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Hanson is Zori

UPDATED: October 10,1998. Wow! We haven't updated in forever! Really, really sorry! Well... maybe the reason we haven't updated in awhile is because...well..Hanson has been kinda busy with the tour so nothing new is really out. But, for the future...they will be releasing a new cd and their tour video sometime in October. So, for right now we will just have to sit tight and wait! :-)

Hi our names are Emily and Kristi. For all of you who don't know, Zori means cool, as we learned from a LONG game of Balderdash. And cool hardly begins to describe HANSON, which is in our humble opinion, the best band ever! To see our zori features scroll to the bottom of the page......

Oh yeah, if you have a page that you want on our links list please send it to us!!!

Apply for yours today @ Kangarooland!

Another award?! Thanks so much to Angela for this one!

If you hate Hanson go here

Hanson quote of August/ September:

"I don't give a rip."~Ike Hanson on the anti-Hanson movement

Some things going on lately for the three brothers include:

-Sometime in September a Hanson documentary will be on the Family Channel

-Watch for Hanson's tour video this fall (Oct.)..."The Road to Albertane"

-USA Weekend has a tiny thing about Diana in it today- nothing really important. Also, in the comic "Slylock Fox", the mystery this week is about the Hamson concert (there are three piggies with long blond hair- get it, HAMson?) It is really cute!!! If I had a scanner it would be up on the page...~August 23, 1998

-Have you heard what car Ike recently bought?...The new Volkswagon Beetle! Isn't that awesome? I love that car! Maybe Ike will drive me around in it someday!

-Hanson appeared on "Fanatic" today, August 11 at 10:30. Their fan was a 19 year old guy. (I think he was 19). I found it really interesting that they had a guy to meet Hanson. I thought most guys didn't like them, but I was wrong. This guy, named Aaron, was totally into their music. He even sang his little nephews to sleep with the song "I Will Come Too You". So, not only does he love Hanson's music, it has also helped out in his family life. He asked basic questions like who starts the arguments, how did they get started with music, things like that. It was really cool! He was sooo lucky to get to meet Hanson. He even got to go to their concert after the interview! Talk about lucky. Now that I have covered the interview part...I must add that Hanson looked very, very HOT!In my personal opinion I think Ike looked the best. He was soooo cute!I think the interview was great but what else could it be when Hanson is involved. It could be nothing but great!

-Hanson did a not very exciting Yahoo! chat before their Seattle concert which I was lucky enough to see. I never go to Yahoo! and the one day I do there is a slogan that reads "Hanson chat today!!" Devine's the transciprtJuly 21,1998

-For all you Pennsylvania Hanson fans who couldn't get tickets there is another concert coming up in Hershey Park on August 15th at 8:00 PM. Tickets went on sale on the 18th of July so hurry!! July 20th, 1998

-Hey hey hey, a cool article in TV Guide!!! The cover is them on a red bubbly looking background.

-Hmph. Got my July 98 issue of Seventeen. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid Reader's Poll!!!! Man!!!!!! Can't even repeat it, but it was NOT flattering. June '98 href="/ks/hansoniszori/oldnews.html">here

Hmm, we're not sure if this counts but if any of you saw the DeathBowl '98 during SuperBowl halftime....well.....go here to see what happened!

To see Kristi's complete Hansonized life, from the time she first heard MMMBop to July 23, click here. It's not day by day, but it is personal so....

To take our survey go here

An interesting thing involving Hanson that happened on the Europe trip....

Huh Huh.....guess what? Emily and Ike have a 94% chance of an awesome relationship....Kristi and Tay have a 97%.....pretty high! To see YOUR chances click here

To see Lesley's collection of celebrity opinions of Hanson click here


Aaaaa, look! It's our own little Zac pet!

Here is a list of the songs Hanson wrote for their lil' sibs.....Clickhere

To see the official Ravi page click here He's one of the back up guys in Hanson

It took us nearly two weeks just to figure out where in the world we could get a webpage and how to do it. We've been wanting to make this page for uh...we don't even know...but we figure there might be Hanson fans in the same position so we're going to make it easy for you. Just go to and sign up there. It's really, really easy-we promise. How else could we have figured out how to do this?

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This Hanson Hotel Webring site owned by Kristi and Emily.
Ring Manager: Lisa Ezra
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P.S. If you're number 1000 to come to this page email us for a prize!!!! Oh yeah this is all copyrighted by Oatmeal Muffins Inc. (hehe personal joke!!!!) so don't take nuttin'!

Zori Features

About Us
The Dish on the Albertane tour
Being Bothered By a Hanson Hater?
Ever wonder what that bump on Zac's lip is?
Really Zori Links..
Zac Info (Lots and Lots!)
Tay Info (Oh dear we're running out of room on this page!)
Ike Info (Let's just say Emily is an expert...)
Stuff to Notice
Why it RULES to be a Hanson fan...
Learn what Zac and Tay think of Ike's taste in girls
Awesome ways to Contact the Guys and tips on them
