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The school is a place of learning. Here you'll find factual information on The Pony Express, characters, and of course, the show 'The Young Riders' itself. There's also information about grammar etc. for new writers.

Contributions are eagerly welcomed.


The Gutenberg project aims to place as many out-of-copyright books on the Internet as possible. One for Cody fans is a Biography of Buffalo Bill, by Helen Cody Wetmore


Download it as a .txt file


Download it as a .zip file


Ever wondered how accurate the writers of the Young Riders series were? This page will answer all your questions. "The Young Riders versus History Page" by Ishani.


Biographies of the real Hickok, Cody and Jesse James "Icons of the Wild West" by Ishani.


A helpful - "Guide to Grammar and Punctuation". A must for budding contributors to the Library.


If you have something to contribute, please e-mail me!