
Hello. My name is Kimberly, and this is my first attempt at a web page, so please bear with me. I've been working on this off and on since May of '99 and here are the results. Feel free to browse around and let me know what you think. Thanks for stopping by and please sign the guest book to let me know you've been here.
This site is constantly under construction. Please stop by again soon!!

A picture of me. This is me in my normal pose, throwing a smile at the world, whatever it may throw back at me. I'm always smiley, cheery, and willing to have fun. OK, so the real story is it's the morning after formal, I've had all of maybe four hours of sleep, and I had to be at work in half an hour, for six hours. Anything to stay awake. =)

A shot of me with my beloved antlers, feeling festive and celebrating Christmas.

And how about a photo of my favorite country band, 2/3 Columbus bred Rascal Flatts? This was at their concert in Columbus, where they opened for Jo Dee Messina. They put on one amazing, energetic show. I can't wait to hear (and see!!!) more of these great guys!

Well, my wish was granted. March 21, 2002, Bonnie, Julie, and I got to see a repeat performance, from three rows back. Still an amazing show. A few pics from it.

We're not even going to BEGIN to discuss the heartbreak that takes place everytime I look at this picture. It would be incredible, if only my favorite bandmember, an amazing songwriter, weren't hiding behind me in the picture. Grr..

My Sorority Family

My grand-little Cassie, my little Missy, and me. I'm so proud of my beautiful family. I love you girls.


Deanna Leslie Kameck's First Christmas...isn't she adorable?

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This page last updated December 29, 2002.

Questions or suggestions? Email me at kimberlyjo@hotmail.com