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Welcome to Kurt's Programming Page!

For anyone in my computer class, or anyone else for that matter, who thinks this would be a valuable addition to their computer feel free to download this software.

Code Whiz Editor is an editor that can accommodate multiple languages. Any language that isn't part of this package can be downloaded from the manufactures site. I believe there is a link in the software itself to the manufactures site.

It has configurable color codeing for reserved words, indenting, ... etc.

I find it works much better than regular text editors such as notepad or wordpad.

So if this sounds useful to you just click on the link below and start to download the self-extracting zip file.

Code Whiz

For anyone looking for a good java tutorial check out the following site: it's called Brewing Java and it is a hugh file so wait for it to load up. The tutorial is all on one page so just wait for it. Anyone wanting more can scroll down the page to a link called several hundred pages of course notes (or just click here) and you'll get the prof's entire course notes. They're very extensive and well laid out.

If anyone has any requests for software they would like to see on this page, or if you have any suggestions, questions or comments please feel free to e-mail me.

Here are some more java tutorials

Official Java Tutorial
The official java tutorial from the creator's of java.
Java Discussion Forum
The official java discussion forum. Click here if you want to discuss/share ideas or questions with other java developers.
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University
Course notes, examples and projects
A list of java tutorials and java related material.
Java Women
An extensive list of java tutorials.

Attention: If anyone knows of any other good tutorials or any other related material, please let me know. Don't forget to let me know that you've been here, by signing my guest book before you go.

Have you ever been on the net and missed an important phone call? Well never again. Not only will you know that you have a call, but you will also know who it is and what they want. Then you can decide if you want to disconnect to call them back or wait 'till you're off the net. It's like an extension to your answering machine... except you can check it while you're on the net. Just download the program and see for yourself.

Call Wave

More links are continually being added.

E-mail Web Master:

Site last updated 02/04/00

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