My twisted life - Page 2

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I didn't write much about 2000-2001, so I stuck em both on the same page. Didn't see much point in having a whole page for one entry or whatever. Highlights: A drunken party with my cousin.

(3-10-00) Whoa it's 2000. Which looks sorta retarded unless you're y2k compliant but hell if you're not y2k compliant your comp has already died and you won't be reading this anyway. :P

I've been doing a lot of mudding over the last few months. Kayl visited me waaaay back in November and we had so much fun my mom almost caught us in the act. *snicker* Oh well, it was a load of fun anyway. *drool*

Ok I won't go into any more details about that, lest I drool so much on the keyboard that it shorts out. As far as the mudding goes, I've been having tons of fun on Dartmud (, port 2525, or check out their website for details). It rocks. My chars kick ass, and yadda yadda yadda since I know most of my friends don't want to sit here while I blabber on and on about the stuff I've been doing on it. They bitch me out enough just for playing it instead of talking to them, I'd hate to see what'd happen if they for some reason checked to see if I updated my page and found me writing a novel of my experiences there. ;P

Oh yeah, and the comp died last week. For good. So I used my aunt's for a while until she got pissed at me for taking 5 seconds longer to check ICQ than she thought I should, so the next day I actually hung out with the annoying idiots I used to call IRL friends. I guess they're still friends, but I'm not interested in their lives and they'd only be interested in my life if I had one. All I can ever talk about with them is memories of stupid shit I used to do because they wouldn't understand or care about the mud or Kayl or anything else I ever think about nowadays. (Not that there's much of that anyway. ;P)

So anyway Jim came over and put a different (note: NOT new) hard drive in it. Turns out there was oil or something in the old one, or that's what it looked like to my mom anyway. I have no idea why. But the damn thing WAS 7 years old, it had a long life, it might as well rest in peace. The new one is the same size as the other one (although now it's not cluttered up with all the crap Jim kept downloading for some reason), and runs a lot smoother. It doesn't crash anymore when someone ICQs me while I'm mudding. And I'm actually running zmud, IRC, and Netscape at the same time without getting a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) every 5 seconds. So I guess life isn't all bad.

Now everyone cross your fingers, one of my mom's friends says he's going to sell us his old Pentium really cheap (well cheap for a comp anyway). He said this before too, then decided that since he's an employee and she's a client that it would be unfair. Add in a bit of paranoia and wimpiness and you can understand why he subsequently decided not to sell it to us. But he's apparently wishy-washy enough to change his mind yet again (and men call WOMEN fickle!!!) so with any luck I'll soon be on a comp so fast it'll make my head spin. As if I don't fall over enough already. ;P

Ok I believe that's enough for now, I'm sick of blabbering for once which is rather odd when you stop to think about it. ;P

(9-15-00) Damn I forgot what month it was there for a while. I almost put 8 instead of 9 but I remembered it's my mom's birthday just in time to keep from looking really stupid.

So here I sit updating my webpage because I can't get into the mud to satisfy my addiction. I guess it was long overdue but this is a rather boring process so I don't bother to do it much. I figured Angelfire might decide to kick me off if I didn't though, not to mention all my friends keep harrassing me to actually do something with it so I did. Finally. ;P

Ok this page is about my life. Um...gee what's that? Not much has happened in the realm of reality and even if it had I would've been so involved in my chosen alternate reality I didn't notice it. Which may have happened a few times but given that nothing happens when I'm paying attention I doubt anything happened when I wasn't either. It'd be just my luck if it did though.

Well needless to say for those who know me, we didn't get that kickass comp. My mom entered a contest today though for some state-of-the-art thing that's so damn good I probably wouldn't know what to do with it if we won it. I mean, I could do a lot more than I bother doing now but instead I sit there mudding all day. Pretty lame huh? But hell it keeps me from rereading all my books 6 million times. Which reminds me, I'm outta decent reading material so if anyone has some old books, send away. The one guy who was going to hasn't yet, although he says he sent some CDs I haven't gotten. Supposedly Evangelion stuff which will only get me in an anime kick which will really suck because Toonami doesn't have the really cool ones and we don't have a VCR for me to bother trying to get tapes of the really cool ones. Oh well, I'd probably be too busy mudding to pay much attention to them anyway. ;P

Oh yeah, we've had a couple interesting twists in the Jim thing. My mom dumped him a couple dozen times since I last wrote in here, but the last time she dumped him she's actually stuck to it. (Now watch, as soon as I get this online she'll take his sorry ass back. That's always the way it works.) So anyway Jim came over here one night and she called the cops and they told him to leave. Then another night he came over and took the light bulb out of the porch light and stuck it on the ground at the bottom of the stairs where it was really easy to step on and in fact when my mom called the cops they almost stepped on it. A few nights later Jim just wandered into my aunt's apartment (she lives downstairs from us) and asked my cousin Sarah to come up and get my mom to go out and talk to him. She came up all right, to tell us he was trespassing yet again. My mom called the cops and Jim was sitting out there drunk when they got here, although he tried to run but since he was wasted he couldn't make it fast enough. Anyway they arrested him and must've discovered he was drunk because they kept him in a holding cell all night and part of the next day. Woo woo. ;) The real clincher though was that the day after that he was apparently arrested for breaking windows at his mom's house (after breaking one here one night or another, sorta hard to remember which one since it happened so often). If he keeps this up he's gonna fry bigtime. *cackle*

On a different note, my cousin's 21st birthday is 3 days away so I'll get to get drunk for the first time Here's hoping my stomach doesn't go "What the hell is this shit?" and make me puke all over her.

Well that's all I can think of to jabber about for the time being and besides I want a cigarette which is sorta hard to smoke while typing these long involved blurbs.

(1-15-01) Well it's the new millenium and we're not dead yet. Well, I know people musta died so far this year but I assume anyone who's reading this is still alive. I could be wrong though.

I'm updating this on my aunt's new comp since we still don't have one. *sob* It's nice not to lag, but the text is so damn small I have to preview my pages to see how many typoes I made. I could go into a long bitching & whining session but (A) it won't help me get another comp and (B) I'd still be sitting here next year and I have other stuff to do besides update my webpage. None of it's particularly interesting, but I DO have other stuff to do. ;P

I've been writing stories practically nonstop since the comp died. My Jake story, which some of you from Dartmud might remember, is now starting on the 12th handwritten page. I'm writing another couple stories alone, and collaborating on one with my cousin and another with my mom. And I've got some ideas in my head that need to ferment a bit before I can write anything but total crap about them. When we get a comp I'm gonna post whatever Jake's done so far and maybe more stories. The one I'm doing with Sarah is kinda strange, having to do with lesbians and the power of cheese. But then you didn't expect me to write something *gasp* NORMAL, did you? I sure as hell hope not. I mean, after all this time if you think I'm normal you either don't know me very well or are delusional enough to merit being locked away in the nearest mental institution. ;P

Oh yeah Sarah says I should chronicle what happened at her 21st birthday party. We actually didn't get too godawful drunk, but we had lotsa fun trying. She had enough kinds of alcohol to make a bartender drool. She'd managed to find some cheap wine, which we thought was too cheap to have a cork in the bottle. This proves we know nothing about wine. It did. We tried to get the cork out with no corkscrew or whatever normal people use. I'm assuming since they call it a corkscrew you can unscrew corks with it. Well, as I've already said, we were clueless. She found a knife, and proceeded to try to pry out the cork. She succeeded in chipping little pieces of it off, which ended up all over the kitchen. I grabbed the bottle and stuck the knife deeply into the cork, hoping she could unscrew it that way. She could. The cork fell in the bottle, and wine flew everywhere. Sarah was purple from head to toe. And the worst part was, we were still sober. Then, of course, we drank some of the wine. It sucked ass. We tried mixing it with other stuff and it still sucked ass. We'd spent all that time trying to open a bottle of wine that sucked ass and we were still sober. It got better before long though because I made some sloe gin fizzes and later we drank enough beer to drown a horse. We decided to record our drunken conversation on tape and ended up with "Monologue of a Valley Girl" and something about how Prince Albert was in a can and King Edward was in a box so those old English guys musta been really kinky or something. I wrote a story fragment, and before the night was over Sarah had recorded a speech about "Essential Toeness." Then I went home and gave myself a headache mudding.

Other than that, not much has happened. My mom went to court over the Jim trespassing thing and he had the nerve to plead guilty after torturing her for months. My mom gave him a good bitching out for not pleading guilty months ago so they didn't have to bother the court with it. As far as I know he's still sending her insulting emails. His ISP dumped him so he's been going to the library to harrass her. She ran into him the other day but my aunt was with her so he didn't do anything except probably email her another hundred times.

Ok, I'm getting really sick of typing and I've been hogging the comp for too long.

(3-24-01) Well not only did we finally get a comp, we got a NEW one. Maybe not the best, but what can you expect from Wal-Mart? And it works a hell of a lot better than the old piece of shit we had. I'm wondering what the hell I'm gonna do with 20 gigs. We stlil have 17.1 free. Of course I'm not a mp3-a-holic like most of my friends. ;P

Anyway for you curious folks, other than having a 20 gig hard drive this thing has a 766Mhz Celeron processor, 64MB of RAM, a 56k modem (woo!) and runs on WinME. WinME appears to be weird (and annoying sometimes, keeps popping up that reminder thingy) but usable I think. I think what our problem is is the ISP software screwing up. And the fact I'm using the old free zmud and it likes to crash a lot. Every time something errors we hafta reload the ISP software, it sucks but hasn't totally died yet. At least the hard drive isn't physically damaged, so anything that goes wrong we should be able to fix. Even if we have to reformat and reload everything on here. ;P

Other than getting a comp finally, nothing much has happened. I hope to post some of my writings in my ramblings section soon but you know me, by the time I get around to it it'll be next year. I haven't even typed them up yet. ;P

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