Lawrence Bhakti Fest is postponed indefinitely due to the pandemic.
We will reschedule when it is safe. Blessings, and be careful.

Larry Carter
Lawrence Old Guard Productions

8th Annual
Lawrence Bhakti Festival

Saturday, April 4th, 2020
Peace Mennonite Church
North Lawrence
10am to 9:30pm

Kirtan Bands
Lana Maree & the Sonic Mystics
Whole Earth Kirtan
The Bhakti Yogis
Om Depot Ensemble
Sandy Griffin & Clark Jamison

Feast of India - The Bhakti Yogis
Yoga sessions - Shannon Gorres & Katie Tree
Hindu Dances of Universal Peace - Om Depot
Bhakti ecstatic dance - DJ Radha
Sound healing - Lana Maree & friends
Featured Artist - Sandy Griffin

Parent-run toddler room available

another Lawrence Old Guard production
Co-producers Larry Carter & Gopi Sandal

Saturday, April 4th

9:55 - Opening with Gopi & Larry
10:00 - Yoga with Shannon Gorres
11:00 - Kirtan with The Bhakti Yogis
12:00 - Yoga with Katie Tree or ?
1:00 - Kirtan with Sandy Griffin & Clark Jamison
2 - Yoga with Katie Tree or ?
3 - Kirtan with Lana Maree & the Sonic Mystics
4 - Sound healing with Lana Maree & Friends
5 - Feast of India, prepared & served by Bhakti Yogis
6 - Kirtan with Whole Earth Kirtan
7 - Hindu Dances of Universal Peace with Om Depot Ensemble
8 - Bhakti Ecstatic Dance with DJ Radha
9:30 - Closing with Gopi & Larry

Admission Fees

Option One: 10am to 5pm = $30 to $50 sliding scale*
3 yoga classes, 3 Kirtan bands, Sound Healing
Indian Feast and evening kirtans NOT INCLUDED

Option Two: 5:00pm to 9pm = $30 to $50 sliding scale*
Indian Feast, 2 Kirtan bands, Bhakti ecstatic dance
Earlier kirtans, yoga sessions, sound healing NOT INCLUDED

Option Three: All Day = $50 to $80 sliding scale
All day Saturday, or much as you prefer

* About the sliding scale:
The high end is the appropriate charge for covering our expenses.
However, since some might find this to be too prohibitive,
we allow attendees to set their own fee within this range.

Well-behaved, supervised kids under 13 free
Ill-behaved, unsupervised kids under 13 will be eaten

The Bands & Yogis

Lana Maree & the Sonic Mystics

Lana Maree (guitar, vocals), Deborah Pine (vocals), Clark Jamison (percussion), Malika Lyon (mandolin), and perhaps others

"Lana Maree and the Sonic Mystics" have released their first CD, "Riotous Singing." Lana is also a singer/songwriter with an album to her credit. One of her songs is included on the most recent album by Snatum Kaur. Lana will also be leading the sound healing session. See Lana Maree and the Sonic Mystics on Facebook for details.

Whole Earth Kirtan

Larry Carter - (guitar, vocals), Clark Jamison (percussion), Satya (vocals), Maya Weils (violin)

Whole Earth Kirtan usually presents sacred chants from a variety of spiritual perspectives, but for Lawrence Bhakti Festival will be leading chants from Larry's version of the Indian epic "The Ramayana." In previous years they emphasized the narrative to "The Ramayana," the ancient story of how Rama, Sita, Hanuman and others overcame Ravana, the monster embodiment of human greed. This year, they will focus on Larry's original kirtan chants from "The Ramayana," along with a brief synopsis of the story to introduce the chants.
(Photo from a previous year with Satya on vocals, Clark on percussion, and special guest Gerald Trimble on viola da gamba).

The Bhakti Yogis

The Bhakti Yogis refers an energetic group of Krsna devotees connected with Gopi (manager of Westside Yoga) and the Bhaktivana Yoga Center south of Lawrence. They are also preparing and serving the Indian feast. The Bhakti Yogis frequently host kirtans, dinners and talks featuring prominent teachers. Talk with Gopi for details.

Om Depot Ensemble

Om Depot Ensemble is Clark Jamison and Malika Lyon, sometimes with friends. Tonight, they will be leading simple folk dances to Hindu chants. As a duo, they offer sessions of Sanskrit chant, kirtan singing, Dances of Universal Peace, and simple Sufi practices, with an emphasis on helping participants to access their own inner connection with the source of all love, guidance and joyfulness through chant, song, and movement.

Sandy Griffin & Clark Jamison

Sandy Griffin is coming in from St Louis for our festival as both a performer and as our Featured Artist. HeartSong Kirtan is unable to join us this year, so Sandy will be filling in their space. She has been leading kirtan gatherings for many years with emphasis on her own self-empowering chants, including at our 2013 Lawrence Bhakti Festival. Clark Jamison will be joining her on percussion.

Shannon Gorres - Yoga

“Opening to the day, the Beloved, and each other. Sun salutations, heart openers, and partner poses. Buddy up with the Spirit on a mat near you or with your inner Spirit.”

Shannon Gorres is a universalist Sufi, certified yoga instructor, nature-loving yogi and, just recently, Chaplain. She offers spiritual expansion through her teaching, from an ancient call to help others unearth deeper love, inner peace, and divine attunement.

Katie Tree - Yoga

Katie Tree is a Midwest yogi and acrobat who is committed to empowerment, transformation, and authentic-self-expression through inspired movement. Tree is a skilled and supportive circus & yoga teacher. She is a passionate performer and a producer of artistic, uplifting, and healing events. Currently Tree is in training with Inner Peace Yoga Therapy specializing in joint hypermobility and trauma informed yoga therapy. Her current projects include; Self - Care for Acrobats and Yogis, Yoga Energetics, Yoga Buddies Partner Yoga and Soma Tree Aerial Yoga Teacher Trainings.

Lana Maree - Sound Healing

After an energetic day of yoga, kirtan and more, directly before the Feast of India is a sound healing session to calm things down a bit before we eat. Lana Maree (of Lana Maree and the Sonic Mystics) is a singer, songwriter, Kundalini yoga teacher and Licensed Massage Therapist. "Experience the meditative qualities associated with voice and singing bowls with openness, curiosity, and mindfulness."

Sandy Griffin - Featured Artist

We are delighted that Sandy is coming here from St Louis to join us again. As the featured artist, her mediums include prints, ceramics and more. She is particularly well known for the 27 prints in her "Make ______ Not War" series. Make... Gardens, Bicycles, Music, Breakfast, etc.

DJ Radha (Jen Distlehorst) - Bhakti Ecstatic Dance

DJ Radha is a certified "Spaceholder" with Gabriel Roth's 5Rythms dance practice and occasionally fills in as DJ for Sunday morning "Sweat Your Prayers" at Be Moved Studio in Lawrence. She is also a long-time ecstatic dancer.

Previous Lawrence Bhakti Festival celebrations

Lawrence Bhakti Festival Musicians with special guest Johanna Beekman, 2018

Special guest Johanna Beekman, 2018

Special guests Prema Hara, 2016

Special guest Karnamrita Dasi, 2014

Special guests Nirmalya Dey & Mohan Shyam Sharma, 2012

One of the yoga workshops

Workshop with special guest Karnamrita Dasi

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