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This site is dedicated to all the pets we own!




Punky is a 3 year old orange striped cat. He was born in July 1995. He is a crazy cat. He loves to play with hair bands. He sleeps on his back in the crook of my arm every night. He likes to scare himself then run like the devil. He is VERY spoiled! He climbs up the screen door and looks over the front fence to try to see me when I walk out the front door. He also has a very loud voice and will "yell" at the top of his lungs when he is left home alone. The neighbor come talk to him through the front window so he will stop for a while!


"Jinx" aka "LLJ" (Lazy Little Jinx)


Jinx is a baby black kitten. He was born in September of 1998. He is VERY lazy! He falls asleep standing up. All he does is eat and sleep all day and night. His face is a satin like black. He has dark eyes too so it is hard to see if he is awake or sleeping.




Morgan is a parakeet. We received him as a "gift" in 1991. He is a feisty thing! He is afraid of nothing - even the cats. He hangs on to the rails of his cage and pecks at them through the bars. I taught him a few simple notes - now he teaches me. If I do not whistle the same note (I try to trick him) he squawks real loud.


"Bun Bun Hobity"


Bun Bun is a Norwegian Dwarf. He is white with gray ears. He lives in a cage that is about 2 feet tall, 2 feet deep and 3 feet wide. He loves to do "laps" around the cage - I think he does them because he likes the loud noise the bottom makes after he kicks off! He is full grown, at about 1 foot long. He has pink eyes. Like all the others he wants his "cuddling" time. He likes to play "peek a boo" with his blanket. He also likes to "re-arrange" his cage by moving his food bowl and blanket from one side of the cage and back again several times a day.




Ratigan is a Rat! He was one of 12 baby rats born in Chelsea's 2nd grade class. He was born in February of 1996. I am still not sure how I got talked into this one! I am VERY afraid of rats! Everyone laughs at how I feed him - I drop the food through the top wires of his cage because I am afraid he will try to touch me if I open the cage to feed him. He is actually a nice rat - as far a rats go I guess. He gets along great with the cats. They "kiss" all the time.


"Cleo & Babsy"


Cleo and Babsy are Finches. Cleo is about 2 years old and Babsy is about a year old. They are very noisey birds! They "be-geep" all the time. They are thirsty little birds - they go through an entire thing of water a day! They are very little birds compared to most birds.


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