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Mitch Battese is a member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Tribe in Kansas. He has a special interest in painting with oils or watercolors. Many of his subjects tend to be about wildlife. He also creates paintings that have an underlying spiritual quality within them.


"Within my paintings I will try to express my gratitude and appreciation to the creator. Painting, sketching, and drawing has always been a way for me to connect with my culture and to this land." Some of his paintings have special meanings such as a painting of a small covey of quail that represents an ancient clan that tries hard to survive and retain its way of life.


Growing up, Mitch spent much of his life on various reservations. I learned much about respecting nature while hunting and walking throughout the hills and mountains. "I like to watch nature - any aspect of nature whether it is a covey of quail running for cover or group of college students laughing and teasing one another. Finding time to stop and appreciate the simple things around us can be so fulfilling." Studies involving the American Bison are an important aspect of the paintings and drawings of Mitch Battese.



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