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Today's Christians face the theory of Evolution more than those of past generations. Some Christians even have come up with a way to merge Biblical truths, and evolution calling it "Theistic Evolution". The evolution debate, has recently become a hot topic in the scientific community. The Creation Resource Library provides Christians with the facts they need to defend themselves against the "Theory in Crisis".

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Is Random Uphill Evolution Possible?

Did Man Evolve From Apes?

Creation, Yes - Evolution, No

The Literal Week of Creation

The Incubator Bird

Birds, Stars, Maps and Compasses

What About the Peppered Moth?

Why Genesis and Evolution do not mix

Basic Problems For Evolution

The Bombardier Beetle

The Sea Slug

20 Questions for Evolutionists


Institute for Creation Research

The Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter

Darwin WWW Chat Board

Darwin's Mistake

Contact the Creation Resource Library

Copyright 1999, Creation Resource Library. Not all material may reflect the opinions of the Creation Resourece Library
Page by JD Green