feline species do not talk." "Why, aren't we the observant one? Now don't make me regret what I'm about to do," said the talking cat, as red and blue dust came out of him. Data flinched. "Q. You were in my quarters this entire time. Was it for observational research?" "Wow, you really have an impressive IQ, I must say," Q said sarcastically as he changed his form. "I had to see if you were worthy of what I've given you. See if you could beat something beyond your comprehension with the nolage you already had." "You've given me the power of the Q?" "Do you have any idea how long it would have taken Riker to figure that out. I've given you life, Data. I'm expanding the Continuum, and you are the only species I found worthy enough to help me create it. However, you're the only one of your kind. So I have to make do with what I have." "The only thing remotely close to me would be-," Data hesitated. "The Borg. You see, I have created a way to make the Q more powerful. Well, creating a Q more powerful than my own race, I mean. The power I am giving you is enormous, so you will receive it little by little. You don't understand how a Q can become more powerful. Yet. Not until you've become one. You will lead a race of individual, not a collective, individual Borg-Q. I won't, however, allow a race I create to be stringer than myself, so before I separate the Borg, I will allow myself to be assimilated." "You will become a part of them. You will lose all memory!" Data may not have had emotion, but he could define the word suicide. "I am Q! Not Borg. Q! Remember, I can take that power away from you. You've been around these humans too long. I'm helping you, Data. No more artificial feelings, no more 'I want to be human.' " Before he could say anything more, a voice was heard throughout the ship. "All hands to battle stations. Borg ship off the port bow!" "Well, I'll see you later. Think it over," Q gave a bit of a snarl, and then vanished. Data's cat appeared in his place. Data's real cat. As Data entered the bridge, the new security chief, Lt. Commander Tarian, said "They're powering weapons, sir." At that moment, three phaser-like beams shot toward the Enterprise. "Raise-," but the Captain was too late. "Sir, major damage on decks 4, 8, 12-," "Mr. Tarian, I suggest we fire back before there are no decks!" The Captain wasn't himself, but he knew he was no mach for a Borg attack ship on backup power. "Weapons are off line sir," Tarian said with a tone of voice that said,"Hello? We are on auxiliary power, and there are about five other decks with damage then the ones I had a chance to mention." Of course, if he had said that he wouldn't be security chief for very long. "They've stopped," said Riker. "Completely." .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated." "Good," said Q to the Borg he had purposely appeared in front of. The Borg touched him, and he quickly began growing electronic divises out of all parts of his body. Q, the all powerful and mighty Q, was being assimilated. "I didn't believe it was possible," Q said as the assimilation process began to occur. "I can feel more power than I ever have. I, I,...We." Q struggled. "I, we- I...AHHHHHH HHHHH! We are Borg. Resistance is futile." This wasn't another Borg's voice. This was Q. Q was no longer Q. He was no longer an individual. He wasn't part of a Continuum anymore. He was part of a Collective. Q was a full fledged Borg. Suddenly, all the of the Borg in the ship stopped. The information being sent to them by Q's assimilation was enormous. Only a Q could handle that kind of information. Not even a huge Collective could manage it .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... "Sir, I believe I know what is happening. Q just spoke to me in my quarters," Data said. "Q! What did he say?" Picard ask, have exited and have alarmed. "Well, he said he was going to create a new race of Q, with me as its leader. A new race of Borg-Q. He went to allow himself to become assimilated, so he would have the same power he was about to give the Borg. I already have some Q power, however I do not know how much. If he indeed has aloud himself to be assimilated, it could destroy the Collective. Q's plan was to turn them into individuals after he was assimilated, however there is a possibility he will become part of the Collective." "Can you stop it?" "I can try." At that moment, a Borg Cube came in range of the Enterprise. .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... "Our sensors have picked up the Enterprise, sir," said Odo. "And a Borg Cube." "Power weapons," Sisco said. "And keep on the lookout for anything strange. If Q created an emotions chip, something's bound to happen." "We are about ten minutes from the three vessels," said Worf. "Three?" "Yes. We are going to have to face a Borg Cube and an attack vessel." .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... "Sir, I believe I can bring Q over hear and return him to original form," said Data. "Do it!" Picard knew that if the Borg went nuts with a Cube nearby, they'd have problems. He only hoped that Data could do something about that Cube once the Borg lost Q's link. At that moment, a Borg appeared on the ship. "We are Borg, you shall be assimilated," the Borg said, with no feeling at all. Then, his implants began disappearing. "We are B-B-Borg. We are, Q...I. I. I am Q! Well...," Q's voice trailed off. He had never been outsmarted like this, so he was speechless. "Sir," said an inseighn. "The Borg have regained control. The attack ship is powering weapons." "Hmmm. You won't be needing these," said Q. Then, Data fell over. He immediately got up, and because of the announcement no one noticed. "Data, can you do anything?" Picard asked, knowing they had no way of fighting the Borg. Just before he could answer or Q could point out his misobservent mistake, the Borg ship was fired on. "Data?" "No sir." "We're being hailed, sir," said Riker. "This is the Defiant," said Commander Sisco. "We are here with the Kalismarian ship, Matalead. We found your probe, and came to help, but we won't be enough to stop that Cube." "Thank you," said Picard. "Please, hold off the other ship. It's no match for the Defiant. We will try to figure out what to do about the Cube." "Sisco out." "Data, what more can you do?" "He has fulfilled his place," Q said, simply. "I have nothing more to do here." "Q! Please...," Picard was interrupted. "Hello? Captain, this little get together is over. Have fun." With that, Q vanished, living the Enterprise at the Borg's mercy. However, Q did know how to take revenge. Suddenly, the Enterprise's main computer came back on line. Without emotion. .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... Just as the Borg began to lock weapons on the Defiant, their power went off line. "I am Cube. Resistance is futile." The Borg immediately tried refiguring their computer, giving it power to everything. Then, the Cube began spinning. .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.............................................................................................. "Sir, they're lowering shields," said Worf. "Fire," the three Captains said in unison on their separate ships. As they backed, the ship exploded, scattering its remains throughout the sector. Then, the three ships warped out, leaving a confused Collective, though they were confused themselves. .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... "I don't understand. Why would Q give Data those powers and promise him the leadership of a new race? That's no Q's style, " said Geordi. "No, but I bet he was secretly using Data for backup," said Bashire. "Backup?" said Worf, confused. "Yeah," Geordi said. "He was doing some experiment with the Borg, but wasn't quite sure if it would backfire on him. So, of course, he wouldn't give away the fact that he truly didn't know everything, so he used Data." "But why create the emotions chip?" asked Troy. "Because," Riker answered. "He has always been fascinated with 'primitive' species. He must have considered this an opportunity to see if Data, an android, could pull off something he didn't understand. Plus, he had to get the Enterprise into Borg Space without just sending it there. Because our ship was out of commission, we had no choice but to 'bail' him out." "But how could the Borg make the Q more powerful?" Picard asked. No one answered. Then, the silence was broken. " I have to have my secrets, you know." "Q," said Picard, not surprised of all at his arrival. "Why did you destroy the Borg Cube?" "Let's just say, I'm not so fond of the half organic type anymore." "Why are you back?" "My, my. You ask so many questions, and most of the time if you thought long enough you'd be able to figure out the answers for yourself. I'm here on personal business, and I assure you, it won't involve your primitive technology hitting on senior officers." "It's funny," said Bashire after Q vanished. "That Q had to use that primitive technology to lure the Enterprise into Borg space." "Data, did you save Q to save the ship, or was there another reason?" asked Sisco, mockingly. "Actually, major, it had a little to do with the Prime Directive," he said, smiling. .......................................................................... QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ .......................................................................... "Guinan, I realize your not very fond of me." "Q, I don't want any," Guinan said as if he were a door to door salesman. "The Continuum sent me. They've been watching you, and they're looking for ways to better our society, although I don't know why. From what they've seen, you'll make an excellent addition." "Q, I just came back. I came back because I realized how much I missed this ship, my friends. If I took the Q power, I'd be giving all that up." "Suit yourself." "That's it. No buts, no ifs?" "Suit yourself," Q said again. "But if you need anything, just whistle." With that, Q made a dramatic spin, turned to dust, and disappeared. Guinan puckered her lips together, and tried to whistle, unsuccessfully. She giggled a little, while cleaning up the bar. Although Picard would never no of Q's visit to her, it could prove useful later on.