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Y.E.S. Event

The Y.E.S. Event for 2001 will be in Hutchinson, KS on the dates of July 15-20. For information contact Charlene Rineer:

The Y.E.S. event is an annual synod-wide event that focuses on how youth can serve the church, the community, and others. Projects in the past have included working with Habitat for Humanity and cleaning a city park. Mornings and afternoons are spent working at various sites; evenings are spent participating in fun fellowship events.

The 1999 Y.E.S. event in Lindsborg was attended by ten CSS youth. Projects included painting the bleachers and buildings at the Bethany College track and building a trail between two campus buildings. Worksite bible study dealt with prayer and revolved around the theme of www.prayer.God. While not painting or trailblazing, the youth got to individually explore prayer, play pool and listen to music in the union, watch movies, eat snow cones, and participate in a murder mystery game! Everyone had a blast, and we're looking forward to the 2001 Y.E.S. Event!

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