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Isn't this the cutest baybee U've ever seen? Aww...I think it's about to cry!! I can see the first tear!! Awww.... Oh and sorry to the person who I stole this picture of! It's just too good to keep on a birthday card! :P

Updated 10/01/00:
HAPPY NEW YEARZ EVERYONE! I've been kinda too busy to do anything on this page lately...Sorriez! but yeah if u haven't checked out the photo's I have scanned well take a peep now! I'll have more time later to fix the rest! Anywayz, check ya'z all later!

This is my favourite song at the moment....I'll leave it up to you to decide whether it's for someone special! *winkz*

I Do (Cherish You) ~ 98 Degrees

All I am / All I'll be / Everything in this world / All that I'll ever need is in your eyes / Shining at me / When you smile I can feel / All my passion unfolding / Your hand brushes mine / and a thousand sensations seduce me coz I
I do / Cherish you / For the rest of my life / You don't have to think twice / I will / Love you still / From the depths of my soul / It's beyond my control / I've waited so long / to say this to you / If your asking do I love you this much / I do....
In my world / Before you / I lived outside my emotions / Didn't know where I was going / Till that day / I found you / How you opened my eyes / To a new paridise / In a world full of change / Still with all my heart / Till my dying days ....
I do / Cherish you / For the rest of my life / You don't have to think twice / I will love you still / From the depths of my soul / It's beyond my control / I've waited so long / To say this to you / If you're asking do I love you this much / I do....

I found this photo after rumaging thru my cousin's photo album!! Even if she doesn't want anyone to look at it, haahaa I think it's cute!! So..Presenting.. Rosabelle aka Rosa or Jo in the RED HAT and CORK and Carmela aka Kookie in the GREEN HAT and FORK!

Mah 411

Mah Photoz

Da All important linkz!!


ThIs PaGe WuZ lAsT uPdAtEd On:

26tH oF NoVeMbEr, 9T9..............

StIlL uNdEr MaJoR cOnStRuCtIoN...........

MaH cUrReNt IcQ sTaTuS iS:

u CaN cOnTaCt Me On IcQ iF u WiSh To On:


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