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I do believe in Angels do you?

I am a believer of angels are you? Sit back while I explain the myth and truth of angels. Yeah like I have the answers..LOL. But I will explain the meaning of angels to you the way I see it....

I am a believer as I have seen my angel. He is a man angel and his name is Carmichael. Sounds strange I know but it is the truth. He came to me while I was in a coma and ready to die. He brought me to the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I love the ocean so we were there. He was dressed in white and had the most beautiful wings I have ever seen.He had a very tender touch. I saw all kinds of angels that day some woman some children. But I knew mine as Carmichael and he told me so. He was my message from God that it was not my time. But I got to see two of my loved ones and got to experience a feeling of calm and peacefulness. Since then I have been visited by my guardian angel and he has come to me in my sleep. It felt so real and so personal that I was crying and woke up with my pillow wet. He came to tell me my life was going to change and my Sisters too. In the background was this angel I could not make out but it was beautiful and glowing. He came to tell me not to be afraid that he was there for me and my sisters angel was there for her. I had so many questions but before I could say anything he was gone. His angel friend was gone too. I woke up and noticed my pillow was wet and my eyes were swollen from crying. Do you know my life did change. I felt the change and some for the better and some for the worse. I also had an experience where I was rinsing my hair under the sink and I turn on the water and was ready to put my head under the water when I felt someone or something move me out of the way. It was so strange because no one was there. I started again and I felt it again. When I went back to put my head under the water I noticed the scalding hot water was on and now I know he was trying to tell me that. Have you ever been alone but felt someone was there but no one was? Have you noticed when an accident could happen and it does because for some odd reason you knew to turn the car a different way to avoid an accident. Or the time you know someone is in trouble and there is a voice screaming at you to see what it is. I have been touched by my angel have you been touched? May be or maybe not but I believe in angels. Have you gone out of your way to help the elderly, the sick, the dying and the helpless, I have and I know this is what my angel wanted me to do and God also. For I believe in angels. You may say this person is a few screws loose but not I as I have been touched by an angel. ANGELS

What do angels mean to me? They mean Love They mean protection They mean spirituall fullfillment They mean God They mean so much to me They are here to keep us safe To love us when the time does not seem right They fly with there mighty wings and soar threw the skys They are your friends They are there for comfort That is what angels mean to me.....

So as I end this page know that is angels and they are always with you. Just be ready to except there love and open your heart and you will see them yourselves. God bless you and have a good day and remember Angels are watching over you. Also more love poems appearing soon.....

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Dedication to my brother-in-law Erik

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