How We Acquired Akira

For anyone who might be wondering...How'd Megumi-chan get her hands on Akira, here is a first hand account of that fateful night...
Schuldig : Um…where’s Megumi-chan?
Yohji : Yeh…usually she’d be molesting Omi-kun, but he’s right here and she’d nowhere in sight…


The door flies open and Megumi-chan walks in carries a heavy bag with her

Megumi-chan : Hey guys! *throws bag onto the floor* I got a surprise for you!
Omi : *sweatdrop* You didn’t bring home any new sharp appliances for Farfarello did you?
Farfie : Hehehehehe *Spasm of joy*
Megumi-chan : *looks deeply disturbed* God no, not after what he did to my toaster!
Farfie : *whimpers* No fun…*Suddenly becomes preoccupied with a nearby electrical outlet*
Yohji : *looks alarmed* Um, Megumi-chan…
Megumi-chan : Yes?
Yohji : Your bag is…MOVING!
Megumi-chan : *blink* Oh, well, would you look at that. You appear to be correct.
Omi : Oh, Megumi-chan…That’s not a--- a per--
Schuldig : ….Is there a person in there?!?
Megumi-chan : *Cough* Maybe *Cough* I might have, uh, picked up one on the way home.
Schuldig : Damnit, Megumi-chan!
Megumi-chan : Hey, I was expecting at least some support from you of all people, you’re evil for god’s sake!
Omi : megumi-chan, not again! We talked about this!
Megumi-chan : *whine* I know, I know, but this time will be different, I promise to feed this one and everything!
Ken : Geez, Megumi-chan, don’t you have enough bishounen around here?
Megumi-chan : Yeh, but Aya is such a disappointment…I was hoping I could just replace him.
Aya : *throws a shoe at Megumi* Shi-ne!
Megumi-chan : See! He doesn’t even put any effort into trying to kill me anymore!
Crawford : Alright, well, let’s have a look at him…
Megumi-chan : *glares* He’s mine Crawford, just cuz you can bitch-slap Nagi around doesn’t mean you can do it to everyone! Anyway…

Megumi pulls open the bag to reveal a gagged and pissed off looking Akira.

Megumi-chan : *Don’t ya just wanna eat him up?
Yohji : You know what? Fine, you deal with this. Have fun with your new bishounen. We’re not involved.
Megumi-chan : Great! *pats an angry Akira on the back* Welcome to the team!

::weiß:: ::schwarz:: ::schreient:: ::love:: ::links:: ::omake:: ::spoilers::