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Disclaimer: Babylon 5 and its characters belonged to JMS and Warnor Bros.


By Sandy

Part 2

Susan and Talia had just finished walking through the small station?s merchant guild, and were waiting for the lift to take them back to their ship.

Their lunch had been pleasant and comfortable, the two women speaking as if they were old friends. After lunch they had walked around and looked at the various earth shops noting the differences between Babylon 5 and this smaller more Earth-associated station.

They entered the lift and asked for the level on which their shuttle was located. They spent the lengthy seconds in which it took to get to the level, in silence. They exited the lift and found themselves in the middle of a chaotic docking bay.

"What the?!" Susan practically yelled when a man in a medlab coat ran into her. She grabbed his arm and pulled him around to face her.

"What's going on here?" Susan asked looking around at the mesh of people running about.

"Dunno, something about a couple of ships and stuff coming in all bent up, so most of us have to get on the job right away, lots of critical situations." The tech said pulling his arm away and running off.

"Eh, let's get back to our shuttle and get out of here." Talia said, seeing the look of curiosity on Susans face.

"Ok," Susan said absently. She wanted to know what was going on but knew that it didn't have anything to do with her.

They headed to where their shuttle was waiting and noted, gladly, that it was prepared for launch already. They boarded and got comfortable in the pilot and co-pilot?s seats. Susan asked for clearance to take off and was given it without hesitation. They entered normal space and unstrapped themselves, knowing that they still had a good 5 hours until they reached Earth.

Four hours later they sat in the 'lounge' talking about nothing in particular.

"What do you see yourself doing when you?re not with Earth Force?" Talia asked curiously, wanting to know everything she could about the amazing person she was in company with.

"I don't really know. I guess I'll just settle in somewhere in Russia, or something like that." Susan replied, having not really thought about her life after Earth Force.

"You settling down?" Talia asked, not really seeing Susan as the type that 'settled down'.

"So hard to see me like that?" Susan asked back, smirking at the slight astonishment on Talia?s face.

"Yeah, I mean you seem the type that will always be one to the action and not really fit for domesticated life." Talia responded.

"True, but you haven't seen all of me so you wouldn't know." Susan said flippantly before getting up from the couch that she and Talia shared, going to the kitchenette.

She pulled out a small water bottle and put it to her mouth, taking a medium sized drink. She swished the water around in her mouth, then let the water wash down her throat. She returned to the couch and leaned back against the arm of it.

She smiled as she looked at the woman she had so hurriedly dismissed because of a trivial matter. Susan now, knowing the telepath a little better than before, thought of her as Talia and not as a psi-corp member and was glad she did.

She liked the way Talia was when she was just Talia, she liked the way Talia smiled when they were just talking, she liked... hell she liked everything about the blond sitting across from her she just hadn't recognized it until now. First, she had been in denial of the fact that she was very attracted to the telepath. She had been brisk and maybe even rude to Talia but had always wanted, if not consciously then unconsciously, to be around her.

"What's it like?" Talia asked, breaking the intense silence that had befallen them.

"What's what like?" Susan countered.

"Having a family." Talia said softly.

"It's... warm." Susan answered simply.

"Warm?" Talia questioned.

"Yeah warm, like having the sun wash over your body on one of those perfect type days. When I was little we would always stay up for New Years but not watch the infamous ball drop. We would just sit together waiting for the New Year. I can remember a moment where I was laying on mama and papa's laps with mama stroking my hair and papa's hand on my stomach. Ganya was sitting on the floor leaning against the couch, his head on papa's knee. That moment was warm, not from the fire, but a peace that I had with the people that had always been there." Susan replied, facing Talia but her eyes watching something from a distant past.

"It must have been nice," Talia sadly, "I try to remember what it was like to be with my family but I come up short."

"Yeah it was. Don't worry though Talia, maybe you can have those memories with your own family." Susan said, trying to lighten the mood. It worked because Talia looked up and smiled mischievously.

"My my, the biggest pessimist in all know existence is trying to cheer me up? I feel honored to have that small bit of optimism directed at me." Talia joked, feigning utter surprise.

"Ah ha, proves my point, you don't know my other sides." Susan said, enjoying the friendly banter.

"I would like to." Talia said, surprising herself and Susan for saying it.

Susan looked at Talia and something in her wanted to touch her, to make any pain she had ever had go away. Susan shook her head suddenly as if trying to shake those types of thoughts out of her head and stood up abruptly.

"We're almost close enough to earth to go off auto-pilot so I better go up there just in case" Susan said, being dismissive for the first time since day three of their journey. She walked up to the front, leaving a very sullen looking telepath behind.

Talia sat there for a moment thinking about why Susan had brushed her off like before they had come to an understanding. **Maybe Susan just isn't interested** Talia thought something in Susan's eyes the last few days had said differently.

Talia got up and walked to the front where Susan was already strapped in and watching the console. Talia sat down in her seat without bothering to strap in and looked out the window. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw the Earth, beautiful in it's blues and greens, sparkling just a short distance away. She glanced over at Susan and saw that she was watching the Earth come up upon them, just as she had been doing a moment ago. She had a look that said so many things, but soft joy was the majority.

"When was the last time your were on Earth?" Talia asked hesitantly, not wanting to walk on thin ice.

"A long time." Susan replied absently, still staring at her homeworld. She hadn't been there in so long and just looking at the beautiful and vivid blue and green orb, made her feel better.

She pulled her eyes away from the Earth and stationed them on the console checking and rechecking the numbers and data. Everything looked in place and the ship was ready to land.

Susan leaned back in her chair, shifting her body so she was comfortable in the straps. She watched the controls, and thought about the days she had just spent aboard the small, private shuttle.

Talia and herself had become somewhat friends, no longer so cold and distant to each other. The commander had been a little bit more civil to the woman that represented everything she hated, and found out that there was a beautiful person underneath. Susan kicked herself mentally for thinking that something like her 'secret' should get in the way of being a friend and having a friend. But not anymore, now she would judge Talia as Talia and not as Psi-Corps.

"Strap yourself in, we're reaching the window into the atmosphere, there's gonna be some turbulence in this small of a ship." Susan said to Talia, nodding toward her unstrapped body to emphasize what she was saying.

Talia pulled on her straps and settled back into the seat, staring blankly at the monitors, too lost in thought to register much. She was thinking about when she had been working on the empathy project. She had had a very low-key position on the research team, being only a p-5. She had been basically an assistant to the higher rating telepaths, only once or twice actually helping or being involved with the scans

What had really made an impact on her though, was the fact that two of the telepaths had been friends of hers. Especially Keran Delasin, she had been her roommate when she had been in school and had been one of the only people that Talia had ever considered family. Her death had really hit Talia hard, making her re-consider and then transferring her work out of the research and testing department into the commercial department.

Talia snapped out of her reverie when Susan called her name. She looked over at the commander and listened half-heartedly as Susan told her that they only had 10 minutes before reaching the window in Earth's atmosphere, and from there landing. Talia sighed and pulled on the straps that had been neglected until that very moment.


The shuttle had been landed and put into a storage unit until needed the next week. Susan and Talia found themselves standing outside underneath the somewhat dimming sun.

Susan stood, tilting her head to the warm rays, and felt the pull of real gravity. And cherished the feel of it all. Talia watched as she closed her eyes and almost sighed. Talia loved the unguarded look Susan had upon her face, not caring in the least about the things that Susan was reveling in.

Susan opened her eyes, and glanced at Talia. She was watching her with an odd expression on her face. Susan was tempted to tell her off, but shrugged instead and looked around.

"Where's that cab?" She asked, referring to the bullet car that was to pick them up and take them to the hotel.

"Uh, "Talia said, looking the left, "should be here in a sec."

Sure enough a moment later a streak of silver came down the road. The car lived up to the name 'bullet' with its fast, sleek body, and it's silvery white colors. It brought on an air of efficiency instead of comfortably. After having their bags put in the back by the driver, Susan and Talia found that it was quite cozy with a comfortable size and overstuffed back leather seats.

"So, the Jeanne D'Arc Hotel?" The driver asked, confirming what he had been told by the company that owned the car.

"Yes." Talia said, and the cab pulled away from the curb and sped towards the hotel.

"Can I ask something?" Susan asked.

"Sure," Talia replied, looking to Susan.

"Why do we have to spend a week here if you?re here for only one meeting?" Susan questioned.

"Well, actually it's not just one meeting, there are several lectures this week on it, and many discussions. There's a lecture every day with the discussions and the final meeting on the weekend," Talia answered.

"You said that you weren't really that important to the project, why do you have to come to these things? It seems pointless." Susan speculated.

"For me to be there, it is pointless. But every person who worked on the project, even research assistants, have to be there." Talia clarified. She turned to the window when they pulled up to the hotel. She got out and offered her hand to Susan, who looked at it then got out of the car.

The driver got out of the cab and got their luggage. He handed them over, got back into the cab, and drove off. Susan and Talia walked up wide steps and into the hotel. They went to the front desk where they signed in.

A bellboy came and took their bags and led them to their room. The suite was elegantly furnished with lightly colored furniture and paintings on the wall. The bellboy explained that the two doors to the right were the bedrooms and the door on the left of them was the bathroom. He left their luggage with them and left.

"Ironic that once upon a time we were mortal enemies, and now here we are staying in a four star hotel together." Susan quipped, looking over the living room.

"That's not my fault. "Talia pointed out.

"Yes it is, if you would've just given in, things would have been fine." Susan said, with an air of superiority, which faded into a grin when she saw Talia roll her eyes.

Talia smiled at the banter that was occurring between them. Susan looked over at her and shook her head before entering one of the bedrooms.

She looked around before exiting and then going into the second one. They were both the same, comfortable looking beds with fluffy covers, a mahogany desk, a walk in closet, and a set of drawers with a mirror attached to it.

"Looks like they?re exactly the same, do you want to pick one? Being as picky and stubborn as you are?" Susan joked, after coming out of the second bedroom.

"Yes, I have very strict regulations on that. I need the one that has a window that faces exactly north." Talia replied. She picked up her bags and indicated that she would take the one on the left. She went into the room and started to put her stuff away. Susan did the same in her room and they met in the living room.

"Well what are we going to do now?" Susan asked, looking around as if bored with the suite already.

"It's about," Talia paused looking at the old fashioned chronometer on the wall, "5:30. We could go do something."

"Like what? Go to the zoo and watch the animals?" Susan said sarcastically, getting a grin from Talia in return.

"Well, we both haven't been to Earth in a while, let's do something only Earth has." Talia said rationally. Susan nodded, and when neither of them said anything gestured to Talia to make a suggestion.

"Why don't we go to the park?" She said finally.

"The park?" Susan asked incredulously.

"Yes the park, there's grass, which is a fairly Earth thing, the sun's shinning brightly, I bet there's a lake or a stream, what more could you ask for?" Talia said. Susan really couldn't argue with that, it had been so long since she had been on Earth, being at a park sounded great.

"Ok then, let's get ready and go. I'm going to take a shower," Susan said, getting up from her spot on the couch and going into her room to get her clothes. She came out with her clothes on her arm, grinned at Talia, who was still in the chair, and went into the bathroom.

Talia got up and walked into her room, wondering what clothes she should wear. Not wanting to wear the clothes she had on, or any of her psi-corps suits, she decided to wear a light blue ankle skirt and an off white cotton shirt. She got dressed, fixed herself up a bit and walked back into the living room to wait for Susan to get done with her shower.

Susan exited the bathroom in a matter of minutes, to Talia's surprise. Talia then figured that it was a military thing, and asked if Susan was ready to go. Susan nodded and they left the hotel.

Since the Geneva park was only two blocks down they decided to walk instead of getting a cab. When they reached the park, they were delighted to see that the park was almost empty save for a mother and child farther down to the left area of the park and a few joggers here and there. Susan and Talia sat down on a bench underneath a great willow tree that sprinkled the sunlight that streamed through its leaves onto the ground.

Susan relaxed against the bench, looking at Talia with a hazy look in her eyes. "What do you like Talia?" She asked the blond.

"What do you mean?" Talia replied.

"It's a general question, what do you like. Music, books, interests, anything. What do you like?" Susan said back.

"Well, I like all types of music, but I prefer the softer side of it. Books, I like classics, The Count of Monte Cristo and other things that you had to read in school, plus realistic fiction. For interests I enjoy chess, though I never get to play, and well, a lot of other things." Talia offered, giving Susan that odd expression again.

Susan looked about to comment when her hand went to her head as if in pain. A rush of chaos engulfed her and she was swept away in desolation and loneliness. She felt as if she was being pulled in a million directions and the feelings of pain and anguish threatened to overwhelm her.

Talia had watched this and was now holding Susan's hand trying to get her to open her eyes and tell her what was going on. She had immediately gotten out of her seat and knelt in front of Susan, trying to get her to stop shaking her head and to ask what was going on. Susan looked as if she was in pain, her face twisted into a frown, and eyes shut tightly.

Talia called Susan over and over trying to get her to come back to her, feeling the thoughts and painful emotions that were coming out of Susan's mind. Finally Susan opened her eyes, a wild look in them as if she didn't recognize who or where she was. She looked at Talia and the look seemed to fade a bit, but it was still there.

"Susan are you all right?" Talia said urgently, still holding Susan's hand.

"I ... I don't know what just happened." Susan said rather flatly, still remembering the images and feelings that had raced through her just moments ago. She stood up quickly, nearly knocking Talia down and started for the gate of the park. Talia stood up and caught up with her.

"Where are you going?" She asked trying to match Susan's brisk stride.

"Back to the hotel." Susan said shortly.

"Susan, something just happened back there. You can't just go about doing nothing!" Talia countered.

"I don't care, let's just go back to the hotel. The park was getting boring anyway." Susan replied.

Talia recoiled at the sarcasm and hostility in Susan's voice. She dropped the subject and focused on walking back to the hotel.

When they reached it they took the lift up to their room in silence and entered. Susan went into her room and shut the door, leaving a still slightly stunned blond telepath standing in the living room. Talia looked at the chronometer and saw that it was almost 6 o'clock. She decided to leave Susan alone until she was calmed down about whatever had happened earlier.

Talia didn't know what had happened to Susan but she didn't like it. It was as if Susan had relived something terrible that wasn't even hers. Talia had felt a desperate loneliness and utter chaos from Susan, as if the feelings had captured her and made her go through that.

Talia sighed and went into her own room, deciding to just watch a vid on the TV in her bedroom. She watched ISN for a short while before getting up and going into the kitchenette. She went through the little fridge and decided that to eat something they would have to order in room service or go down to the restaurant on the bottom level of the hotel.

She knocked on Susan's door, and when she heard a 'what' opened the door.

"What do you want?" Susan said, rather hotly. She was sitting at the desk with a few padd's on it, most likely going over work of some sort.

"It's about time for dinner, would you like to go downstairs to eat in the restaurant or order in room service?" Talia asked hesitantly.

"Room service." Came the short response.

"Ok." Talia said and left the room feeling confused at the days happenings.


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

"Delta leader to delta wings, show's over. Let's collect the stragglers and return to base." ( Sighs and Portents )