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Kiss Me At Midnight


Justin Timberlake Interview
Kiss Me At Midnight


Kiss Me At Midnight
All you who want me to link you send me your web page address, I am making a link page

Welcome to my first attempt at a website. This page will be forever under construction, because I am learning. If you have any tips to help me, please, please, please feel free to email me! Also, if you have any ideas on what type of things I could do with my *NSYNC webpage feel free to email me!

It all started with a little show called MMC! I loved that show I watched it from day one and taped almost every single episode. I was a MMC freak! I really loved this one guy on the show his name was Ricky Luna. He was the whole reason I taped it every day. I still have my tapes and awhile back (a long while) I read an article in a magazine about a new group with 5 boys in it. There was a picture of them and I was like "Oh my god that's JC!" Then I reconized Justin, but at the time of the show he was so little and I just thought "he is gonna be cute when he grows up" Well, he sure grew up(if ya know what I mean). Well, anyways....I love them all!

The first concert I went to was this year. May 7. At the time I was pissed off because when I called in for tickets I ended up pressing the wrong button(for the wrong city). See, I live in Milwaukee, WI and on May8th was the concert here and on May 7th the concert was in Madison, WI(2 hrs away). Well, me and two friends decided to make a road trip out of it and went to the one in Madison. Let's just say it was the best mistake I have ever made. See, after the concert there was an after set at a club with *NSYNC and we went. We got up to the second row of the small stage in the club and were able to take pictures of them. It was great! Hopefully soon I will post some of the pictures
Any E Ways, please email me with ideas and help(if you can). Remember this is my first webpage! Tell me what you think about me having a page devoted to " The Time I Almost Met *NSYNC" You can email me your stories and I will post them?Let me know what you think!

About Me....

My name is Kime

I am 21

I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

My idols Are: *NSYNC, Claire Danes, Drew Barrymore, Ryan Phillippe, Leonardo Dicaprio,Seth Green, Ricky Luna....many more (big variety)

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