Pics (what a boring title)


Yep, I finally put em up here. And I'm actually using a bit of spiffy html, talk about weird. O.o

First off, pics of ME.
That's me and Nick being cute back in ohhh '97 or something like that. (He was like 16 at the time, not like anyone cares.) Me back in '95 wearing my Kurt Cobain clothes and pretending to be stoned or some crap. (This was LONG before I'd ever actually got stoned.)
Me back in '95 or thereabouts pretending to be a Zen master or some crap Me in my prom dress in either '94 or '95, I forget which. I only put this up here to show you how damn retarded I look with short hair. Do I look like a 6 year old or what??? (This may have been the time my mom cut my hair while watching Silence of the Lambs. BIIIIIG mistake.)
Next, pics of the kitties... (Kitten pics taken summer '02.)
Me in '99 with our cat we named Skittles but ended up changing to Kitsy because he never listened to us. He still never listens to us, but that's beside the point. ;P One of my aunt's kittens, and some junk. His (we think it's a he anyway) name is Q-Tip. The junk's name appears to be Bleach. [Note: "He" turned out to be a she, and eventually disappeared. Presumably dead.]
Freckles the kitten, Q-Tip's sister. I always thought she should have another brand name name, but she's not my cat so oh well. [Note: "She" turned out to be a he. Also went missing, presumed dead.] This is Oreo, the Third Stooge. He recently learned how to get outside, but not how to get back in. [Note: We were actually right about his gender. He's also missing, presumed dead though.]
And now, the just plain WEIRD pics.
I kid you not, this actually came out of my aunt's freezer when she was cleaning it recently. It was so unique she just had to bring it up here and show it to us before it melted. Sorry for the lack of contrast/visibility. Five minutes later. We decided this was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, so we unearthed a condom from somewhere or other and put it on (not like you can tell. Then I took the whole thing in the bathroom and let it melt in the sink.