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How my illness has affected me

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Well I am now going to tell your more about me.I am 39 years old and a Mother of three teenage boys.I was 31 years old when I became real ill. I just passed it off as a fuke. Something that would go away and not return. I was experiencing fast heart rythmes. I thought to my self they would go away. Well they did not. First it was on occasions and then all the time everyday. I experience light-headness and I would want to pass out. Well the night I shall never forget was like any night except I went out to eat and had a few drinks. I came home and had heart burn but thought that would pass too.
I got ready for bed and I just did not feel well. I thought it would pass as always. I stayed up until 3am that morning. The last thing I remember was I felt sick and went in the bathroom.The next time I woke up was two weeks later in a hospital with tubes in me all over. I was disoriented and did not know where I was. I had a trachemony and could not speak due to a pipe in my neck. I was frustrated and started to cry. I was given a sheet of paper to write down what was wrong...What was wrong????? Are they crazy I am in a hospital not able to move and tubes everywhere. Well I stayed in that hospital for two and a half weeks and was transferred to another hospital for heart studies. Well there was a mass confusion everyday with blood tests and this test and this test. I had to go in for EPS studies in the operating room. This is where they go from your groin up to your heart with a metal attachment to see what part of your heart was hurting. It was the strangest feeling ever.I felt them interagate the heart and it made me feel sick again. Well after that they found nothing but they did say I have a heart disease called "CARDIOMYPATHY" which is a weak hear muscle. I was never so scared in my life. I was only 31 years old. Well I was there for two more weeks and send home with medicine. My heart was still acting up and I still felt sick. That is when I went for a second and third opinion. I was told I would have to live with it. No way was I going too. So I was told of a "Virginia Mason" medical clinic in Seattle, Washington. I made an appointment and off my hubby and I went to get the low down on my condition. I was told the same thing but they were putting pacemakers in patients like myself and saying it worked wonders. Well we decided to go that route. I checked in and had my pacemaker put in. Iam also on several medications and I am able to do a lot. But I was told not to work at this time. It was all adjustment to me and to my family.But this has opened my eyes to a lot of different things. How I almost lost my life and the importance of family and friends. It has been 8 years and I just had a new pacemaker put in and boy wasI sick. I was so pale and ill after that operation. I was down and out for a couple of weeks. Also in 1993 I collasped with blood clots in my lungs and almost died that night. I could not breathe and I started to turn blue. Yes I have had quite a medical history. So now I thank the Lord for everyday I have and I was touched by my guardian angel more than once. Well I have explained my difficult illness and I am glad to share with you. If at anytime you do not feel well please go see your doctor because you do not need to be as sick as I was. So the next time is more poems.....If anyone out there has a story about angels, after-life or just want to chat please email me at the addy below and remember God bless you all.....

Dedication to my brother-in-law Erik

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