This is Guid's Spot. I Don't Believe it... Do You?
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Welcome to this crappy little place I like to call my homepage. Well, all I got to say is that I'm from Kansas City, in the Dotte. I was once a Sumner Academy Refugee, which I am proud to say ended due to hard work,determination, and bad grades. I now go to Washington High School, which currently holds the record for short term and long term suspensions in the KCK public school district with a total of 1,258 short term suspensions and 225 expulsions(hmm...). I enjoy surfing the web, and chatting with the blokes during my tea intervals. My favorite author is J.R.R. Tolkien, but I also enjoy the work of Gary Larson, the artist of The Far Side.

OK, I'm sure you're sick of me moving my pages around all of the time, but this is the last one. The D-Generate's Variety Page

Collection of Kansas City Rock webpages
My Favorite Movies and Albums
Guid's Picture Archives
Guid's Wall of Links
Guid's SPECIAL Place
