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Grey ending
Dracula lives

use the name help me when using these codes.
Stage 2
top line:whip,heart,blank,blank
2nd line:blank,heart,blank,whip
3rd line:blank,blank,whip,blank
4th line:all blank
Stage 3
top line:cross,blank,blank,whip
2nd line:blank,heart,blank,heart
3rd line:blank,blank,whip,blank
4th line:all blank
Stage 4
top line:cross,cross,blank,whip
2nd line:blank,heart,blank,blank
3rd line:heart,blank,blank,blank
4th line:all blank
Stage 5
top line:blank,heart,blank,whip
2nd line:heart,blank,blank,blank
3rd line:blank,whip,whip,blank
4th line:blank,whip,blank,cross
Stage 6
top line:blank,cross,blank,whip
2nd line:all blank
3rd line:blank,blank,whip,blank
4th line:cross,whip,blank,heart
Stage 7
top line:blank,blank,cross,blank
2nd line:blank,blank,cross,whip
3rd line:blank,whip,blank,whip
4th line:cross,blank,whip,blank
Stage 8
top line:blank,whip,cross,blank
2nd line:blank,blank,cross,cross
3rd line:blank,cross,blank,heart
4th line:heart,rest blank
Stage 9
top line:blank,heart,blank,whip
2nd line:whip,rest blank
3rd line:blank,blank,whip,blank
4th line:whip,cross,blank,cross
Ending with Alucard-
top line:blank,heart,blank,whip
2nd line:whip,blank,blank
3rd line:blank,whip,cross,blank
4th line:cross,cross,blank,heart
Ending with Sypha-
top line:blank,heart,blank,whip
2nd line:heart,blank,blank,blank
3rd line:blank,whi,blank,blank
4th line:cross,cross,blank,heart
Ending with Grant-
top line:all blank
2nd line:whip,blank.blank,blank
3rd line:blank,whip,cross,blank
4th line:cross,cross,blank,cross

Use the name Brian when using these codes.
top line:heart,blank,blank,heart
2nd line:axe,holy water,blank,heart
3rd line:all blank
4th line:blank,axe,axe,blank

Happy ending-
top line: all holy water
2nd line: axe,flame,heart
3rd line: flame,flame,axe

Start game with 99 luck enter X-X!V''Q as 
your name after you beat the game.
Enter AXEARMOR as your name after bating the game to play as a axe lord
Enter RICHTER as your name after completing the game to play as Richter.
Alucard's spells:
Summon Spirit 5 MP Summons fierce spirit Back, Forward, Up, Down + Square or Circle
Wing Smash 8 MP Powerful attack by Bat. Must be in form of bat. Hold X throughout + Up, Up-Away, Away, Down-Away, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + release X
Dark Metamorphisis 10 MP Heal HP by drinking blood Back, Up-Back, Up, Up-Forward, Forward + Square or Circle
Wolf Charge 10 MP Powerful attack by wolf. Must be in form of wolf. Down, Down-Forward, Forward + Square or Circle
Hellfire 15 MP Transport and fireball attack Up, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + Square or Circle If you hold Up after performing Hellfire, you will release 2 big balls instead of fire.
Tetra Spirit 20 MP Summons four spirits Hold Up for 2 seconds, Up-Forward, Forward, Down-Forward, Down + Square or Circle
Sword Brothers 30 MP Summons Sword Brothers. Must have the sword familiar. Down, Down-Forward, Forward, Up-Forward, Hold Up for 2 seconds, Down + Square or Circle
Soul Steal 50 MP Steals HP from nearby enemies Back, Forward, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Back, Forward + Square or Circle
Richter's moves:
Super Jump : Down - Up + Jump Shoulder Charge : Up - Down - Forward + Attack Slide : Down + Jump Dash : Tap Forward twice Dash and Slash : Back - Forward + Attack Backflip : Press Jump twice quickly Whip Swing : Press and Hold the attack button. Item Crash : Triangle

Castlevania 64
Alternate costumes 
Beat the game with either character on the "Hard" difficulty setting, after finding your character's special crystal in the towers. When playing as
Reinhardt, move up to the third level in the Tower of Execution, break open one of the iron maidens to find the Execution Key. Then, return to the second level, open the locked iron gate and walk through the hallway. Finally, look over the edge to find a floating platform with an iron maiden, jump to the 
floating platform, and break the iron maiden to find the purple jewel for his Secret #2. When playing as Carrie, throw holy water at the floating platform 
with a torch at the top of the Tower of Sorcery just before the exit, then hit the torch to find the purple jewel for her Secret #2. Next, save the game, then highlight the character the game was completed with at the character selection screen. Hold Analog-stick Up and choose the character to select their alternate costume. Reidhart's alternate costume is Simon Belmont's original costume. Carrie Fernandez's alternate costume is a classic 1920s school girl outfit.
Renon ending sequence Purchase more than $30,000 in items from Renon during the game. Then a battle with Renon will appear at the end of the game.
Charlie Vincent ending sequence Use more than four cards during the game, or take an excessive amount of time to complete the game. Then a battle with Charlie Vincent will appear at the end of the game. Infinite money Defeat the bull in the Castle Center, then return to the white crystal save point. Locate and open the large crate to collect $2000. Then, save and load the game and open the crate again. Repeat this action to gain an unlimited amount of money.

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

After completing the game regularly, start a new
mission and enter "Fireball" as your name to play in
Magician Mode.

After completing the game regularly, start a new
mission and enter "Gradius" as your name
to play in Fighter Mode.

After completing the game regularly, start a ne
w mission and enter "Crossbow" as your name
to play in Shooter Mode

After completing the game in the three modes above,
start a new mission and enter "Dagger" as your name
to play in Thief Mode.

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