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My artwork

Hey, this is where I'm going to put up all of my artwork, so feel free to look. :)*

*some of my art got really wierd looking after I scanned it and uploaded it to this site, so sorry if these artworks look a little messed up. Oh well....

Enjoy! :)

My Dad in Florida

This is a watercolor that I did this year of a picture that I took of my Dad in Florida. It looks kinda wierd, cause the uploading did something kinda wierd to it...oh well you get the idea of what it is.

Tiger, My Cat

Here is a painting of my cat, that I painted from a photograph. I painted this last year. The reason why the painting is in black and white is because I scanned this picture from an art magazine from school, I didn't have a color picture of it myself to scan. But I hope to have one soon.