This young girl is missing, please help find her!! Click on her picture to find out more about her disapearance


WAIT!!! before you leave my site (i know you probably aren't gonna do that right now), but sometime durring your visit, could you please vote for my site!!! :) It would mean so much to me...
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page as a Starting Point Hot Site

thank you so much...i'll leave you alone now


Welcome To....

(i thought this pic was kewl)

Welcome to my you will find many Links to my friends pages , my thoughts , stuff about me . I will update this page as often as I can, and it will ALWAYS be under construction!!

As most of you know, I LOVE Trent Reznor (NIN)!!! And this page use to be dedicated to him. But I have found that it is hard to keep a page dedicated to someone like Trent and still keep this at a personal home page level. If you would like to see the site I have devoted to him click here . It is a rather interesting page, a must for fellow NIN fans!!

I have alot of kewl friends from the Offspring Chat along with many of my other friends . Although, i don't just chat there, I chat at Alamak , and there I have many friends as well. I have some friends that play on the net too, they are my local friends, and friends that I have met a loooong time ago! . i like to keep in touch with all my friends, so feel free to e-mail me and i PROMISE to write back!!


you are the person to see this stuff!!

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