Once upon a time...


Eagle Springs, Kansas was once a place on the map, in Doniphan County. 


In the 1880's, it was a destination.  People took the train on the B & M railroad to the Highland Station (which is now Sparks, Kansas).  From there, it was a two-mile wagon journey north to the curative, magical, ancient springs which became known as Eagle Springs.


















Doniphan County castral map, from their county website.  The ownership information is current as of 14 Feb 2011, and the aerial photograph is from 2010.   It shows that the 100 acres of the old Eagle Springs are today owned by "Eagle Springs Incorporated!"  Hope *springs* eternal. 





Here are some articles:

Atchison Globe, 30 July 1883:



















































Here's the last story I could find about someone seriously re-establishing it:


Page one, above the headline of the Atchison Globe Sunday paper for 9 Feb 1969.  Ed Marshall owns it with another man, and they want to make Eagle Springs live again. 



Here's the continuation of the 9 Feb 1969 story, from page eleven: