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Passenger Manifest of Ships Arriving May-June 1909

Extracted from LDS  microlfilm #1402567 in June 1999 by Janet Laubhan Flickinger, 314 E. Irene St., Salina, KS 67401 <>
This roll of microfilm 12 ships including 3 from Liverpool but none from Bremen, Hamburg, or Antwerp and only these two had any Germans from Russia.  I was looking for Christian Laubhan not knowing which line he belonged to, but wanting to see who his relatives were in Russia and what village he came from.  I got this date from his Dec. of Intent in CO, but he wasn't listed.  The mistake could be wrong port or wrong date.  Anyway, hopefully you will find your ancestor! 
S.S. Merion sailing from Liverpool, Eng. on May 19, 1909 and arriving in Philadelphia on May 31, 1909
Pg-Line Surname Given Name Age Sex M/S Calling Country Race  Destination Prev. Residence
P-9 Kaiser Henrich ? 20 m s Laborer Russia German Shobogan, WI Reinwold, Russia
S.S. Friesland sailing from Liverpool, Eng. on June 2, 1909 and arriving in Philadelphia on June 13, 1909
F-1 Fröhlich Wilhelm  23 m s workman Russia Dutch Rielsburg, WI Friedrichovka, Rus
G-20 Schulz Friedrich 32 m m farm laborer Russia German Philadelphia Milassow, Rus
G-21 Jungling Adolf 28 m m farm laborer Russia German Philadelphia Milassow, Rus
G-22 Matrik August 19 m s farm laborer Russia German Philadelphia Milassow, Rus
G-23 Wunsch John 30 m m farm laborer Russia German Philadelphia Milassow, Rus
I-28 Leider Karl 24 m s laborer Russia Dutch Philadelphia Francischlow, Rus
J-16 Ritz * Jakob 50 m m laborer Russia German Philadelphia Warsaw, Poland
J-17 Ritz * Eva 45 f m wife Russia German Philadelphia Warsaw, Poland
J-18 Ritz * Christopher 8 m s child Russia German Philadelphia Warsaw, Poland
J-19 Wrunchy Efromsie 35 f m wife Russia German Philadelphia Warsaw, Poland
J-20 Ortlieb Elisabeth 34 f m wife Russia German Philadelphia Warsaw, Poland
J-21 Ortlieb Julino * 13 m s child Russia German Philadelphia Warsaw, Poland
J-22 Ortlieb Adele 9 f s child Russia German Philadelphia Warsaw, Poland
J-23 Ortlieb Fredrich * 8 m s child Russia German Philadelphia Warsaw, Poland
K-28 Ortlieb Hulda * 6 f s child Russia German Philadelphia Warsaw, Poland
K-29 Ortlieb Eva * 3 f s child Russia German Philadelphia Warsaw, Poland

All of the Ritz and Ortlieb families were related to Gottlieb Ortlieb of 4037 Russi in Philadelphia, PA
J-17 crossed out
J-18 crossed out
J-21 crossed out
J-23 crossed out
K-28 With J-20 (perhaps seperated from the family because of illness)
K-29 With J-20 (perhaps seperated from the family because of illness)
Extracted from LDS  microlfilm #1402567 in June 1999 by Janet Laubhan Flickinger, 314 E. Irene St., Salina, KS 67401 <>

Last Updated on 6/7/99
By Janet Flickinger