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CSS LYO Constitution

Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be the Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO) of the Central States Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Article II. Purpose

The purpose of the Central States Synod LYO shall be to engage youth fully in the profession of faith of the church and its total life. In addition, this organization shall aid youth in their ministry by providing:

  1. a sense of Christian identity for Lutheran youth;
  2. advocacy for youth being informed and visible throughout the total life of the Church;
  3. synodical gatherings for youth;
  4. training opportunities for youth leaders and adults who work with youth;
  5. means for sharing youth ministry resources and ideas;
  6. a collaborative relationship with the national youth organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America;
  7. ongoing communication between congregations, area ministries, synods, regions and agencies of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Article III. Organization

This organization shall report to the Central States Synod Council and act with the advice of the Synod Council.

Article IV. Membership

The membership of this organization shall consist of baptized members, grades seven through twelve, of member congregations in the Central States Synod.

Article V. Area Ministries

The Central States Synod LYO shall be divided into Area Ministries as established by the Central States Synod Council.

  1. Each Area Ministry will have a Youth Ministry Team.
  2. Each Area Ministry Youth Team (AYMT) will be convened by one youth (grade 9-12) and one adult, each selected by the Synod Youth Ministry Team.
  3. The organization and leadership of each Aream Ministry Youth Team will be established by the AYMT itself.

Article VI. The Assembly

A. The synod LYO shall assemble once every year to elect its officers. The Assembly shall be the legislative body of this organization.

B. Each Area Ministry of the Central States Synod shall be entitled to six voting members, three male and three male. A simple majority of the registered voting members shall constitue a quorum for all business sessions of the annual Assembly.

Article VII. Election of Officers

A. All elections shall be by written ballot.

B. A simple majority of votes cast by delegates present on any ballot shall elect. In case of no election after the first ballot, the names of the four persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be entered on the second ballot, with the names entered on each succeeding ballot reduced by one until an individual receives a majority of the votes cast.

C. Officers shall be elected for staggered two-year terms. The president and secretary shall be elected in the same year.

Article VIII. Officers.

A. The president shall:

  1. preside at the business sessions at the annual Synod LYO Assembly
  2. co-chair all Synod Youth Ministry/Team meetings with an adult co-chair elected by the Synod Youth Ministry Team
  3. represent the Synod LYO at functions of the Synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and where appropriate or requested
  4. prepare an agenda for all meetings of the Synod Youth Ministry Team in cooperation with the adult co-chair

B. The vice-president shall:

  1. assume the duties of the presidency in the absence of the president
  2. assist the president and assume such duties as the Synod Youth Ministry Team assigns to the office of the vice-president
  3. be responsible for the public relations/publicity of the Central States Synod LYO
  4. complete the vacant term of the president.

C. The secretary shall:

  1. record and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Youth Ministry Team and the annual Assembly
  2. be responsible for all correspondence of this organization
  3. assist the president in making an annual report to the synod

D. These officers shall comprise an executive board. The adult Synod Youth Ministry co-chair is an ex-official member of this executive board.

E. In case of a vacancy other than that of the president, the executive board, in consultation with the Synod Youth Ministry team, will appoint an officer to fill out the remaining term.

Article IX. Synod Youth Ministry Team

A. The Synod Youth Ministry Team shall be comprised of:

  1. the Synod LYO president
  2. the Synod LYO vice-president
  3. the Synod LYO secretary
  4. the youth representatives to the Synod Council elected at the Central States Synod Assembly
  5. four* youth representatives from appointed Area Ministries (see By-laws)
  6. four* adult representatives from appointed Area Ministries (see By-laws)

B. The responsibilities of the Synod Youth Ministry Team shall be to:

  1. implement the purposes of the Synod LYO as stated in Article II
  2. carry on the business of the organization between Assemblies in compliance with the constituion ad the decisions of the Assembly.

C. The Youth Ministry Team shall elect an adult representative to be the adult co-chair.

Article X. Finance

The Synod LYO shall be financed by the Synod Council through the Synod Youth Ministry Team, Synod sponsored youth functions and other contributions.

Article XI. Annual Reports

The Synod LYO shall make written and oral reports to the annual Central States Synod Assembly.

Article XII. Parliamentary Authority

The rules containted in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order - Newly Revised shall govern the Synod LYO in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistend with this constitution and any special rules of order the organization may adopt.

Article XIII. Amendments and By-laws

A. Amendments
This constitution may be amended at any annual Assembly or special meeting of this organization by a two-thirds majority of the voting members present, provided that the proposed amendments have been sent to all Area Ministry Youth Team conveners at least six weeks prior to the Assembly/special meeting.

B. By-laws
By-laws which are not in conflict with this constitution may be adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of a duly called Assembly of the Synod LYO.


Article I. Officers

Youth who are currently seniors in high school may participate in Assemblies of the Central States/Synod LYO, but are not eligible to be elected to officer positions of the synod LYO.

Article II. Churchwide LYO Assembly Voting Members

Voting members to the churchwide LYO Assembly shall be elected by the synod LYO.

Article III. Youth Ministry Team Representation*

Adults and youth representatives to the Synod Youth Ministry Team shall be elected to staggered terms based on Aream Ministries as follows:
Year 1 Area Ministries 1,5,9,6
Year 2 Area Ministries 9,6,2,8
Year 3 Area Ministries 2,8,10,7
Year 4 Area Ministries 10,7,3,4
Year 5 Area Ministries 3,4,1,5

* - At the 1999 annual youth convo, the CSS LYO suggested the following amendments to the constitution:

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Page last updated 060900 by Brian Blue
Please send any questions or comments regarding page to Brian Blue at