Rocky Road Bakeries

Welcome to Rocky Road Bakeries! Take a look at just a few of our creations. We would love to bake something JUST FOR YOU! The Bakery Phone is (913) 796-1755 or for faster service, email your order to

Order Menu for Brunch items is here.

Rocky Road Bakeries sent out SIX EASTER CAKES on Easter Sunday and only two came back.

The cake on the right was for Aunt Geneva's 80th birthday! Happy birthday, Aunt Geneva!

We grow many of our own ingredients at Rocky Road Bakeries, such as these fresh, organic tomatoes and basil. These pure organic mozzarella cheeses are available from our goat dairy.

These four Vegetarian Pizzas with Fresh Tomato Sauce, Basil, Oregano, Rosemary, our Mozzarella, Green Pepper, Onion & Pineapple were made for Asha's Labor Day party at Carter Hall. We raised everything except for the pineapple.

This was for THE LODGE in Baldwin. It's a Bailey's Irish Cream Cheesecake, with a pecan crust and sour cream topping with grated chocolate and pecans on top.

Dave & Jody got this from Bob, in honor of their first wedding anniversary. It's a six-apple spice cake with butterscotch/pecan filling, with almond buttercream icing.

SWEETHEART SPECIAL! A 4 1/2 pound cherry cheesecake delivered to your door. Free bottle of champagne included! $40. Lemony cheesecake is made fresh just for you. Crust is graham cracker with toasted pecans and butter. It is GOOD.

I used Krispy Kreme's recipe for these. They're very soft yet airy, not too sweet,and they keep well, too.

Larry was 52 on the Eighth of January, 2002. To see his birthday party, click here.

In response to "Operation Infinite Justice," we here at Rocky Road Bakeries implemented and deployed OPERATION COOKIE DOE. We baked about 400 Rocky Road Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies on the Saturday after the terrorist attacks, and we delivered them in Lawrence to anyone who looked sad. We took the biggest bunch to Headquarters, the United Way-sponsored crisis counselling service in Lawrence at 785 841 2345.

THE BOUNTY OF ROCKY ROAD -- our own grapes and apples! Also shown are Pizza Rolls and a walnut-goatzarella-tomato-fresh-Greek-Oregano Pizza with whole wheat crust.

A Cake for Camp Gaea

Diana is here! Welcome to Kansas, Diana!!!

The cake above was made for LYRA, the Kansas City Harp Society. It's a vanilla cake with almond frosting and a Kahlua walnut fudge filling. It weighed about 35 pounds! They liked it. They put a little crystal harp on top of it once it got there.

This cake was made for Bishop Seabury Academy.

Celebrating Max's 8th Grade Graduation in Eudora!

Bitter (but moist!) Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting, with Kahlua walnut fudge filling. This was to celebrate Hilary's birthday AND moving to Lawrence! Welcome to KU, Arne and Hilary!

I made this for my Aunt Geneva -- she loves seahorses!

Rhubarb should be up soon. We sell our rhubarb to The Community Mercantile in Lawrence, a natural foods grocery located at 9th and Iowa. Completely organic!

The recipe for this pie came from the Mayberry RFD Cookbook -- it was called "Aunt Bee's Prize-Winning Rhubarb Pie." It has a sweet, light custard-like filling with a dash of cinnamon that is perfect complement to the rhubarb.

Here are some of the other creations -- your imagination is your only limit at Rocky Road Bakeries!

Two carrot cakes -- the one with the shamrock was made for Joe Schnebel.

Lemon cake with Hazelnut Mocha frosting, with a pecan cream filling

Any flavor or design, using only the freshest ingredients

This cake was made for the local Celtic band ROWAN

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