My Xena-watching days started recently, when I used to go over to write stories and just goof around with my cousin Sarah. She was (and still is) addicted to it. I admit I like the show, but I'm not THAT fanatical about it. And yet, here I am putting Xena links up on my site. Oh well. I never claimed to make sense anyway.

Lynka's Site The home of "Xena the Mighty" which I co-wrote with Sarah, and one of her stories ("Constellation Prize"). Oh, and some other stuff too.

More Xena Stuff 'Nuff said.

THE Xena fan fiction index 'Nuff said.

Yet More Xena Stuff 'Nuff said. Are you beginning to sense a pattern here?

Xena Uber-Stories Check this out. Especially stories by Redhawk. If you don't know what a uberstory is, you'll find out soon enough. Which is good, cuz I'm just trying to get this done before the comp crashes again.

Some of these links might not work. I haven't actually visited some of them (contrary to the title of the page you got here from) so I don't know if I got quite the right URLs.

Note: Some of the stories on these sites have some...ahem...rather adult content. Of course I don't READ those ones. *smirk* At any rate, if reading about lesbian relationships bothers you, don't read them. You can't get pissed off/disgusted about them if you never READ them in the first place, can you?