
"Take me with you to your world."
-Hell(to Masafumi), episode 9

First assassin outfit

Name : Aoi Chizuru
Code Name : Hell/Japanese : Pel
Code Name Meaning : Light
Age : 27
Likes : Takatori Masasfumi
Dislikes : When someone tries to hurt her Masafumi
Weapon : She uses various sharp and painful objects to throw/poke/and slash at Weiß.
Seiyuu : Katsuki Masako

Schuldig : This is the the woman responsible for the group of crazed women called Schreient.
Yohji : I think..he means she's the leader of Schreient. Anyway, this beauitful yet deadly young woman is Pel.
Megumi-chan : You know Pel, she's the one that not only RUNS with scissors, she also THROWS them at peoples heads! Now you know she MUST be evil! Pel would be the leader of Schreient; the 'Aya' of the group. Maybe she has the leader position because she's the most talented...or maybe it's just cuz she's banging their boss ^o^.
Schuldig : ...Aren't they all?
Yohji : NO! I know that Neu is certainly not partaking in that sort of thing!
Schuldig : Riiiight... she's just pathetically devoted to Masafumi because he's a 'good friend', they're just good friends, right? *Snicker*
Megumi-chan : Hm, sorry Yohji and Schuldig, but you have to admit, Masafumi's gotta be the biggest pimp on the show! He's got all of Schreient hopelessly devoted to him, who act as his bodyguards and 'dolls.' Even after he decides to 'betray' them, they still think the world of him and continue to love him more than anything.
Miyako-chan : Yep, and Pel probably adores him the most. She's the only one that we know actually has a physical relationship with him, but the others seem too close for comfort as well. She seems to be the most devoted to him, though I'm not sure what anyone could see that guy...especially when you have kawaii Crawford walking around! Or when Schuldig winked at them!
Megumi-chan : Hehe, I remember that, too! It's safe to assume that Masafumi 'saved' Pel from some kind of worse life, since that's what he did with the rest of Schreient. The two work closely together and I think that she's probably intelligent as well, because it seems like she works with him in the lab.
Miyako-chan : Hai, and before she was in Schreient she was in the Japanese Self Defense forces, which means, she can kick some serious Weiß ass!
Megumi-chan : Got that right, and she also uses a weapon that looks like scissors without handles and chucks them at her opponents. She's usually throwing them at Aya-kun, because, as we mentioned above, he is her Forever loyal to Masafumifighting opponent. She probably gets great joy from this because she despises Weiß for what they did to Masafumi and they come up with quite an evil plan to get Weiß, specifically Aya, back. Of course we won't tell you what, since there won't be any spoilers here!
Miyako-chan : She seems to get along with Chen the best, probably because they both are in need of some anger management classes.
Megumi-chan : Someone needs to teach them that violence is NOT the way, cuz they don't just get angry...they try and run you over with an 18-wheeler while chucking scissors at your head.
Miyako-chan : Yep at first her life was devoted to protecting her Masafumi, and after that it was devoted to making Weiß suffer. She really needs to find a better reason for living!
Schuldig : They're all pathetic, their downfall is inevitable.
Megumi-chan : That is true...the reason they will never be as successful at their evil doings as Schwarz is, is because they're weak and they show it. They allow someone else (Masafumi) to have power and cotnrol over them and foolishly trust others. They let their emotions get in the way, which would explain why Crawford hates them..you saw what he did to Nagi when he thought he was making them look weak! Schreient are villans, but they're not really evil. They think they're doing the right thing, which to them is protecting Masafumi. So what if they kill a few people along the way...
Schuldig : Yeah, yeah, Schreient sucks and we kick ass, tell me something I don't know! Anyway, we can finally wrap this one up! That's all!