J.R's New Home

<font color="red"size="2">Webtv 98' upgrade bug......RELOAD!!!</font>
Hi people!!!!!As you can tell i decided to give the ole' hp a new look.Bout time i decided to do this i remembered i still don't have a lot of time on my hands with the two jobs plus a couple other projects i'm working on so it's gonna take me longer than i thought!!!The pitbull page is still up......there's a link to it below but please be patient with me!!!!!When i'm done i'll have a decent f-key page.It's shaping up pretty nicely if i do say so myself!!!Don't have a clue what i did with my old guesstbook so i got a new one.I hope y'all will sign it :-) Well y'all take care and i hope you enjoy my site!!!!!!

Keep on smiling!!!

My Index

The American Pitbull Terrior
You guess it!!!!A page about the most awesome dog alive....The Pitbull!!!
J.R.'s F-Key's
These are my F-Keys.I'll be adding as i find time....These keys keep growing and growing and growing.....Enjoy!!!!Be sure and check out my f-key award......MY 2nd award!!!!!!!{{Proud Grin :-) }}
J.R.'s IRC
This is the IRC i been working on.....pretty kewl chatroom.....feel free to use if ya need too!!!! :-)
Add your link!!!
Feel free to add your link here.....maybe it'll help you get visitors to your site!!

Newly added!!!!

J.R.'s Baseball Keys!!
This is my baseball fkey.Keep track of your favs....not so favs......even keep track of your fantasy players!!!!!A must have for all baseball fans!!!!Enjoy!!!!

My First Award!!!!


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