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Generally speaking, I think that coonhunters are suckers for new equipment
and gadgets of all types. I know I've bought alot of stuff that I really
like and alot that was a waste of money.

The following is a personal review of some of the things that I have tried &
some of the companies that I have dealt with. Keep in mind that anything on
this page is personal opinion only & your views may differ entirely.

If you have any stuff that is not listed here, have a differing opinion, or
would like to add your two cents to something already listed, then you can
E-mail me & i'd be happy to post it.

Rating System

* = Pure-D Crap
** = Live & Learn
*** = Decent, nothing to write home about.
**** = Now We're Talkin'
***** = OOOOOOH, SON. I'm catchin' a buzz


Nite Lite

P.O. Box 8300
Little Rock, AR 72222
Phone: 1-800-648-5483
Rating: ***
Nite Lite is of the most popular outfitters for our sport. They sell
a wide assortment of products. Their products are generally middle of the
road, nothing real fancy.
The only real problem that I have with Nite Lite, is that they do inventory
towards the end of the year (which, I know, is the handiest time to do it)
and that happens to be near christmas & right in the middle of hunting season.
It takes considerably longer to get anything durnig this time and if you need
some replacement stuff or more bulbs during their inventory time, forget it.


215 South Washington Street
Greenfield, OH 45123-1466
Phone: 1-800-833-4518
Rating: ****
I have done limited business with Boatman's but, with what I have done, I have
been pleased with their service. They are a smaller company and they give you
the feeling that you are dealing with regular people rather than just a company.

Wick Outdoor Works

806 South Sturgeon St.
Montgomery City, Mo 63361
Phone: 1-800-325-2112
Rating: *****
In my opinion, you can't say too many good things about WOW. They are the best,
bar none.
They have alot of pricier stuff in their inventory but, most of it is top of the line.
You can be assured that what you buy from WOW is good & they will stand by it.


The following 2 reviews were submitted by Mr. Shane Richards

Tri-Tronics LS 70 Shock Collars

These shock collars work when you need them to work. The batteries keep their charge excellently and last for a long time. They are rugged and can stand alot of harsh treatment such as getting banged around and getting wet. My collars have lots of scratches and dings and they have been in lots of water and they have never ever let me down. In my opinion Tri-Tronics is the absolute best choice in Shock Collars.
Rating: *****

Innotek Houndsman Shock Collars

I tried the Innotek Houndsman for a while but had to send it back. You have to program the reciever in to the collar for it to work. Half the time it didn't work. One of the dogs decided to chase a deer. I had the Houndsman collar on her and figured I could teach her a good lesson. The collar didn't work and I spent the day trying to catch a trash chasing dog. Needless to say I was not happy. It is a hassle to have to program the collars in all the time. A person just wants to grab the collars and go. Also everytime I got ready to go hunting the batteries would be dead. They could not keep a charge. Don't waste your money on a product as poor as this one.
Rating: *

Perma Leads & Collars

Nite Lite, various No's, Pg. 62 Spring '98 Catalog

This review was sent in by Bill Gadberry, a hunter from Indiana.

Have you ever tried the Perma leads or collars advertised in Nite Lite? I have two leads and four collars. I wish they had brass snaps, but other than that I have no complaints. They are plenty strong and no matter what you get on them you can just wipe it off. My collars have shown very little wear (compared to leather) and I have had no problems at all with them. You don't have to worry about them getting stiff when wet or with age. When my leads or collars wear out I will definitely go with Perma again.
Rating: ****

Nite Lite Wizard

This is a small, compact, 6V lite. The battery is in a molded PVC case & it is fairly
light weight. It is a pretty good light for the money.
The thing that I don't like about it is that the head unplugs & you charge it through
the same jack. The connectors are pretty flimsy & the more you mess with the plug, the
more you shorten it's life span.
If you buy one of these, you are not getting a lite that will catch the trees on fire, it's
an inexpensive light that will get the job done & not much more.
Rating: ***

Nite Lite Halogen

This lite is comparable to the Wizard, only it's heavier & more expensive. It's a 6V, 8 amp
battery in a molded PVC case. If this as all you require, you would be better off with a
Rating: **

Nite Lite Rheo-Head

This is Nite Lite's standard head. If you are adding a head to another light system that
already has a rheostat, the one on the head is useless. However, if you have a Wizard or
a Nite Lite Sport, the Rheostat on the head is real handy.
What I like about this head is that it takes a PR flanged base bulb, which is much cheaper
than a bayonet style bulb.
What I don't like about it is that you have to turn the bezel to change the focus & the rubber
O-ring in the head makes it hard to turn. Also, the On/Off switch is on the bottom of the head
and it is hard to actuate with gloves on.
Rating: ***

Nite Piercer 12V

This is a 12V, 5 amp system that incoroprates a battery that is separate from the battery case.
It is a reasonably priced system that can get the job done.
What I like about this system is that it uses 2 6V, 5 amp batteries that are wired parallel to
produce 12V, 5 amps. It is a simple task to modify this lite to 6V, 10 amp by wiring them in
series. Or, if you are so inclined, you can add a terminal block and a switch to run the head
at 6V, 10 amp and run a spot at 12V, 5 amp. This, however, does void the warranty but the
circuitry in this lite is so simple that you can buy the necessary components and fix it yourself
for less time & money than it would take to ship it back to the company.
What I dont like about it is that the battery rolls around in the case like a BB in a boxcar and
if you have to take off running, you will sound like a mariachi band unless you wedge the battery
into the case with paper towels or something.
Rating: ***

Timothy Ball Coon Squller

Just your run of the mill coon squaller. Nothing more, nothing less.
Rating: ***

Boatman's Glow in the Dark Coon Squaller

YOu don't blow into this squaller, you suck on it. To be honest, it sucks too. The sounds are quite
unrealistic & I can imagine that The Joker is sitting up in his den laughing at you standing down there
sucking on this glowing piece of plastic.
Rating: *

Fightin' Kitten Coon Squaller

Now, this sucker will make Joker take notice. This is a bellows type coon squaller, all you have to do is shake it. It takes a few tries to get it down but, once you do, it's hot.
What do I like about it? Just about everything.
What do I dislike about it? If you put it in your pocket, it squeaks when you walk.
Rating: ****

Extra Wide Double-Ply Studded Collar

Nite Lite No.222
I can't see how anyone who has tried a 2" wide collar could ever go back to anything else. They offer the dog's neck & throat alot more protection when he's calibrating a coon's disposition.
I can whole heartedly recommend a wide collar, but not this one. I bought two of them and the stitching was coming undone before I even got them on the dogs. Also, the D-ring is too small and it is hard to get the leash on and off.
Rating: **

Glow In The Dark Elastic Collar

Nite Lite No.GF150
I used these small collars all last season & part of this one, then I burned them.
They are designed to slip over your dogs head & be worn as an addition to it's regular collar. The glow in the dark is really worthless. The reflectiveness is it's only saving grace.
The thing about these collars is this, if you buy them too loose, the dogs get sticks & stuff run up underneath them & if you buy them tighter, they ride up under their collar & you cant see them. Also, they have a maximum life span of about one season.
Rating: **


Many different models from Nite Lite & Boatman's
If you are looking for a flashlight, this baby cooks. It's real powerful for a flashlight, but it takes a whole armload of batteries & it likes to suck the juice.
It's a good flashlight but, you need to invest in some rechargeable batteries. Also, the batteries are hard to change. You would think that whoever designed this light might realize that if it goes out, you will be trying to work on it in the dark.
Rating: ***