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VIBRO-HATCHET: The NAIS strikes again. Dr. B. Banzai has always had a thing for the Hatchetman battlemech and the vibro-blade. This system is a truly ugly bastard child of both. It is an apparatus that hooks into the Myomer Signal Circuitry of a Hatchetman (or any 'Mech with an axe or sword) and makes the whole mech vibrate to increase the damage it can do. MASC does not integrate with this, nor does triple strength myomer. The heat this mechanism generates is a little prohibitive. Jumping and doing this is not a good idea.
GAME NOTES: Both hands must be employed, so no arm weapons can be used. The system weighs .5 ton per ton of hatchet/sword. It does (25+(2x punch)) points of damage and generates 25 heat. Every time the system is used roll 2D6, on a 12 the engine shuts down for 1D6 turns. There is a +2 penalty to-hit when using this weapon and a piloting roll is required too. The piloting roll is normal if the weapon connects. There is a +2 penalty if the attack misses.

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GOLD SHIELD PROJECT - [!!EXPERIMENTAL!!]: The gold shield is an optical/energy force field designed to halt a specific amount of the damage from beam (all laser & PPC) weapons fired at a battlemech equipped with the system. The system has to be tailored to the 'Mech it will be installed in. The system turns the damage into heat. The system, when correctly configured, will only absorb as much damage as the 'Mech has in effective heat sinks when it is fully functional. Any excess is allowed to penetrate and do actual damage. The heat build up is in addition to movement and weapons fire heat build up. This is very scary to a lot of warriors.
GAME NOTES: The system requires one critical slot for every location in a 'Mech (except head). It weighs one ton for every five or fraction of five (effective) heat sinks the machine is designed with.
GLITCH: The system is not intelligent and is very fragile. If any of the crit slots are destroyed the system fails. If the 'Mech losses any heat sinks the system does not adjust, nor can it be readjusted later if the pilot modifies his machine. All projectile weapons (AC's, Missiles, M.G.'s, Gauss, etc.) do normal damage.

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SHIELD, ARTHURIAN - MECHANICAL: Shields are built with an Endo-Steel internal frame and Ferro-Aluminum armor of the type used on aerospace fighters. The shield's weight is added to the total 'Mech weight like a weapon. You cannot pick up anything with the arm until you drop the shield. Each 1 ton of the shield's weight gives 1 critical space, 3 points of internal structure and 9 points of armor. The shield crits are in the arm carrying it and if hit the shield's universal connector is broken and the shield is dropped. The shield arm must have upper, lower, and hand actuators. If they are damaged the pilot rolls for the 'Mech to use the shield are at a +1 penalty per actuator. Shoulder damage or the destruction of the torso makes the shield useless. No more than one shield is allowed on a 'Mech. Torsos, head, legs, and quad 'Mechs cannot mount shields. There are three types of shield use, Active, Passive, and N/A. In N/A mode only the arm is covered from attacks on the arm's side. All weapons can be employed. During passive use, only the arm and torso of the 'Mech are protected and no torso mounted weapons may be fired. Shields block the front arc and the side arc of the arm the shield is mounted to. The shield carrying arm is automatically protected unless the attack comes from the back. Passive use allows the firing of some weapons, active does not! Active allows parrying of incoming forward firing arc attacks at a +2 penalty Piloting roll, other piloting modifiers that apply are the shooter's movement, intervening terrain, and the target's (your) movement, then subtract the shooter's range modifier. The parry must be announced before the to-hit roll is made. Excess damage to the shield transfers to the arm. If the shield takes internal damage, roll for crits on the shield only. Weapons in the shield arm cannot be fired if the shield is to be used. When punching with the shield arm treat the attack as a KICK, but break the damage done to the other 'Mech into two equal areas to represent the greater area and weight of the shield. Indirect attacks (LRM, SRM, and LBX) and strafing runs from a fighter cannot be parried normally. The 'Mech may crouch (modified 'Going Prone' or 'Hull Down' maneuver) and hide behind the shield. This is at the expense of forfeiture of any other action, including movement. Roll 4D6 taking the lowest two to determine how many rounds actually hit and re-roll any torso locations. The cost of this equipment is: 5000 for the coupler, 10000 base shield cost, 1600 per 0.5 ton of Endo-Steel internals, 20000 per ton of Ferro-Aluminum armor.

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BURST FIRING MACHINE GUNS - (BattleTech rules only - not for Solaris7) These rules make the machine gun more dangerous. It allows a 'Mech to fire it's machine guns more than once in a single BattleTech turn, up to three times in a turn at the same target and only one target! The 'Mech must approach or move away facing the target 'Mech for three hexes of it's movement, cross hexes that are within range of a target or stand still as an enemy moves through hexes within range. The target 'Mech may also fire it's M.G.'s at the attacker. The shots are made at the ranges they are fired from i.e. long down to medium down to short with the modifiers for each shot as they apply. Any other weapons fire will occur in the FIRST hex where a shot can occur because that is where you hit the triggers. If the shots occur in any hexes save for the last three of a 'Mech's movement, the shots are considered 'Op-Fire'. Don't forget to subtract the ammo used for this little maneuver.

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CLAWS: The claw is a relatively new weapon to the mainstream military, but has seen extensive time on Solaris7. It replaces the hand actuator with a two-crit reinforced set of blades and an over-strength myomer system.
GAME NOTES: This device replaces the normal actuators with no extra weight due to the fact it is made with an Endo Steel frame and Triple Strength myomer bundles for the fingers. This is the cause of the extra crit. A mech so equipped can make a physical attack on another to perform a grab. This does NOT do any damage! However, once attached the attacker gets a +2 to hit in subsequent round that the mech is attached, plus any weapons mounted in the claw arm automatically hit the area the claw is attached to. An opposed pilot roll is made at the start of each movement phase. This roll is modified by the weight difference between the 'Mechs: every 5 (five) tons of difference adds or subtracts 1 (one) from the roll. The difference between the piloting skills of the warriors adds or subtracts 1 (one) to the roll. This roll determines who controls the movement of both `Mechs for that turn.
GLITCH: In the sad event that either mech fails a pilot roll, there is a fifty-fifty chance that either the armor on the defending mech or the entire arm of the attacker WILL come off. Either the armor of the defender will crack and give way or the claw has clamped on the internal frame of the defender and, being stronger than the shoulder actuator will force that joint to give way. There is also a +4 penalty to the remaining `Mech's piloting roll to stay standing after the first one falls.

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MACE: This little beauty is a good partner to the Buzzsaw from the Solaris7 boxed set. We play it as a +1 to-hit (instead of the +2 because of the weight of the ball on the end of the shaft -- more of a morning star, actually). Our rule is on any hit a second roll is made. On a 12 only, all of the remaining armor on the location shatters and falls off, otherwise apply normal punch damage. Cram the buzzsaw into the opening (if the armor shatters) and get the bonus to the critical possibility. Ugly, ain't it?

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ULTRA GAUSS CANNON: 1 15/30 2 7 15 22 17.0 8 8 Jams on a roll of 2
Does 30 pts. internal damage if hit
ULTRA CASELESS 2 1 2 3 8 16 24 6.0 3 67 Explodes on a roll of 2
Jams on a 3
ULTRA CASELESS 5 1 5 3 6 12 18 8.0 5 30 Explodes on a roll of 2
Jams on a 3
ULTRA CASELESS 10 3 10 0 5 10 15 11.0 7 15 Explodes on a roll of 2
Jams on a 3
ULTRA CASELESS 20 7 20 0 3 6 9 14.0 10 8 Explodes on a roll of 2
Jams on a 3
STREAK MRM 10 4 1/miss 0 3 8 15 3.0 2 24 All hit or
All miss
STREAK MRM 20 6 1/miss 0 3 8 15 7.0 3 12 All hit or
All miss
STREAK MRM 30 10 1/miss 0 3 8 15 10.0 5 8 All hit or
All miss
STREAK MRM 40 12 1/miss 0 3 8 15 12.0 7 6 All hit or
All miss
ADV A.M.S. 1 2 0 1 2 3 1.0 1 48 Tailored use:
1D6 for <7 missiles
2D6 for >20
No MG penalty
ADV A.M.L.S. 1D6 2D6 3 0 1 2 3 1.5 2 0 Tailored use:
1D6 for <7 missiles
2D6 for >20
No Sm Las penalty
PULSE PPC 8 12 3 5 10 15 8.0 4 -- -2 to-hit
ER PULSE PPC 13 12 0 6 12 18 8.0 4 -- -2 To-hit

If you have any comments/improvements just E-mail me at:

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