News from the CyberCity.

On this page you will be able to keep abreast of the events in CyberCity C.S.M. as they happen. This page should hopefully be updated every day or two, but certainly no less than once a week. Information shown here is considered to be news stories which will reach the general public, and is culled from events on CyberCity nights, events in the PBM turns, and events from the GM's events chart.


7 - 2 - 2029 -> News has just reached us that Jarvis Brandeur has received a ransom demand for his daughter. The Optima Executive's adopted daughter was kidnapped earlier this week, and Mr. Brandeur is currently consulting with Police officials as to his next step.

7 - 2 - 2029 -> Police found themselves clearing up again after an illegal pornography ring was broken up last night by what appeared to be vigilante action. Whilst it appears that considerable violence was used, there are no fatalities reported. The Police's official statement was that "This type of Vigilante Action is intolerable" whilst unofficially one officer candidly commented "It's a pleasure to see these perverts brought down". Rumours still circulate that the city appears to have acquired a superhero wannabe.

6 - 2 - 2029 -> Another "Brain Drain" victim was found today on the Cycle Path leading to Castell Coch. The M.O. has been confirmed by C.S.M.P.D. sources as being exactly the same as for the other bodies found in this way. Police are still appealing for witnesses.

5 - 2 - 2029 -> Members of two notorious city gangs, The Dockside Daggers and the Bay Sharks were found by police this morning, hogtied, unconscious and suspended from lamp-posts. Once conscious the gangers were unable to identufy their assailant, although from their statements it would appear as if a masked man of some nature was responsible. Police suspect that the gangers had been partaking of some less than legal substances as a police spokesman laughed "Batman don't work outside of Gotham!"

3 - 2 - 2029 -> Trouble flared at two of the metroplex's busuiest clubs last night. A toe - to - toe gang fight erupted between members of the Night Amazons and the Dockside Daggers at the CyberNation X nightclub. Chromezone was witness to a pair of small explosions plus a couple of other scuffles. Damage costs for both night-spots are said to have run high. The already overworked C.S.M.P.D. Bomb squad seems likely to be adding numbers to it's ranks in light of these explosions, whilst the Iron Celts try to bring both of the involved gangs to negotiations.

3 - 2 - 2029 -> Lorraine Brandeur, The daughter of the prominent head of Optima Corporation in the city, was kidnapped last night by a group of unknown assailants. The M.O. of the operation was identical to the kidnapping last month which saw the death of the child of Mr. Vernon Russell. Police suspect that there may be a controlling force behind these two kidnappings, whether the kidnappers themselves realise it or not.

2 - 2 - 2029 -> The street gang known as the "Heartbreakers" is no more. During an ilegal gang "Moot" the vigilante group "Frontline" moved in and took care of the gang whilst most of them were under the influence of illegal stimulants. With no fatalities on either side, and a lengthy arrest sheet it looks like many peoples doubts about Frontine have been unfounded.

1 - 2 - 2029 -> Russel Shaddick, the man responsible for bringing the Birmingham Metroplex's computer net down durring the revolution there was brough to the Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex to face trial last night. The Bounty Hunter, William Bearclaw along with a small group of Bounty Hunters brought the notorious Net-Pirate to Justice after spending a week in the deadly outlaw Metroplex. It has become apparent from reports leaking out of the city that this team, assisting members of the Birmingham Metroplex resistance, managed to eliminate over 500 gang members during their foray into the City. The government are liasing with military officials to discuss the possibility of re-taking the city with the diminished power of the gangs and the possibility of re-establishing the Security-Net in the city.

28 - 1 - 2029 -> The Entertainments group, ActiveMagic has joined other companies in supporting the new Welsh National Stadium (Still unnamed as yet). The deal apparently includes the opportunity for the company to broadcast live events from the stadium, and the rights to use the stadium and it's name for other entertainment purposes. Whilst there has been no confirmation of the amount involved, for a deal of this nature it is likely to be extremely expensive.

28 - 1 - 2029 -> The religious group known as the "Order of Purity" opened it's first church in the Metroplex today. The group are said to adhere to strict religious principles and already have a small number of famous followers. Jokingly referred to by one comedian as the "Campaign for real Religion", the order is seen as being an excellent counterpoint for the rise of cults in todays society.

24 - 1 - 2029 -> Police in the Metroplex are on the lookout for William Bearclaw, the Chief of Security at the CyberNation X nightclub. His apartment was reported as being broken into last night and though there were two bodies lying unconscious inside (apparently the result of Mr Bearclaw's home security system) there has been no sign of the occupant himself. Rumours claim that the Bounty Hunter is out of town but there is no firm evidence to support this. Police confirm that they are treating this case as being related to the two previous assaults on Mr Bearclaw.

24 - 1 - 2029 -> The "Brain Drain" Killer has struck again, this time murdering his victim near a water processing plant in the Llanishen area of the Metroplex. Police apparently still have no clues as to the murderers identity, and are posting a e2,500 reward for information leading to the arrest of the murderer.

23 - 1 - 2029 -> Royal Windsor Corporation have announced plans to buy two major theatres in the C.S.m, the Swansea Grand Theatre and St. David's hall in Cardiff. This is part of their renewed cultural development scheme, intended to renew the importance of cultural forms such as opera, theatre and fine arts. Both of these buildings are currently Council ran, so this move will reduce the taxpayers burden, but could conceivably cause a rise in prices at the two venues, despite Royal Windsors assurance that if anything prices would be lowered for theatre goers.

21 - 1 - 2029 -> Nakatomi Corporation have announced that they will be increasing their stake in the construction of the new Stadium in the City as part of an increased program of activities in the Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex.

21 - 1 - 2029 -> The vigilante group Frontline today announced that they had purchased five "Floating Deputisations" from the C.S.M.P.D. for use by their more senior members in the Metroplex. The Police have confirmed this, but haven't issued an official statement. This is seen by some as an admission by the Police that they are fighting a losing battle.

21 - 1 - 2029 -> In the aftermath of last night's explosion at Chromezone, a second death occured at the entrance to the Nightclub. Although the identity has not yet been confirmed, it appears that the individual was a member of the"Cult of the Worm". The cultist was apparently shot twice with a high powered rifle, presumably shot from the church tower opposite the club, although some eye witnesses claim they saw a muzzle flash from the grassy knoll adjacent to the church. This appears to confirm the existence of a hate campaign being waged against the cult.

20 - 1 - 2029 -> A crisis developed at the entrance to the Cardiff Hub Nightclub "ChromeZone" this evening when an incendiary device exploded, apparently detonated by one of the clubs patrons. The Club's manager, Kenny Neurone and the bounty Hunter William Bearclaw were caught in the blast with four others. The individual who detonated the device, suspected to be part of the cult of the Midnight Bombers was killed, the others escaped with burn wounds. Apparently a small fight also occured at this moment in time, although details on this are still patchy.

20 - 1 - 2029 -> The armament company VorTek announced today that they would be donating a large supply of advanced weaponry to the Metroplex's C.A.S.W.A.T. unit. Rumour has it that the Police are also being offered discounted prices on regular weapon sales. The rumour is that this move has been engineered by Vernon Russell, an executive with the Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex office of the company, who recently lost a child during a hostage exchange.

18 - 1 - 2029 -> C.S.M.P.D. today announced that they will be putting together an anti-midnight bomber Task Force in the wake of the recent spree undertaken by members of the cult. This squad will be composed of three C.A.S.W.A.T. officers, a pair of Homicide detectives, a Forensics officer and two bomb disposal experts, and is to be supplemented with officers drawn from the regular police forces.

17 - 1 - 2029 -> Another bombing attempt by the cult of the Midnight Bombers was foiled today after the group took yet another shot at destroying the famed CyberNation X nightclub. Despite the absence of their chief of security, William Bearclaw, the club's security operatives, headed up by Mr. Wolf, were able to easily deal with the bomber's attempt.

17 - 1 - 2029 -> The Vigilante group, FRONTLINE, officially opened their C.S.M. office today, and announced that they intend to clean up the city.

16 - 1 - 2029 -> The Cult of the Midnight bombers reared their heads again last night in an attempt to blow up the castle. Fortunately Police Bomb disposal experts were on hand to deal with the situation before any damage could be done.

16 - 1 - 2029 -> Stafford Powers, the owner of the CyberNation X nightclub, has announced today that a contractual obligation in the franchise contract between himself and Optima means that there will not be a new CyberNation nightclub opening in the Swansea hub.

15 - 1 - 2029 -> Rumours are beginning to leak out that there was an attempted hit on the leader of the Night Amazons last night. There are no firm details at this moment, but recent eruptions of violence between this gang and the Dockside Daggers suggests that a full scale gang war may be about to erupt. Members of the Iron Celts are currently trying to defuse the situation.

15 - 1 - 2029 -> A third body was discovered today in the Cardiff hub bearing a particular massive head trauma. Police are concerned that they are either dealing with a serial killer or some type of copycat murderer. Rumours are coming from the police force that a nickname has been given to this murderer, "BrainDrain".

15 - 1 - 2029 -> Construction began in the Cardiff Hub today on the New stadium. Gafford industries, a major sponsor behind the stadium, announced it's intention to hold a competition to decide a new name for the stadium, with a e5,000 prize for the best entry. Engineers are promising that this stadium will not be afflicted by the setbacks which plagued the recently destroyed Millenium Stadium during it's construction.

14 - 1 - 2029 -> The son of Vortek executive Vernon Russell was killed today by his abductors. Details from the authorities are sketcht at the moment, but it appears that the young child was killed when the exchange went wrong somehow. Mr. Russell is apparently spending time outside the Metroplex with Family and Friends. All of the kidnappers were accounted for in the aftermath of the incident.

14 - 1 - 2029 -> Optima Corporation announced today that they plan to open a branch of thier CyberNation X franchise in the Swansea Hub of the Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex. There has been no comment as yet from the staff at the original CyberNation X in the Cardiff hub.

13 - 1 - 2029 -> A boatful of illegal immigrants was arrested by the C.S.M.P.D. as they tried to sneak ashore from the PONTOON facility. The immigrants urrenderd without a struggle and will be handed over to port authorities tomorrow.

12 - 1 - 2029 -> Police in the Metroplex are today investigating the disappearance of twelve people from the Metroplex. Eleven of the individuals were returning to their home in the Barry area of the Metroplex, driven by the third, and as yet no sign nor word has been heard from them. Although the Minibus was seen to leave the Cardiff hub in the direction of Barry, no sign has been found of the vehicle at all, and there is no report of it passing outside of the city limits, as this would automatically send a signal to the company who own the bus. Police are launching a full investigation into the matter, as is a private firm hired by the Insurance company used by the minibus firm.

8 - 1 - 2029 -> Police investigatin the Terrorist bombing in Brussels earlier this week believe that they have succesfully traced the bombers back to the Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex. The group, believed to be a part of a radical UK seperatist force, are apparently lying low somewhere within the Metroplex. A Special Agent of the E.A. investigative branch will shortly be arriving in the Metroplex to Liase with the city's Police forces.

8 - 1 - 2029 -> Gafford industries, the UK based driving force behind the Mars colonisation project, today announced record profits, up by over 80% on the previous years takings.

7 - 1 - 2029 -> Despite the arrest of two men thought to be part of the group responsible for yesterday's kidnap, the child has not yet been located. Further to this, a ransom demand for 1 million euro has been posted. The Police and mister Russell have posted a e25,000 reward for information leading to the recovery of the child.

6 - 1 - 2029 -> The son of Vernon Russell, an executive with the Vortek defense company was kidnapped from the family home on the Haven complex in Penarth. Two security guards at the premises were injured during the snatch. Police later found the vehicle used for the kidnapping abandoned in the St Mellons area of the Cardiff hub.

5 - 1 - 2029 -> The private medical emergency corporation, Med-Evac, today opened it's new hospital in the Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex. For those that can afford it, Med-Evac will be providing the cutting edge in medical techniques, as well as ultra-fast response times to emergencies. Med-Evac vehicles will be the first medical vehicles in the Metroplex to come equipped with defensive weaponry, to allow the vehicles to enter trouble zones with reduced risk for the vehicles, and their passengers.

2 - 1 - 2029 -> A terrorist bomb was detonated today in the Belgian Capital of Brussels today. The attack, which left 11 dead and over two dozen wounded, appears to have been made by a radical UK seperatist organisation. As yet though, no-one has stepped forward to claim responsibility for the device.

1 - 1 - 2029 -> William Bearclaw, the reknowned bounty hunter and chief of security at the CyberNation X has apparently requested an extended leave of absence from the club. This news comes in the wake of two seeming attempts on mister Bearclaw's life in the past month. It is not known what Bearclaw intends to do with this time, but it seems likely that he will be following up on the trail left by his attackers.

31 - 12 - 2028 -> The American vigilante organisation known as as "FrontLine" has announced that it will be opening a chapter in the Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex sometime in the new year. This, along with the opening of branches in London, Manchester and Glasgow will mark the groups first endevours in Europe. So far the C.S.M.P.D. have refused to comment on this move.

30 - 12 - 2028 -> The body of a murder victim found in the Cardiff hub this morning has been identified as Sister Petra Harrap, a nun belonging to the order of the Holy Ghost in the Machine. The sister had been based at the Cardiff Mission for the last four months, and was scheduled to return to their Abbey in the Welsh valleys in the new year. Reports indicate that the sister had been strangled using her own antique tape connector cables.

29 - 12 - 2028 -> The body which went missing from the morgue last week, only to be recovered by the police has once again gone missing from the morgue, causing no end of embarrasment for the forces of Law and Order in the Metroplex. The body, whose identity still has not been revealed, has once more simply vanished from under the noses of mortuary technicians. Police are once more looking into the disappearance, which aparently coincides with a reported break-in of the deceased's apartment.

28 - 12 - 2028 -> A woman was found dead in the St Mellons area of the Cardiff hub today, apparently suffering from massive head trauma similar to those found on an individual who was murdered last week. Police are claiming that the M.O.s ofthe two crimes are far removed from each other, and that no link is suspected. Already though, there is talk of the presence of a serial killer in the Metroplex.

28 - 12 - 2028 -> The body which disappeared from the Police morgue last week has been recovered once again by the C.S.M.P.D. and has once more bee taken to the morgue. Preliminary reports suggest that the body is in an advanced state of decomposition and Police have still not made an official announcement regarding the identity of the body, although they are still looking into it's original disappearance.

27 - 12 - 2028 -> Thanks in main to a large cash injection from Gafford Industries, work began today on the clearance of the site of the former National Stadium. Designs are currently underway for a new stadium to be built on this site, and excitement is growing as the investment corporation, Nakatomi, also came aboard to help develop the new stadium.

25 - 12 - 2028 -> Gafford industries today announced that they would be contributing heavily to support the construction of a new home for Welsh rugby in the aftermath of the devastation which occured at the Millenium Stadium earlier this week. They are apparently commited towards aiding in the construction of a new stadium on the site of the Millenium Stadium, and the Arms Park before it. They announced that they were still in consultation with other businesses with regards to garnering further support. Considering Gafford's role as a mover and shaker in the Mars colonisation project, it seems likely that a fair amount of support will be forthcoming from other businesses looking to stay on the right side of the influential company.

23 - 12 - 2028 -> C.S.M.P.D. are tonight investigating the murder of a citizen of the Metroplex who was found earlier today near the Water Taxi facilities serving Cardiff Bay and Pontoon. The individual, whom Police have not yet identified, apparently died through massive head trauma, although the authorities are not yet announcing full details, what they have announced however, is that they are treating the case as a murder investigation.

21 - 12 - 2028 -> Police fears concerning a resurgence in activity by the "Midnight Bomber" cult were vindicated today when elements of that group destroyed the world reknowned Millenium Stadium in the Cardiff Hub last night. 3 Bombers managed to penetrate security and detonated the high-yield explosives which were implanted into their bodies. The resulting explosion levelled the stadium, causing extensive damage to the neighbouring buildings as well. This is by far the most serious assault ever conducted by the cult, who have now become recognised as a much more serious threat by the police, who are apparently thinking about assigning a special C.A.S.W.A.T. team to assist in the investigation. A spokesman for the cult contacted this Agency and said "Yeah baby, Boom baby, like BOOM! Rugby has, like, gone home, like yeah, like BIG BOOM! BAM BADDA BAM BAM BAM!!!". A Police spokesman said "These freaks should be lined up against the castle walls and shot as an exercise in protecting the gene pool."

21 - 12 - 2028 -> Activists supporting the UK seperatist movement staged another protest outside the Dome and the EA building in the Metroplex again today. This time however a small group of activists caused a skirmish between Police and protestors. Whilst the situation could hardly have been called a riot, one officer remarked "It was pretty hairy out there for a while". Officials of the UK seperatist party say that the trouble was caused by a small group of thugs, not actually involved in the movement itself.

20 - 12 - 2028 -> A corpse which the Police recovered floating in Cardiff Bay last night went missing from the City Morgue this morning. At present there is no indication from the Police as to the identity of the corpse, or any suspects who may be involved in this crime. As the morgue is a relativelt secure facility there is some concern as to how the body of a full grown man can simply disappear without any of the security or staff noticing. Police are looking into the situation.

20 - 12 - 2028 -> CyberNation X, the Notorious nightclub located in the Cardiff hub, suffered another in a long line of indignities tonight. In addition to it's history of violence and bombings, it found itself the subject of an arson attempt. Three individuals were involved in the attack which took place after the club closed it's doors after closing time, with only a few members of staff and security on duty. Club security spotted the individuals as they attempted to pour petrol down the air vents into the club. Club security, headed by William Bearclaw, swiftly reacted and the three perpetrators were safely apprehended by the time the Police forces arrived. This is the second time this week that Mr. Bearclaw has been involved in a violent crime, and is this latest group of aggressors also hail from the Birmingham Metroplex, as did the individuals who attacked him earlier in the week, it is becoming obvious to both the authorities and Mr. Bearclaw himself, that someone there is holding a serious grudge against him.

19 - 12 - 2028 -> The UK seperatist movement today announced that it would be holding it's first annual conference in the Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex. They are currently finalising details which should see them using the St David's Hall facility in the Cardiff hub in March '29.

18 - 12 - 2028 -> The Cult of the Midnight Bomber, long thought to have been purged from the Metroplex, proved itself to be alive and kicking last night as three members of the cult moved to restart, and amplify, the cult's reign of terror. Two of the cultists were discovered early this evening, and were safely disposed of before they could explode. The third managed to succesfully detonate their explosive load at the main entrance to the Dome at Cardiff Civic Centre. Whilst the Dome took some damage, it's integrity was not breached, and only minor maintenance work will be required to restore it fully. The C.S.M.P.D. have stated that they are taking the threat posed by the cult seriously, and ask for any information on the cult, or it's members, is passed on to the authorities.

18 - 12 - 2028 -> A new nightclub opened tonight on the Pontoon complex, off the shoreline of the Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex. The club, named "He Ron Mande" is said to have been created to appeal to the diverse cultures which can be found in the floating town of Pontoon.

16 - 12 - 2028 -> Early this morning, the Gang known as the "Dockside Daggers" made a strike against the all-woman street gang known as the "Night Amazons". Police report numerous casualties on both sides, with the Amazons also suffering a pair of fatalities. It is believed this strike is intended to weaken the power-base of the Iron celts, who are close allies of the Amazons. A spokesman for the Celts commented "If we get hold of the £*<#$ who did this, we're gonna ram their heads so far up their asses that they'll be able to chew their own tonsils!". The Police were more guarded, and commented "We hope that this doesn't lead to an upsurge in gang violence in the Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex, especially after the events which lead up to the attempted revolution". Both the Police and deputized members of the Celts are stepping up patrols on the borders of the Night Amazons' territory.

15 - 12 - 2028 -> A man was found dead today in the Grangetown area of Cardiff. He was discovered in the early evening and police claim that the man was the victim of premeditated murder, the cause of death alleged to be shooting. The Man, Darius Holmes, is an ex-employee of Optima Corporation, who apparently went missing from their Manchester office some weeks ago. Police are continuing their investigations and Optima themselves are alleged to be sending an investigation team into the Metroplex to find out the exact circumstances surrounding Mr. Holmes' death.

15 - 12 - 2028 -> Members of the Extreme UK Seperatist movement held a protest tonight at the Dome, as they continue in their campaign to get the UK out of the European Alliance. Although the protest was a peaceful one, numerous riot police were on hand in case things got out of hand. the protesters claimed that they would not rest until Britain was once more a totally seperate nation, and they intend to stage another protest within the next month.

12 - 12 - 2028 -> Several animal carcasses were found by park-keepers this morning. The bodies were found near Roath Park Lake, and Police believe that the creatures may have been slaughtered during some sort of occult ceremony. The perpetrators had somehow manage to evade not only the park's impressive security walls, but also it's security camera system. Police are continuing to look into the situation.

12 - 12 - 2028 -> The head of security at the infamous Cybernation X nightclub was attacked today as he travelled to work. William Bearclaw, A Native American bounty hunter of some repute, was set upon by the two as he approached the club. Witnesses say that the fight was short and brutal, and was well over by the time the emergency services arrived on the scene. The two assailants are under guard at the Cardiff Royal Infirmary, whilst Mr. bearclaw is said to have sustained mere scratches during the confrontation. Police commented that the two attackers were not of this city, but had travelled here from the Outlaw Birmingham Metroplex. Their reasons for attacking Mr. Bearclaw remain unknown, at least until they regain consciousness.

7 - 12 - 2028 -> An explosive blast severely damages the headquarters of a group known as "The Cult of the Worm"! Two police Bomb Disposal experts are killed attempting to defuse the device. The device appears to have been a large incediary device of relatively crude design. Apart from the two officers involved there were no other casualties. As yet, no-one has stepped forward to claim responsibilty but the C.S.M.P.D. are carrying out investigations.

6 - 12 - 2028 -> Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex Police department caused a storm today when they announced that they intended to deputize 12 members of the "Iron Celts" street gang today. The Celts, who have an extremely good rapport with both the police and the citizens of their 'turf' have been acclaimed by many as the greatest deterrent to petty crime in their part of the city. Others claim that this merely symbolizes the police's inability to enforce the law in the Metroplex.

4 - 12 - 2028 -> Crowne - Thorne ltd announced a slight fall in annual profits today. The company, heavily involved in the polymer markets, gave no reason for their loss of business, but their c.e.o., Jarius Thorne however remained in a casually bouyant mood, commenting that the companies problems were greatly exagerrated.

2 - 12 - 2028 -> Trouble flares in the Cardiff Hub nightclub known as ChromeZone! Club security are involved in a Fracas alleged to involve members of an undisclosed cult, a mercenary group and agents of a military department. No fatalities were reported, but there are reports of numerous injuries.

Character Classifieds.
CyberCity Background
