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The Unofficial Kevin Richardson

Welcome to The Unofficial Kevin Richardson. This Homepage is dedicted too the oldest member of the Backstreet Boys. Inside you will find Articles, an Interview with Kevin, concert reviews, and lots of gorgeous pix of Kevin, along with some of my favorite Links and a small Biography on myself. So, put your hand too your mouse and get clickin' - Enjoy!!

Please Note: I have many pictures of Kevin up right now. Feel free to use the pictures that do not have a "scanned by ?" on them. If you wish to use the others for your page, you will have to get in contact with the original owners of these pictures. The links to their sites can be found in the SPECIAL THANKS section of this page. If there are any pictures that you would like to contribute too this page,or any other information in general, please e-mail me. You will be credited for them and will have your name presented on the Specials Thanks List..... Have a nice day!

I would like to take this time to thank Kevin Richardson, AJ, Brian, Nick and Howie. Without the Backstreet Boys insperation, this site would not be here today. I would also like to thank Sue McClennon, for doing the Concert Review with me, and Ruty, and both of the Milady's for allowing me to use their pictures, and lastly I would like to thank everyone out there in Cyber Space who has a Web Site on the Backstreet Boys, for you all have also given me some inspiration to do this site. That and I used some of your pictures. So, I hope that you enjoy what I have done here, if you have any comments about this page, please e-mail me. I will try too answer every letter.- Sarah Baker(page creator).

HERE NOW!!!! 3 more concert reviews with Pictures, 80 more links too other Backstreet Boys related pages on the Internet,& More pictures.

Coming Soon!!: A specialty section where if you wanna know what I like, you can go their (Southpark)- Did you know that Kevin watches Southpark?- and my favourite Non-BSB related Links.

A special thanks goes out too HOTSPOT for presenting me with this award.

Please visit Hotspot's webpage at: HOTSPOTS

Kev's Stats and Biography
Aug 22/'98 Toronto Concert Review
Jan 3/'98 Toronto Concert Review
The Story Of Kevin And His Father
A Males Perspective On Meeting The BSB
A Chatter's Interview
Backstreet Boys LINKS
The PIX List
About The Creator
Your Responses
Special Thanks
Webrings I Belong Too
The Kevin Richardson Chat Room
The World Of B-Rok: The Brian Littrell Fan Club
Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook
