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A/n: Oh my Holy Butt-crack! A new chapter in less than two days? That can't be healthy! ('specially seeing as its Finals week. Me not sane.)

Chapter Nine: Unplanning and Good News

*Xanakin Not-so-Solo*

“Okay.” We all looked up from wherever we'd spaced to when Jonathan spoke up. “We're expected back in Sunnydale soon, right? Lets just go there and make the smart people think. I mean, they've got that Wesley guy and some other people. They'll know what to do, right?”

“Sounds good to me! I'm always a fan of the not thinking.” I seconded his notion.

“So, we just drive home?” Riley chimed in as if he were unsure if it was wise. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

“Go home. Its genius in its simplicity.” Oz added. Tara nodded silently and Spike remained out on the balcony smoking in a very helpful manner. I knew he could hear us and he didn't have any loud Spike noises to make about the idea, so I nodded.

“Sounds like a non-plan! Lets do it!” I got up, rubbing my hands together eagerly. “ it now? Or later?” Spike finally returned to the room and the discussion then. He was smoking slightly in a non-cigarette-y kind of way, so I don't think it was a voluntary choice.

“Suns up.” He informed us. Duh. I smirked at him and he just did that eyebrow thing at me.

“D-do we want t-to travel by day?” Tara asked, looking from Oz, to Spike, and then to me. As if I'd know. Psshh. “I-I mean, won't they b-be able to see us easier by day?” Stop stuttering, Stanley, we aren't going to hurt you if you speak! I tried to give off Supporto-rays in her direction, but I don't think she was receiving. She was staring at me, though. They all were, looking expectant. Like I'm some sort of alien expert or something. I tried a goofy grin but they kept expecting.

“Hell if I know! They probably have heat-human-victim-enemy censor thingies. I mean, they have spaceflight, they've got to have night vision too. Even Spike has that and he's-” A growl sounded behind me in warning. “-he's the latest thing in enemy hunting, very high-tech and manly.” Jonathan stifled a snicker and Tara even smiled a bit.

“The point is, they'll be able to target us whether its night or day.” Riley piped up. We all turned to him, wondering when he got rational. He looked excessively grim, but it was only his third apocalypse so I'll forgive him.

“If something happens, I'm stronger at night.” Oz informed us. I nodded and glanced around at my Vampire where he leaned against the wall behind me.

“Spike'd be useless in a day attack. I vote for night. Ashes fight bad.” And kiss bad. And lick bad. Definitely don't want ashes in a romantic situation. I looked around for support and got shrugs and “I guess so” looks all around. I scooched my chair back and leaned forward against the table, hoping to come off dramatic and serious and not at all “I just put my hand in my soup bowl”. I ignored the unfortunate placement of my hand for the moment. “Alright! We set out at dusk! Everyone prepare accordingly!”

Riley blinked at me. Tara looked at my hand in my soup and blushed in what I assumed was pity. Jonathan yawned at his soup. Oz just nodded, but I saw a smirk lurking behind his eyes. Spike was...I turned to see what he was doing, while cooly wiping the soupy hand on the tablecloth. Spike was rather busy staring at my ass. Hee! He likes my ass! I giggled internally, then frowned. Or he's wondering why its so lopsided...or flabby, or saggy! I had a quick silent panic attack. He won't want me any more because my butt's not as high or firm as it used to be and I don't have perky tits and I want to diiiiiie!

“I'm going back to bed.” Jonathan said, snapping me out of what I realized was a rather girly train of thought, which had been crashing into a parked car labeled “self-esteem”. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. And realized that Spike was now looking at me with a questioning expression on his perdy face. Its okay! I just need to take control of the situation! Be a man!

“I'm going to bed too.” I squeaked and scampered away.


I am such a secret agent! I'm so much cooler than James Bond or Tom Cruise in that movie where he wears leather and drives a motorcycle and plays with viruses. I am sooooo cool. I slipped through corridors on the immense ship like a shadow and peeked into every nook and cranny. I walked through walls to study the aliens in their barracks and stared viciously at the backs of their heads until they twitched in their sleep. I am the scourge of the mother ship!

I wandered down another corridor, following a group of rather shrimpy-looking aliens who were escorted by rather tall body-builder aliens. They looked like they were Up to Something and Willow the Uber-Spy was going to sniff it out. Or just see what it was because non corporeal beings don't do the smelling thing very well.

I followed them until they reached a dead end and watched curiously while they opened what seemed to be a solid bulkhead. Blue light filled the secret doorway as they moved inside. I scampered to catch up as the door shut swiftly, I was forced to use my Uber-Spy powers to continue. I timidly poked my head through the wall and look around. Fortunately all their backs were turned.

The evil critters seemed to be focusing on another figure on the ground, which they were kicking and taunting in they're clicking hissy gibberishy language. I winced and stepped silently into the room, trying to get a better look at they're victim.

What I saw made me freeze.


What, now where does he think he's going all on his lonesome? I stared at the door after my pet's quick exit. Bit daft now, isn't he? I started to follow him, but a big, solid, unsteady body got in my way. I glowered up at the soldier. “You're in the way, you git.”

“Spike, I-” He looked flustered, rubbing at the back of his neck with his one arm. I waited impatiently for him to continue then get the bleeding hell out of my way. I imagined Xan, all lain out and waiting back in our room, waiting to be plundered. “I just wanted to thank you.” I raised an eyebrow at that. “I-I remember you got me to the aid station when I was out of it. I-uh-thank you.” I stared at him blankly for a moment. Did the git just thank me for hauling his stupid arse out of the way? The moron had lumbered away during the awkward silence, so I just shrugged it off. War makes humans act looney. Speaking of looney...I set off after my Xander.


“Is this the good news, or the bad news, Angel?” I asked calmly. The army-issue satellite phone was silent for a moment.

“I was thinking it could be both?” The vampire answered from the relative safety of a tent back at the military headquarters.

“Well, it looks to me that we've destroyed another ship. I would say good for us.” I commented idly, staring at the subject of discussion from the roof of a bay-front condo's roof in the now disturbingly silent San Francisco. Angel grunted his agreement. “However, we seem to have broken the bridge. And the bay. Angel, where's the water?”

“It went out. Out and over to the left, I think. Oh yeah and there was steam.” He answered me. I blinked at the ravaged bay, with its severe lack of water and the twisted hulk of bridge/ship in the center.

“Out and over to the left? Could you be a little more specific?” I could see why there was very little sea water getting in from the ocean itself. The crashing ship had kicked up a great amount of sea floor and created something of a damn with only a few areas letting in the water.

“I would say it went about where General Hawkinson had his headquarters. Pretty much over there.” I raised my eyebrows at that.


“Yeah. Thats what Gunn just said.” I nodded to myself.

“So I would say that aside from property damage, this is a very good thing.” I concluded. I could practically hear the vampire's grin. I could also hear Cordy in the background saying: “Ding dong, the racist asshole is dead.” I grinned to myself and turned my attention back to the remains of our second big victory.

“Send a helicopter back for me. I think San Francisco is safe, for now.”


“Is there a reason why you ran away, love?” I shivered at the seductive purr coming from the doorway. I finished taking off my shirt in preparation for bed. I heard him come all the way in and shut the door. Why did I run away? I can't remember. I was being girly or something...oh dear god he's gorgeous. He'd stripped off his duster and approached slowly, unbuttoning his shirt as he walked.

“I didn't run away! I...walked quickly out.” He just raised that severely lickable eyebrow. “I felt it was very important for me to get some sleep. Immediately.” He was merely an inch away now, gazing at me with those eyes. “I-uh-I mean....perdy.” I knew my mouth was still going but I had nothing to do with it. No sir, I don't know this mouth. It just followed me home.

“Its bedtime, poodle, not time for sleep.” He said teasingly. He breathed in deeply, like he was smelling me. I couldn't help but lean toward him. “Now lets go to bed...” He reached up to kiss me and I twitched, jerking back.

“Is my ass lumpy, lopsided, or malformed in anyway? Does it...sag?” I had to know. It would haunt me forever if I didn't find out. He stared at me in almost comical shock for a moment before his forehead thudded to my shoulder. He made a noise that sounded like a frustrated but amused dying cow. “It does? Omigawd it does!” I whimpered in horror.

“Xander, lover, sweetness, light of my unlife?” His voice came from my shoulder sounding strained. “If you're serious I'll bloody well introduce your kidney to your tonsils.” I frowned. Then pouted, hurt. He must hate me and my lumpy butt.

“Sorry.” I sighed. He looked at me, a shocked look on his face.

“You are serious!” He looked so amazed. “But you're a git now, not a bint anymore. Why would you care about...” He trailed off, looking confused. Okay, now I feel stupid and girly and irrational. I squirmed and stepped back from him, intending to seek ignorant bliss in sleep. “Oi, 'm not done with you!” He grabbed the waistband of my sweatpants and tugged me back to face him.

“Sorry, I'm being all girly and stupid. I bet I sound like Buffy. Do these jeans make me look fat? Will you still love me if I gain five pounds?” I snorted derisively at myself, hoping to shrug off my embarrassing stupidity. “A year ago I didn't even think about my ass, now it hovers there like some stupid...ass thing.” I risked a glance at his face. He had the corner of his mouth quirked in a grin. “What?”

“I guess we've got the same problem then. A year ago I didn't think about your backside either. And now I can't stop thinking about it. About how it feels in my hands...” He slowly slipped his hands passed the elastic waist of my pants and slid his palms down over my ass. “ it moves in my grip...” Of course those words made me tense up in his grip and his grin turned a little more evil. He pulled me against him, inciting a groan. His cheek slid across mine and I felt his lips on my earlobe. “And I'll never stop thinking about how tight and hot it'll be when I'm inside you.” I moaned and slumped against him, my arms moving to wrap around his deceptively slim body.

“You are a very bad man.” I complained and moved my legs apart to more easily grind against him.

He chuckled. “I thought I was a duck?”

*gasp* How dare I end the chapter there?! Well I have to sleep sometime! I do have a final in the morning....ew.