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Mr.Draco's Lair
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Mr.Draco's Lair

If your reading this. Than you've stumbled acroose Mr. Draco's Lair. Yeah thats right the one and onley M.D. I am a artist who has an exceptionally strange addiction to reading about or learning about or creating dragons. Either in the form of a picture or book. all my life I've had a need for people to see and now my minde. So I took up the art of drawing win I was a young man and have become a great artist Thought not as good as I would have liked to be. I can creat masterful pictures of superheros, people, and outher craeters or crations. I started by drawing dragons. But over the years I've started drawing outher things, but no matter what I always came back to dragons. Every where I look I see and here dragons. And more and more that I thinck about it the more and more I seem to think outhers should see the buetiful dragons I see in my head. So I have berfected my art to well an art. But thought I'm good I'm not as good as some of the people's work that I have on my page here. Dragons arnt my onley love in this world. I have always worshiped two outher important things. The rock & roll music of the 80's. Such as guns and rosses, aroesmith, Blacksabith and outhers. My outher love is the legendarey life and amzing world of harley davidson. Ya I know what your thincken. This guy is just some wacke-o who can draw dragons and is completley ubsested with them. Well your wrong I have meney tallents. I've been givin a titel for being a verey good video game master. You know the stuff like the abillety to rember everything I see that has enything to do with the game I'm playing. Strang ability to find and undrstand how to do cheat codes on my own, with out a code book. Or to be able to just pick up a controler to a fighting game and go out on it destroying all my abonets. I've beaten every game I've ever played in under three days (this meaning just going through without trying to find scerts and cheats) except an old 8pit nintendo game, Festers Quest, and em excelent at RPG's (Roll Playing Game) such as the famous, Zelda, Final Fantesy 1-7, and the game not so well known but verey good Crstlis. Oh and on a personal note my favorit bands or Guns and Roses, BlackSabith, and Aroesmith. If you want to give me call on my e-mail about these bands well just give me a call. Or e-mail whatever. Alsow you can e-mail me if you got some cool or just verey artistic pictures of dragons or just want to talk or learn my therores on them just give me a call. I well alsow except enything on the topics of Video games, Motercycles, or would like to talk about the topic of New Movies. Oh did I mention that I'm a nateral moive critec. And just to let you get an Idea of my moive critisem abilitys. I'll give you a preview. Rember the moive Mortal Kombat. Well they've made a sequill. and it sucks. Don't go to see it you'll probably be able to rent it in under a month. The costumes reack. As far as I can tell the only two acters that reterned from the origenal moive are the acters who played Johney Cage and Lue Cang. The person who plays raden shaves his head in the meadel of the moive. They give alomst no background information on the carecters. The carecters that you whant to see and know about, onley apper for about a five second period. For instance Knight Wolf the, shoman worrior, only apperes long enouph to talckel Lue Cang in the form of a wolf, and to knock him out with a mistical ake. And sheeva, the four armed nomad worrior, you just get to see scream at them jump down on this cage looking thing as something falls from the celling that kills her. And all the realley important bad guys like the badguys supervillen genrals, which the bad guy kills of reley fast. Oh and by the way Johnney Cage, one of the only retern carcters, is killed right of the bat. And the acting in thes movie absoleley sucks. Its alomst as if the must money they spint on this moive is the eqevillent to the amont of money they spent on the first movies coffe and donuts that the actors ate between scens. The script for this moive sucks worse than algabra classes I had to take in high school. Wich by the way was the parsons VIKINGS, Lets somp those gout roppers, The LCS Altomat Grizzleys. But know back to the subject of the movie. The best advise I can give you is DON'T BOUTHER GOING TO SEE IT, just forget that they ever created these imbarasment to the Mortal Kombat legacey. This well probabley garentey thit there won't be either a sequall to the moive or game agin. The reson it angered me the most is I realey liked the first moive. well know you know almost every thing about me except that my High School Football Number is 25 and that my true idenety can onley be descovered if you happed to know the identey of MR. DRACO A.K.A. Too Cool Was Here. I'll Be Back to review anouther moive either next week or next mounth. Either way it depends on the mood I'm in and weather or not I've resentley seen a good enouph, or bad enough, to insult or review. this is Mr. Draco sining of for the month of november the 26th 1997 I hope all you liked the reivew and opening day of the my first real legetamt web page.

this defines cool

some of my fav. sites

Here There Be DRAGONS,I recommand the mistacle images site
GUNS & ROSES, if it dosen't work on the first click what and click agin, it wont go stright there you'll see an advertisment page first just click on the back ground
Mortal Kombat World, thats all you need to know
Harley Davidson Cafe New York, must I say moore
