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Moments Only These Two Could Share

Photo provided by Riders Coming!

These two characters quite possibly shared some of the most classic moments in The Young Riders. It started from the begining of the show's running, and didn't stop until the last episode! Why not re-live a few of them?? (Just a note, some of the lines on a few of these may be different than the show because I've copied directly from the script. They changed the wording around a bit.)

Season One

Excerpts from "The Kid."

KID: Lou! (Shaken after seeing 'his' wound) "Hang on, Lou. It'll be okay, Lou, lemme see how bad...."

LOU: (weakly) "No..don't...."

KID: (surprised at the discovery he has made) "Lou, I,...."

LOU: "What's the matter, Kid? Never seen a girl before?

After the problems have been resolved, and Lou has healed, we see a touching scene which takes place during a sunset. How romantic! ;-)

LOU: Kid...

KID: Yes, Lou?

LOU: Thanks for keeping my secret.

KID: I didn't promise...

LOU: No, but you could've said somethin' and you didn't.

KID: (Pensive) You got as much backbone as anybody out here. You got a right to make your own way. I won't tell, Lou. I give you my word.

Lou looks around to make sure they are alone. She leans over and they kiss, it was her expression of thanks. Lou turns and walks away leaving Kid with a bewildered look.

Excerpts from "A Good Day to Die"

Lou is carring a sack across the porch of the bunkhouse when she sees Kid and Cody ride up.

Lou: Kid!! Lord am I happy to see you!

Kid: (dismounts) Me too...

Cody: (rolls his eyes) What about me? (Kid and Lou don't even hear him) I'll tell the others you're back -- scalp and all. (Kid and Lou smile at him)

Lou: You alright?

Kid nods. Lou slaps some dust off his arm.

Lou: You look terrible.

Kid: I'm fine, really.

Lou: I was kinda worried. Thought I'd never see you again...

Kid: Lou...

He's obviously going to kiss her...and as we are on the edge of our seats...
Suddenly we hear the boys coming out of the bunkhouse. Kid and Lou break the moment and look around embarrassed.

Excerpts from "Bad Blood."

Lou is standing in front of a mirror in a dress shop. She smiles at her image, it feels so good to be a lady again! Kid watches with a smile on his face.

Dress Shop Owner: (to Kid) What, are you blind? She's beautiful!

Kid: (to Lou) I don't know that I'll ever look at you the same after seeing you like this.

Lou: Is that good?

Kid: Depends on who's watching.

Lou: (blushing) You can't imagine how good it feels.

Kid: It's a good thing that I can't. (he whispers) This is one secret that I don't mind keeping.

Excerpts from "Lady For A Night."

Kid and Lou stand beside a corral. The sunset provides the perfect background, to a perfect moment.

Lou: I'm sorry, Kid, I should have been more honest with you.

Kid: No, you needed something and I was blind to it. It won't happen again, I promise.

Lou: I owe you a lot.

Kid: You don't owe me nothing, Lou......(he smiles) Louise.

Lou: Yeah I do, I never realized how much until now.

Kid shrugs, like it is really not big deal. She smiles and leans up to kiss him.

Season Two

Excerpts from "Born To Hang."

Kid walks into the barn to find Lou dilligently brushing Lightning. He leans agains the doorway watching for a moment. She is obviously bothered by something. He becomes anxious to help her.

Kid: Lou you're gunna brush the hide right that horse. (she doesn't look up, but keeps brushing) Look, Lou, I know how much you miss Emma we all do, but a womans' got a right to be happy.

Lou: Never said no different, nobody could be happier for her than me. It's just with Emma gone I ain't got no one to talk to.

Kid: We're talking.

Lou: That's different.

Kid: What do you mean?

Lou: With Emma I could talk bring her all my problems.

Kid: Bring them to me.

Lou: I can't. You wouldn't understand.

Kid: Why not?

Lou: Sometimes you're the problem.

Lou walks off leaving a bewildered Kid standing by her horse.

From "Blood Money"

When Kid unknowingly brings in an innocent man to a crooked marshal, he wants to go back and set things right again. In order to do that, it takes all of the riders into the town of "Willow Creek." In this particular scene, they have just gathered around to discuss their options. Lou appears to them dressed as a saloon girl, and Kid is quite perplexed!

LOU: Sorry I'm late.

Kid is totally shocked.

KID: What've you got on, Lou?

She expected this, so her voice is edgy.

LOU: It's called a dress. Ladies wear 'em.

KID: Well no lady'd wear a dress like that.

LOU: Some people think it looks nice, don't they Jimmy?

It is quite obvious that Jimmy does not want to be a part of this conversation!

HICKOK: Don't drag me into this.

KID Who ignored Jimmy: What do you mean, what are you doing?

LOU: I'm working at the saloon to see what I can find out.

KID: You can't do that. Something might happen.

LOU: I can take care of myself.

KID: Well it ain't right, I ain't gunna let you!

LOU Her anger is rising: You aren't going to let me? I don't recall asking your permission. I can do whatever I like whether you like it or not. Now me acting like a lady might not set well with you, but I happen to be enjoying it!

She storms off, and Kid knows he's been defeated. He takes a deep breath, and Noah and Jimmy can't help but laugh. Those two sure know how to fight..........and it is obvious who does the winning!

More Coming Soon!

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