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2003 CSS Assembly and Youth Convo

MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! A High School Youth Gathering will be held November 12-14, 2004 at the Kansas City Airport Hilton Sponsored by the CSS Youth Minestry Team and Youth Encounter.

For information on the 2005 Youth Convo, upcomming meetings or why to get involved in the San Antonio Gathering, contact Ericka Melby:

The Youth Convo is an annual gathering of the CSS LYO that runs parallel to the annual synod gathering. At the Convo, LYO representatives elect new officers, take care of official LYO business, take part in service projects, and just plain hang out and party with other youth!

The 2004 Youth Convo was held April 22-25 at the Universal Plaza, Springfield MO. Participants worked side-by-side with selected committees and shadowed leaders such as Rev. John Kreidler, Bishop's associate. Friday evening after a game of "ice breakers" partcipants had the question "What is a Synod Assemby and what does it have to with me?" answered. Saturday they had lunch with Bishop Mansholt and learned about the bishop and his roles in the synod. Also they had go-cart rides, minigolf, a "monster truck" simulator, ice skating and other activities to wind them down. They also visited the council of churches of the Ozarks to learn about a service project with Springfield's Habitat for Humanity RESTORE. RESTORE recycles building materials that can be purchased by the public with proceeds from the sales helping to fund local Habitat projects.

The 2002 Youth Convo was held in Wichita KS. Thursday night the fun was just starting with an escapade to Burger King. This year was ging to be different from those in the past we spent more time with the actual synod assembly and less doing or own thing.

On thursday night we met with Bishop Mansholt and his wife and learn about their trip to Papua New Guina. Just remember Name belonga me es Ericka. Which is self explanitory right.

Friday several interesting things occured. The youth had bible study before attending the State of the Synod address by Bishop Mansholt. Then the youth's favorite part, take a youth to lunch. Which is a way for the adults in the congregation to get to know the youth and vise versa. After lunch the whole synod( youth and adults) had a major issue to talk about Gays and Lesbians in Ministy. If you can believe this the youth for the most part were treated as though they were equals. Later that night we went to worship at eh Metropolitan Baptist Church about 10 blocks away. Some of the youth decided to walk back to the hotel(since we remembered the way)in a large group.

Saturday we conducted the lyo meeting. Ericka Melby was elected to take the place of Brian Blue, and Penelope Johnson became the now synod council representative.

The Youth Convo was an awesome experience for all that attended, and who would not like bible studies, making new friends, staying up until the wee hours of the morning, and getting closer to God(who is our best friend anyway). I encourage everyone to attend the youth convo or become active in LYO because it only gets better.

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Page last updated 090900 by Ericka Melby
Please send any questions or comments regarding page to Ericka Melby at