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6644 SE Shawnee Heights Rd.
Berryton, KS 66409
Phone (785) 379-5602

THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _________day of ____________________, 20____.

1. Mare owner hereby agrees to breed their mare- name: _________________________,
  Reg. No. ___________________, (Please attatch copy of registration to this contract.)

to the Stallion___________________________standing at Hidden Rock Ranch. in the year_______, to pay the sum (see below) plus board and expenses. A Booking Fee of $50.00 and is payable with this contract. One half the stud fee is due when mare is presented and the unpaid balance of the stud fee, board and all expenses, is to be paid when the mare is picked up. The mare will not be released to the Mare Owner until such time as the Stallion Service Fee, all veterinary expenses, board bills and any other charges incurred on behalf of the Mare have been paid or reimbursed to the Stallion Manager in full. No Breeders Certificate will be issued until account for Mare Owner has been paid in full. EXCEPTION: Grade Mares will pay stud fee in full when mare is presented for breeding.

2. Stallion Manager agrees to diligently try to settle Owner's Mare, if however, for any reason, she does not settle, Mare Owner will hold Hidden Rock Ranch harmless.

3. It is further agreed that should Stallion die or become unfit for service (prior to breeding) then this contract shall become null and void, and any money paid as part of the Stud Fee shall be refunded to Mare Owner.

4. Mare Owner agrees that the Stallion Manger will not be responsible for any disease, accident, sickness or death to mare owner's mare or foal, and that the Stallion Manager will exercise their judgement in supervising and caring for Mares. Mare Owner will likewise not be responsible for any disease, accident, sickness or death to Stallions or Mares. The Mare Owner agrees to hold the Stallion Owner, his/her employees, veterinarians, and agents harmless for any damage or injury to any person, horse or property caused in whole or in part directly or indirectly by the Mare Owner's mare and/or her foal.

5. The Mare Owner agrees that the Mare offered for breeding is in sound breeding condition and free from infection and disease. A negative coggins is required- no exceptions. Please present certificate when mare is presented. Mare Owner agrees to have a veterinarian check Mare for normal breeding conditions, and to perform such other veterinary services as Stallion Manager deems necessary, with prior approval, at the Mare Owner's expense. This includes worming, vaccinations, cultures, treating for infections, preventative measures, original examination, pregnancy checking, etc.

6. The Stallion Owner guarantees a live foal, defined as one that stands and nurses, within 24 hours of birth. If a live foal does not result from this mating, the Mare Owner is entitled to a return privilege in the next breeding season only, for the same Mare or a substitute approved by the Stallion Owner. A "lethal white foal" that dies within 72 hrs is not a live foal. (Please have a veterinarian certificate.)

7. The Stallion Owner reserves the right to decide the method by which the Mare will be bred. Veterinary cost associated with Artificial Insemination are to be assumed by the Mare Owner.

7a. Shipping of semen requires all costs to be disclosed up front. Stallion fee, vet fees, shipping charges and container deposit must be paid by Mare Owner before semen will be shipped. These charges will be outlined and agreed upon by both parties in an addendum.

8. Breeding History: Please fill in one of the sections below.

Maiden Mare: ____yes ____no
Barren Mare: Last Foaling __________ Normal Delivery ____ yes ____ no

Placenta Retained ____ yes ____ no Uterine Infection ____ yes ____ no

Mare with foal : Foaling Date ____________ Sex ________Color ________.

Any Complications __________________________________________.

9. Vaccinations: Last Date: Tetanus ___________; Flu ____________; EVR ____________;

Rabies _______________; Others _______________________________.

Worming: Last Date: ______________ Included in Ranch's Regular Program ____ Yes ____ No

10. The Mare's Registration Certificate (unless unregistered), or a Photostatted copy, both sides thereof, must be furnished and returned with this contract as one of the breeding requirements.

11. When Mare Owner, or authorized representative, signs and returns this contract, to Hidden Rock Ranch, it will then be a binding contract on both parties, subject to the above terms and conditions. This contract is not transferable or assignable.


1. Dry Mares $4.00 per day.
2. Mares with Foal $4.00 per day.

Booking Fee $50.00.

Stud Fee $_______.00

 Signature :_____________________________________

Name : _____________________________________

Address: _____________________________________

City : _____________________Prov./State ________________

Postal/Zip Code : ____________

Home Phone No. (____ ) ___________ Work Phone No. (____ ) ___________.

Approved by:

_____________________________________ Date :______________________________
HIDDEN ROCK RANCH representative.


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